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47 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Anyone more worried by a potential "lock down" scenario of police and the army patrolling the streets deciding who is and isn't allowed out, than the virus itself?

i think that is a legitimate concern, that authorities will figure that a good crisis should never go to waste and is a handy opportunity to remove civil liberties.  Scare folks half to death and they'll be begging for the police state soon enough.  Problem, reaction, solution?

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8 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

What have you heard?

Ok, at the risk of sounding like a nutter.

No such thing as herd immunity, you can catch it over and over, indeed people here have.

NHS frontline staff absolutely in the firing line with no current method effective in preventing infection.

Doctors currently in intensive care.


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21 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Ok, at the risk of sounding like a nutter.

No such thing as herd immunity, you can catch it over and over, indeed people here have.

NHS frontline staff absolutely in the firing line with no current method effective in preventing infection.

Doctors currently in intensive care.


I should bloody hope so!



Oh... hang on...

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23 minutes ago, ramit said:

i think that is a legitimate concern, that authorities will figure that a good crisis should never go to waste and is a handy opportunity to remove civil liberties.  Scare folks half to death and they'll be begging for the police state soon enough.  Problem, reaction, solution?

You really don’t have any respect or trust in the authorities do you?

I may be naive but I really don’t think it’s on anyone’s agenda to use this crisis as “a handy opportunity to remove civil liberties” as if they’ve been waiting for something like this to come along. I’m confident that any measures, although harsh, will only be temporary to help fight this outbreak.

I think you must watch too many movies.

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Sith Happens

I don't care if the army or police patrol. If im not planning on doing anything wrong shouldn't be an issue 

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29 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Ok, at the risk of sounding like a nutter.

No such thing as herd immunity, you can catch it over and over, indeed people here have.

NHS frontline staff absolutely in the firing line with no current method effective in preventing infection.

Doctors currently in intensive care.


Genuine question, is there evidence that you can catch it over and over again and that people here have?

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24 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Ok, at the risk of sounding like a nutter.

No such thing as herd immunity, you can catch it over and over, indeed people here have.

NHS frontline staff absolutely in the firing line with no current method effective in preventing infection.

Doctors currently in intensive care.


Where is here? There have been a few cases of people testing positive again, but that is the exception not the rule currently. 

Of course there is no effective way to prevent infection yet - its a new disease - its going to take time to develop a vaccine. Having said that Japan have had success using a flu vaccine to decrease the time people spend infected.

Doctors aren't magically immune to the virus just because they are doctors - of course they are going to get sick - some of them will also be high risk.

In Italy the percentage of people who have died whilst suffering from no other disease or health problem is 0.8% - everyone else had serious pre-existing health conditions. The average age of deaths in Italy is 80 years old and the only people to die under the age of 40 again had serious pre-existing health conditions.

So far nothing to worry about - civilisation isn't going to collapse and unless the virus mutates into a more lethal strain it's not going to be killing millions. Certainly no reason to panic as all the idiots in the supermarkets are doing.



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3 minutes ago, GenBr said:

Where is here? There have been a few cases of people testing positive again, but that is the exception not the rule currently. 

Of course there is no effective way to prevent infection yet - its a new disease - its going to take time to develop a vaccine. Having said that Japan have had success using a flu vaccine to decrease the time people spend infected.

Doctors aren't magically immune to the virus just because they are doctors - of course they are going to get sick - some of them will also be high risk.

In Italy the percentage of people who have died whilst suffering from no other disease or health problem is 0.8% - everyone else had serious pre-existing health conditions. The average age of deaths in Italy is 80 years old and the only people to die under the age of 40 again had serious pre-existing health conditions.

So far nothing to worry about - civilisation isn't going to collapse and unless the virus mutates into a more lethal strain it's not going to be killing millions. Certainly no reason to panic as all the idiots in the supermarkets are doing.



Great so there's no need to worry.

Unless you happen to be over 80 or have existing health problems.

The rest of the country should carry on as if nothings wrong. 

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Just now, 1of4 said:

Great so there's no need to worry.

Unless you happen to be over 80 or have existing health problems.

The rest of the country should carry on as if nothings wrong. 

Yes - that is correct.

