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9 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

To be fair to the government, there's no way they could have known that 30+ kids in every classroom in the country would have led to an increase in infections. 

Comedy Central GIF by The Jim Jefferies Show

The government appear to be realising that packing 30+ children into a classroom, may not be the safest thing to do. Tomorrow the Department for Education will be rolling out a policy for mass testing of staff and pupils in every secondary schools. 

Like everything this government does, it's passing the responsibility of carrying this out squarely on the shoulders of each individual school. Who will need to either train existing staff or employ extra staff. They will be required not only to carry out the actual test but also to process and record the results. Also the schools will need to find and designate a suitable area in the school to carry out the tests, which may not be that easy for some schools.

Another part of the DfE policy covers how schools will need permission before any communication can take place between them and the press. Sounds a bit like censorship of information. Does the government only want the press reporting on schools that able to do the test safely and not disrupting the normal running of the school.

I've no longer got school age children but I don't think I'd be to happy to have staff/teachers, who will only be given a couple of hours training, to carry out the collecting and processing of the tests. 

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30 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

The government appear to be realising that packing 30+ children into a classroom, may not be the safest thing to do. Tomorrow the Department for Education will be rolling out a policy for mass testing of staff and pupils in every secondary schools. 

Like everything this government does, it's passing the responsibility of carrying this out squarely on the shoulders of each individual school. Who will need to either train existing staff or employ extra staff. They will be required not only to carry out the actual test but also to process and record the results. Also the schools will need to find and designate a suitable area in the school to carry out the tests, which may not be that easy for some schools.

Another part of the DfE policy covers how schools will need permission before any communication can take place between them and the press. Sounds a bit like censorship of information. Does the government only want the press reporting on schools that able to do the test safely and not disrupting the normal running of the school.

I've no longer got school age children but I don't think I'd be to happy to have staff/teachers, who will only be given a couple of hours training, to carry out the collecting and processing of the tests. 

I've been doing the tests as a normal prison officer. 

Takes 2 mins, isn't hard to do and I had about 10 minutes training.

But if you don't know what you're on about, I can see why you'd think it was some sort of massive problem....

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11 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I'm not providing exuses what so ever ever because it's not acceptable, however for one London isn't "mega rich" it has alot of wealth in finance ect.  but out of the core of London there is alot of poverty and deprived areas so some areas are as similar to central London as deprived post industrial areas up North. Also its not surprising what so ever, not everyone is wealthy in this country and that's the same in the vast majority of countries in the world so when the government response to Coronavirus is shambolic and cripples finances despite significant funds being spent to try and prop things up those already poor are going to become extremely poor. Not something to bash the country about what so ever, just poor management from governance making a crisis worse. Is shameful but not for our country its the leadership that is the embarrassing part. 

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5 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

So just 1 area going from Tier 3 to Tier 2, and 1 area going from Tier 2 to Tier 1.

Token gestures.

It's ducking baalocks everyone should be in lockdown until its sorted. Ideally none of us would be in lockdown but with the Cows ass job the government is making its more sensical and just to have all in lockdown or none at all. They are acting like inept con merchants, ducking cow boy governance. 

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We basically may as well be in normal lockdown just a form of coercion by the government to try and make people feel they have an opportunity at freedom that has been stolen being returned when in actuality its inevitable if people don't agree with the rules and rightly so  if they aren't part of the decision making process they are there to be broken and will not work what so ever. This isn't democracy at all, some fat cats laughing at the money they are making investing in vaccines and their sheltered life's being in positions to make decisions for people they have no clue about while people suffer from their decision making being disgusting. If normal people made the decisions on how their life's will be impacted and the tradeoffs involved the government would have more integrity, they are using Science but these decisions aren't purely Scientific they don't make decisions better than the average person it's just pure guesswork nonsense and compromise that is achieving little to duck all. 

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13 hours ago, Albert said:

Oh look, you lied, and happily replied anyhow. 

Covid was widespread in Victoria, they still turned it around. The key was stopping travel between regions, and working with a clear plan and a clear goal. Europe had many chances to get this right, and didn't. 

Financial meltdown is still coming, as rather than having controlled and planned lockdowns with clear goals and exit strategies, they're now being forced by circumstance. That is far worse economically for a region, as businesses have no idea when they're going to come next, and are getting little to no support when it happens. 

I disagree that it would be impossible to achieve in Europe. There nothing mechanically stopping it, it was just that the choice was made not to pursue those goals. 

Victoria was out of control after April, yet all these articles are from earlier than that. While things got out of hand while Europe ignored the known threat, there was still time to get things right, the issue is that the choice was specifically made not to do that. It was the choices in June-September that condemned Europe to this current fate, that condemned lives and livelihoods, not the choices back in January-April. Control was being wrested back, but they stopped when things looked more comfortable, rather than pushing ahead with the strategies that worked so well elsewhere. 

