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Obviously this is far too simplistic, but why can't governments worldwide simply suspend stock markets for a period of time?

The shock to the system isn't caused by inherent weakness in the markets, why should firms lose value due to expectional circumstances?

What good does that do society in general?

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Sorry, I’ve not wanted to make this situation political. I don’t believe it should be and you should follow advice until told otherwise, but after Johnson’s speech today it’s very hard for me to say otherwise.

I don’t ever want to write too many personal details about myself on here because I don’t think it’s interesting or worthwhile but I’m going to have to so I can explain. Essentially I’m self employed, ‘in the trade’ and I’m technically high risk (something I had to google  and wasn’t being overly communicated), theres a lot of people worse but I do make the category. Maybe I’m in a extraordinary situation here but i have absolutely no idea what to do, what’s necessary/unnecessary when it comes to work? Why is that now left on my hands? My only saving grace is working in a rather isolated county and have work in isolated places but what about others who don’t have that?

Lets face it, CV was in this country weeks, possibly months, before it was conscious to the general public. Those in charge should have been putting plans in place for a long time before they bothered to do anything and now they are bodging this as they go along as they didn’t react fast enough. They didn’t predict people would panic buy at wholesalers, they didn’t put a single plan in place to deal with the consequences before it was too late. Cummings and Johnson’s advisors basically believed that they could control the public to do what they wanted at the right time which just isn’t in reality.

We live in an isolated world now and this virus is showing that at its very worse. There’s no global or even continental response, every country is having a guess. Sorry for a rant on this, I’ll get back to posting nostalgic Derby clips soon and trying to be all jovial but when it’s all said and done I really hope they look at how much of a calamity this has been. They are dealing with this day by day and yeah it’s doing ok but it’s putting lives at risk.


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It's ok to tell schools that they have to remain open, so as to act as a creche for the essential worker's children.

What happens when there's not enough staff left to supervise the children, never mind educating them, when the teachers stay at home to self isolate.

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7 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Obviously this is far too simplistic, but why can't governments worldwide simply suspend stock markets for a period of time?

The shock to the system isn't caused by inherent weakness in the markets, why should firms lose value due to expectional circumstances?

What good does that do society in general?

Because those who were short on airlines and other leisure pursuits that are now tanking need to be able to collect their massive profits.

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1 hour ago, Van Cone De Head said:

Joel in quarantine for 12 weeks,bloody hell I love him but...ffs!

Hope he and yourselves are doing ok mate. Everything is crap at the minute but if we can do anything like book, tv, film recommendations for him then please let us know.

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36 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

You just had to spoil the fun, didn't you ?

Back on thread, a few folk have mentioned schools and while I can grasp that from an economic standpoint, closing them is undesirable, if we are really serious about containing this thing, nurseries, playgroups and schools need to be closed asap. Excuse the pun but surely not doing so will prove a false economy. Kids under the age of 11 catch everything going, after all.

The economics really is important if you want your utilities to work and there to be food on the shelves. Some people have to be able to go to work.

That's the same with healthcare workers on the front line. It's no good if they have to be off to look after their kids.

But there's another good reason. If you just shut everything down to try and stop it, as soon as you relax that it starts up again. Schoolkids are not vulnerable to the disease in that it has no ill effects  on them. If they get it and then are over it they will become immune (at least temporarily depending on whether and how fast the virus mutates) and then can no longer help spread it to those who are vulnerable. If 90% of the population can potentially spread it, then it will spread like wildfire. If kids become immune and only 65% of the population can then spread it, it massively slows the spread and flattens the curve. That could save thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands of lives.

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9 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

Lets face it, CV was in this country weeks, possibly months, before it was conscious to the general public.

Few people have mentioned on Twitter how everyone was ill at the back end of last year, both me and my missus were super ill with high temperatures and coughing our guts up. 

Was when we got engaged, like a fool in roman numerals got the proposal date tattooed on my arm, we was going away to Clumber Park in December and I had locked in the date I was going to drop to one knee. This was a month before we went. 

Couple of days before we went it started, then on the morning we was due to go I almost passed out when getting out of bed. Staggered into the car hoping I'd feel better in the morning which was the day I had planned.

Typical British weather was chucking it down and blowing a hooly the next day, didn't really have to drop to one knee as I was pretty much crawling to the spot. 

Next day we came home early, writing off the remaining 3 days of the break.

Not saying it was this Coronavirus, but with the timing does make me wonder, if like you say it's been around longer than we think. 

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5 minutes ago, David said:

Few people have mentioned on Twitter how everyone was ill at the back end of last year, both me and my missus were super ill with high temperatures and coughing our guts up. 

Was when we got engaged, like a fool in roman numerals got the proposal date tattooed on my arm, we was going away to Clumber Park in December and I had locked in the date I was going to drop to one knee. This was a month before we went. 