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11 minutes ago, GenBr said:

Of course there is no effective way to prevent infection yet - its a new disease - its going to take time to develop a vaccine. Having said that Japan have had success using a flu vaccine to decrease the time people spend infected.

Really? I just searched than and cannot find anything to verify it

In Italy the percentage of people who have died whilst suffering from no other disease or health problem is 0.8% - everyone else had serious pre-existing health conditions. The average age of deaths in Italy is 80 years old and the only people to die under the age of 40 again had serious pre-existing health conditions.

I just literally 20 minutes ago heard a doctor saying there is an alarming rise in younger people getting seriously ill in Italy and France. Can you link to official stats that back up what you say?

So far nothing to worry about - civilisation isn't going to collapse and unless the virus mutates into a more lethal strain it's not going to be killing millions. Certainly no reason to panic as all the idiots in the supermarkets are doing.

I suspect you're right and that civilization won't collapse, but you're basing that entirely on the fact that it never has done before. Not on actual facts or projections because so much is unknown




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22 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Genuine question, is there evidence that you can catch it over and over again and that people here have?

I'm just saying what I've heard, one step distant from the source. 


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22 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

You really don’t have any respect or trust in the authorities do you?

I may be naive but I really don’t think it’s on anyone’s agenda to use this crisis as “a handy opportunity to remove civil liberties” as if they’ve been waiting for something like this to come along. I’m confident that any measures, although harsh, will only be temporary to help fight this outbreak.

I think you must watch too many movies.

That's right, experience has taught me not to trust authorities.  i was taught critical thinking early on and am grateful for it.

Think of me what you will, but spare me your insults, thanks.

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@Bob The Badger All over the news this morning. Still early days, but positive signs. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/18/coronavirus-japanese-flu-drug-could-be-effective-in-treating-pandemic.html


Jesus Bob a simple google search can find the stats you need - I haven't made them up - they are straight from a report conducted by the national health authority in Italy. If you can speak Italian feel free to go and have a read. I'm sure your anecdotal evidence trumps it though. Young people are not immune from catching it either - nor did I claim they were.

What in the hell are you talking about - Civilisation has collapsed several times in history in various parts of the world and several times because of pandemics. Civilisation won't collapse because based on virtually every model based on the data from China and the rest of the world nowhere near enough people are going to die to cause it to happen. Unless the virus mutates as i said previously it will not happen.

4 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Except for the small percentage who aren't 'at risk' who get it bad (ie dead) anyway. Could be any of us!

If you are afraid of death I suppose you could worry, but if you are going to go into meltdown about everything with such a small chance of death you may as well lock yourself away in a tiny room just to make certain there is absolutely zero risk of death.

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25 minutes ago, GenBr said:

Where is here? There have been a few cases of people testing positive again, but that is the exception not the rule currently. 

East Midlands. Of course there's little evidence either way, I'm just relaying what I've been told, disregard it if you wish. I probably will myself.

Of course there is no effective way to prevent infection yet - its a new disease - its going to take time to develop a vaccine. Having said that Japan have had success using a flu vaccine to decrease the time people spend infected.

Doctors aren't magically immune to the virus just because they are doctors - of course they are going to get sick - some of them will also be high risk.

In Italy the percentage of people who have died whilst suffering from no other disease or health problem is 0.8% - everyone else had serious pre-existing health conditions. The average age of deaths in Italy is 80 years old and the only people to die under the age of 40 again had serious pre-existing health conditions.

So far nothing to worry about - civilisation isn't going to collapse and unless the virus mutates into a more lethal strain it's not going to be killing millions. Certainly no reason to panic as all the idiots in the supermarkets are doing.




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People this is way worse imho.

Look at how many famous people are testing positive. It's totally disproportionate to the population.

The reality is that they are getting tested and many are proving positive.

So that would suggest way more people who aren't getting tested would test positive.

The test for Covid-19 (in this country at least) is called SARS-CoV-2

My wife went into the system today to look for her patients results and not one had been tested for that.

NOW, she said it *could* be that they are behind the curve with that because she says 4 other coronavirus tests that are more like the common cold.

However, she says that it will normally say 'pending' if a test hadn't been finalized.

She's somewhat concerned.



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