In Australia, it was referred to early as the hammer and the dance, with lockdowns being the hammer and the dance being the lighter restrictions, contact tracing, etc. Europe applied the hammer, and all the damage that it did, but never did the dance properly. When their half-hearted attempts at a dance failed, the hammer never came back. The same mistakes happened across Europe. Some did worse than others, for example Sweden, which has been an omni-shambles, but the UK isn't far off with it's piecemeal strategies. 

If 700 cases in single day is out of control, then what is 100k+ cases a day for a prolonged period of time? ?

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12 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

There are a lot of folk who piss and moan about our foreign aid budget, well to paraphrase charity has certainly come home.

This is a national disgrace. We can afford to cut the top rate of tax from 50% to 45% (which at the time gave someone like our own Wayne Rooney another £15,000 per week in his pocket), but the poorest in society are being fed by UNICEF!!!

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42 minutes ago, Eddie said:

As opposed to you supporting measures to put even more people in the ground.

We are supporting the measures, unfortunately people are still dying. Makes people wonder why we are doing what we are doing as the data shows it just doesn’t work but is still killing the us socially and economically. 

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3 hours ago, Marriott Ram99 said:

I'm not providing exuses what so ever ever because it's not acceptable, however for one London isn't "mega rich" it has alot of wealth in finance ect.  but out of the core of London there is alot of poverty and deprived areas so some areas are as similar to central London as deprived post industrial areas up North. Also its not surprising what so ever, not everyone is wealthy in this country and that's the same in the vast majority of countries in the world so when the government response to Coronavirus is shambolic and cripples finances despite significant funds being spent to try and prop things up those already poor are going to become extremely poor. Not something to bash the country about what so ever, just poor management from governance making a crisis worse. Is shameful but not for our country its the leadership that is the embarrassing part. 

You make a good case for socialism there comrade.

(Btw the mega rich London Town point was meant to be a joke aimed at recent posts on here that everyone in London is loaded.)

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28 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

You make a good case for socialism there comrade.

(Btw the mega rich London Town point was meant to be a joke aimed at recent posts on here that everyone in London is loaded.)

OK didn't understand that reference, personally don't think that's a case for socialism argument but can see why it could be used to argue that. I'd argue for more opportunities being available and to do that I'd make it so people have more opportunities for good education even if they start off poorer than most , would make it a more fair society but then it would be up to people to make the most of opportunities then. Also School trips should be more subsidised if people can't afford them especially when they are expensive and also beneficial to opportunities and progression. Don't agree with high taxation tbh, society isn't close knit enough for that imo and I dont trust the government with the funds as you might guess from how I feel about the government and Coronavirus. Also think high taxation is morally questionable because if you don't pay it you get the Bayliffs round coming in to knock the door down so it's stealthily applies force to keep it working. 

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15 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

To be fair to the government, there's no way they could have known that 30+ kids in every classroom in the country would have led to an increase in infections. 

Comedy Central GIF by The Jim Jefferies Show

I concur and apparently that age group is allegedly responsible for Hertfordshire moving into tier 3 from Saturday. ?‍♂️

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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

We are supporting the measures, unfortunately people are still dying. Makes people wonder why we are doing what we are doing as the data shows it just doesn’t work but is still killing the us socially and economically. 

Maybe because if we didn't support the measures rates would have gone up.

Everyone criticised, with some justification, the doom and gloom forecasts of 50,000 cases a day if we did nothing. Well we did something and still got over 30,000 one day and consistently over 20,000 a day so, perhaps those worst case scenario warnings weren't as ridiculous as we all thought. 

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26 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Maybe because if we didn't support the measures rates would have gone up.

Everyone criticised, with some justification, the doom and gloom forecasts of 50,000 cases a day if we did nothing. Well we did something and still got over 30,000 one day and consistently over 20,000 a day so, perhaps those worst case scenario warnings weren't as ridiculous as we all thought. 

Or where they? maybe the rate is the rate regardless of what we do. Nothing we do seems to work, I was a the point a while ago of thinking what’s the point. I’m miles past that point now 

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1 minute ago, TexasRam said:

Or where they? maybe the rate is the rate regardless of what we do. Nothing we do seems to work, I was a the point a while ago of thinking what’s the point. I’m miles past that point now 

That maybe true but pretty much every government in the world, based on what the scientists and medical experts have advised them, seem to think measures are/were required. Frankly, I'd rather trust what seems to be the overwhelming opinion of those with medical/scientific training than us quasi "experts" on this forum or social media. 

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