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3 hours ago, smiths_tavrn said:

No I was a bit aled up last night. What's one to do now the boozers are shut? I'll just repeat what I've said previously and see if the penny begins to drop.

I have a strong hunch that this is staring everyone slap bang in the face. Virtually 100 % of the deaths have two things in common. Coronavirus and the as it is referred to "underlying health issues". Every single time the cause is given as coronavirus, never ever the underlying health issues. Never ever once is it the underlying health issues. 

So why are people with underlying health issues dying. Maybe it's the toxic anti-viral drugs used to treat them. Maybe this is what's killing so many and not the virus. Think about it. The theory holds. What's more because you're encouraged to get yourself tested the number of cases classified as coronavirus  will shoot through the roof adding to the panic and the slow descent in martial law. The number of people with existing health problems receiving anti-virals will shoot through the roof. They've got to take the anti-virals don't you know because this virus is a killer. But what if the virus isn't the killer? What if its the anti-virals given to people with less than optimal health that's killing them. Think about it again. This would explain the spikes in Spain and Italy. It would explain rapid rise in numbers everywhere. The awful thing here is what if they hadn't been diagnosed with coronavirus, not been given anti-virals? Maybe they'd still be alive. If this is the case then current medical policy isn't saving lives, it's taking them away. 

Call me a loon but show me how my logic is faulty. As I've said before, join the dots.

News from Italy.

More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions. Average age of death 79.5. Median age 80.5. More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease. These people will almost certainly be on anti-virals.


"Ribavirin may decrease the number of red blood cells in your body. This is called anemia and it can be life-threatening to people who have heart disease or circulation problems." See link below.

High blood pressure is a circulation problem. If you read the link below diabetes is covered too. That's all three conditions covered and there's many many more conditions where it can cause havoc.


Yep just as I thought ,don’t think you turning out to be just an  attention seeker as much of a bombshell ???

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33 minutes ago, ossieram said:

This is today (not my picture)

Matlock Bath..jpg

Anyone ignoring government advice will still expect help if/when they catch it, despite the fact it will have been their own stupidity that caused it.

It's also incredibly selfish, for every medical professional fighting COVID-19 there is one less person treating people who have cancer, have had heart attacks, strokes etc. The sooner people get this in to their heads and stop messing around the better.

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2 hours ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Did you not listen to the previously posted audio of a A&E doctor saying that anti-virals are not effective, so are not being proscribed?

They are simply not part of the care pathway being used in this country.

I questioned whether Ribavirin was even being used when he first mentioned it - but I seemed to be ignored. 

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3 hours ago, smiths_tavrn said:

Your mind is so closed you're not even prepared to give this hypothesis time of day.

Not true. I am prepared to, and have, considered it and do accept it may have contributed to some of the deaths but, unlike you,  I am prepared to accept the overwhelming medical and scientific opinion. I’d also like to think that the authorities in Italy have much greater awareness of the potential side effects of these drugs than those of us with no, or very, little medical knowledge or training.

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12-year-old girl with coronavirus is on a ventilator and fighting for her life.

No underlying medical conditions

And the US has seen a jump from 16k to 27k in a little over 24-hours with a sharp uptick in people under 50 being admitted to hospital.

Not sure what what that uptick is because it was on a scrolling ticker on TV and the host didn't reference it.

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4 minutes ago, Mick Brolly said:

Fed up after a whole 2 days of being advised what to do, it's going to get a lot worse than this. 

Anyone fed up needs to grow the hell up and deal with it. The amount of otherwise normal adults acting like petulant children over this is maddening.

The longer people refuse to comply with isolation the longer we will all end up having to do it.

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1 minute ago, Mick Brolly said:

Fed up after a whole 2 days of being advised what to do, it's going to get a lot worse than this. 

I reliese this but people being told to do not to do that.

2 men I was pass with my mum even they said not paying any attion to it.

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Second day of self isolation and already have cabin fever.

Been through all the cupboards in the house looking for unfinished crossword puzzle books. Next is going into the attic looking for all the old books stored up there. I know there's  a few  Jules Verne books up there that I've not read for a long time, which should keep me occupied for a while.

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Sith Happens
28 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Anyone ignoring government advice will still expect help if/when they catch it, despite the fact it will have been their own stupidity that caused it.

It's also incredibly selfish, for every medical professional fighting COVID-19 there is one less person treating people who have cancer, have had heart attacks, strokes etc. The sooner people get this in to their heads and stop messing around the better.


7 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

People are fed up being told what so people are ingoring borries and go to the seaside in thousands.

Exactly. They shouldn't be going to the beaches in their thousands. As @JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta they will be the first to complain when they, their family, mum etc get Coronavirus and start complaining the government didn't do enough.

The government is allowing us our freedom as long as we are sensible, they aren't saying dont go out, but do it sensibly....go for a walk but keep away from others. If and when the government does what spains government have done and banned people from going out at all then it will be the fault of those that cannot listen to advice and think they know better...


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10 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

People are fed up being told what so people are ingoring borries and go to the seaside in thousands.

And when they come home, they will have increased their chances of killing their parents and grandparents, and elderly neighbours, and work colleagues, and the postman, and the shop workers...

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1 minute ago, B4ev6is said:

I reliese this but people being told to do not to do that.

2 men I was pass with my mum even they said not paying any attion to it.

Then such people are stupid, selfish and ignorant.

If it just affected them then I'd be inclined to say "serves them right" but, it's not just about them. 

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Sith Happens
2 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

Second day of self isolation and already have cabin fever.

Been through all the cupboards in the house looking for unfinished crossword puzzle books. Next is going into the attic looking for all the old books stored up there. I know there's  a few  Jules Verne books up there that I've not read for a long time, which should keep me occupied for a while.

I was just thinking of searching through for all the match day threads where we lost....bloomin war and peace some of them....

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Sith Happens

Boris Johnson Just....

'No doubt' UK will enforce distancing rules if they aren't followed, PM says

Asked by the BBC's Vicki Young why he is not imposing social distancing measures, Mr Johnson says the government has already taken "draconian" steps such as closing schools and pubs, bars and restaurants.

"It is very important for people's mental and physical wellbeing that they should be able to get out and exercise," he says, adding not everyone has a private open space. "That is why parks and open spaces are absolutely crucial."

He says that - despite this - people must follow social distancing advice otherwise "there is no doubt" that the government will bring forward further measures.

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Sith Happens
1 minute ago, B4ev6is said:

This is making me laugh telling kids not go near each other. But I am sorry but kids drive there mum and dads asking they want to go out.

Its not going to be easy no one is suggesting it is.

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But for me all these measures all these things make uk public sticking two fingers up at the goverment.

I understand that they bring these measures into place but like my uncles he is in his 70s and had bad heart but he says how on earth is he going to stay in and he has go shopping.

Him saying this will make panic buy more and leave all food selfs empty.

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