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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

Ovis aries

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On 25/05/2018 at 12:24, StivePesley said:

Really? That bad?

Are you able to go into detail without spoilers? Maybe in the Star Wars thread

I really liked it.

Watched Last Jedi before going with the kids and having thought that was ok at the cinema realised it was a bit turgid and slow on second viewing and the kids were not impressed.  So had very low expectations and was blown away. Maybe if you are a Star Wars nerd you could claim it was full of holes, fidbt hang together etc etc. I just watched it for what it was and me and the kids loved it. Mindless adventure and high octane action....more like a modern day Indiana Jones than anything.

Also Jurassic World . Again, thought the last one was pretty disappointing. Low expectations but like Solo, noisy and brash packed full of action. Great fun...dragged towards end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 7/10

I really enjoyed the first Jurassic World, as popcorn flick that was fun and enjoyable to watch. This is not that film.

You can tell a horror director has taken the reins - it is small scale (comparable to previous films), claustrophobic at moments. One problem is it’s without the feel of wild dinos roaming the world. I didn’t feel like I was watching a Jurassic movie. For some that’s a good thing, for me it wasn’t. 

I’ll give it 7 as I can appreciate it’s good points (main characters, humour, jumpy moments). Expected more though

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Taco Driver.

Bobby D plays a Mexican food delivery driver whose restaurant delivery service ends up being run under the tyranny of a Deliveroo type company. Bob then gets all mad and lonely because of the ****** up corporate structure and being on a zero hours contract. When they take his car away and replace it with a bicycle he snaps and winds up taking the CEO out with a machine gun hidden in a guitar case in a cycle-by shooting. There's also a political and moral undertone in there somewhere but it can be hard to see at first because it's hidden under a few layers of cheese and jalepeños.

After he takes out the CEO, Bob is all morally conflicted and mentally frigged up, but he sets out to try and rescue a rival Mexican restaurant from joining forces with the delivery conglomerate in an effort to exume the guilt and feelings of entrapment he has been suffering by keeping the restaurants independence. However this is not possible because of the capitalist pigs running things at the top and in the end he gets shot by the owner of the restaurant for not making enough profit and during his final moments he realises he was screwed before he even started and no matter what he did, he could not stop the tide of progress and all his actions had in fact made things worse.

Very well made by Señor Scorsese.

$9.99 plus tip/10.

Taxi Driver is also an excellent, beautiful, seedy, unnerving film that I watched the other day and would highly recommend.

WE are the people.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Funny, well cast. Different to the first but still a few Easter eggs thrown in, and room for a threequel if/when they choose. 

Seth Johnson

(was thinking of players who have signed for us twice...)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quick bump on this.  I've 3 recommendations to offer...

'Hotel Salvation' - An Indian film that is subtitled and probably way to languorous for most peoples' tastes but I absolutely loved it. No Bollywood silliness in sight. A whimsical and beautiful meditation on life and death without being in any way 'heavy'. A wonderful and remarkable film should you wish to see it.

9/10 Asa Asanovic

For the sake of balance.... 'Fury' - a bleak, brutal and visceral account of tank battalion deep behind enemy lines towards of the second of world war II. Directed by David Ayer, it's not an easy watch by any stretch but it is as an honest and uncompromising depiction of the horrors of conventional warfare without lapsing into morality tales. 

7.5/10 Craig Bryson

Lastly, just watched 'The Green Mile' again. I've mostly stopped watching telly as, let's be honest, 90% of everything served up is utter dirge, but this tale of prison guards working death row in a US prison set in the 1930's is a thoroughly compelling movie, if something of an emotional rollercoaster. Suffice to say it gets me every time. If you've not seen it, please do. It's a wonderful story and not one you'll forget in a hurry.

9.5/10 Charlie George



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  • 2 weeks later...
Sith Happens
1 hour ago, ViewsFromTheMiddle said:

Watching Groundhog Day on Dave. Classic.

Agree. Very few laugh out loud moments but just funny feel good. 

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Sith Happens
3 minutes ago, ViewsFromTheMiddle said:

I meant Dave as in the channel, btw!

No you didn't you little trouble maker 

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13 hours ago, Chester40 said:

Green Street - unbelievably terrible. 2nd worst film I have ever seen (after 'Cool as Ice'). 0/10

The bit before the end where they're all getting ready for the big brawl and the dramatic build up music whilst they had their breakfast or whatever just made me burst out laughing.

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9 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

The bit before the end where they're all getting ready for the big brawl and the dramatic build up music whilst they had their breakfast or whatever just made me burst out laughing.

From the very beginning to the very end it was truly mind-bogglingly awful. Unfair to pick out a particular bit!!!

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