Couple of days before we went it started, then on the morning we was due to go I almost passed out when getting out of bed. Staggered into the car hoping I'd feel better in the morning which was the day I had planned.

Typical British weather was chucking it down and blowing a hooly the next day, didn't really have to drop to one knee as I was pretty much crawling to the spot. 

Next day we came home early, writing off the remaining 3 days of the break.

Not saying it was this Coronavirus, but with the timing does make me wonder, if like you say it's been around longer than we think. 

Surely the scientific evidence would show it though? People do get ill more in winter.

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1 minute ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

Which isn’t a common symptom of the virus.

I highly, highly doubt that scientists can’t tell whether or not it existed in this country in December.

Maybe thats Bob the Badgers secret symptom? ?

Anyhow, I'm on medication that can lower your immune system, possibly why I got suuuuuper ill

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31 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Because those who were short on airlines and other leisure pursuits that are now tanking need to be able to collect their massive profits.

That's another area if the economy I don't understand. 

Yes you might be able to short stocks you think will tank, but what benefit to society at large does that provide, certainly none to the company involved, or the investing community at large?

I don't understand how it benefits us as a whole? 

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2 hours ago, Van Cone De Head said:

Joel in quarantine for 12 weeks,bloody hell I love him but...ffs!

Best of British to you all.

Honestly don't know what else to say. 



(Blimey... just realised... Can't even come up with a quip, a pun, or even a light-hearted semi-witty anecdote!  Where's my thermometer...)  ?

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5 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

That's another area if the economy I don't understand. 

Yes you might be able to short stocks you think will tank, but what benefit to society at large does that provide, certainly none to the company involved, or the investing community at large?

I don't understand how it benefits us as a whole? 

If company A is shorted below it’s true value, in time it will recover, whilst offering potential investors in dividend paying companies an exceptional opportunity, a bit better than interest rates!

Shorting stocks is just market mechanics and a different way for market participants. Generally it’s overvalued companies that are shorted, when true value is found or the market turns in favour of buyers, the shorts will close out.

Doesn't necessarily benefit all society, just those who play the markets.

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16 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

That's another area if the economy I don't understand. 

Yes you might be able to short stocks you think will tank, but what benefit to society at large does that provide, certainly none to the company involved, or the investing community at large?

I don't understand how it benefits us as a whole? 

Not saying I'm for it, but I guess it could be argued that once those dividends are received, the money could then reinvested into something "good".

Most of it will probably just end up in the hands of the same few who probably shorted the banks back 08 and the Private Yacht economy will boom...

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42 minutes ago, David said:

Few people have mentioned on Twitter how everyone was ill at the back end of last year, both me and my missus were super ill with high temperatures and coughing our guts up. 

Was when we got engaged, like a fool in roman numerals got the proposal date tattooed on my arm, we was going away to Clumber Park in December and I had locked in the date I was going to drop to one knee. This was a month before we went. 

Couple of days before we went it started, then on the morning we was due to go I almost passed out when getting out of bed. Staggered into the car hoping I'd feel better in the morning which was the day I had planned.

Typical British weather was chucking it down and blowing a hooly the next day, didn't really have to drop to one knee as I was pretty much crawling to the spot. 

Next day we came home early, writing off the remaining 3 days of the break.

Not saying it was this Coronavirus, but with the timing does make me wonder, if like you say it's been around longer than we think. 

I saw this earlier today and had to go find it again (had to type ‘headmistress into twitter an had to search through a lot of profiles of people who were...well...I’ve ruined my algorithm let’s put it that way)

It’s not just this one tweet that makes me think it was here long before, it’s surely logic that it was being spread around the world through air travel before they were able to get a grip on it and those remnants have slowly spread. 

Im not saying you defo had it either mate, whatever you had it sounds like it was bloody nasty.

Side note, but congratations on the engagement!

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2 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

I saw this earlier today and had to go find it again (had to type ‘headmistress into twitter an had to search through a lot of profiles of people who were...well...I’ve ruined my algorithm let’s put it that way)

It’s not just this one tweet that makes me think it was here long before, it’s surely logic that it was being spread around the world through air travel before they were able to get a grip on it and those remnants have slowly spread. 

Im not saying you defo had it either mate, whatever you had it sounds like it was bloody nasty.

Side note, but congratations on the engagement!

It's the Guardian. I do apologise but

First Covid-19 case happened in November, China government records show - report


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1 minute ago, TuffLuff said:

I saw this earlier today and had to go find it again (had to type ‘headmistress into twitter an had to search through a lot of profiles of people who were...well...I’ve ruined my algorithm let’s put it that way)

It’s not just this one tweet that makes me think it was here long before, it’s surely logic that it was being spread around the world through air travel before they were able to get a grip on it and those remnants have slowly spread. 

Where are the death statistics or have they just been put down to 'heavy cold' as Smith Tavern would have it?!

When I read an article on this coronavirus outbreak they told of the Chinese doctors who noticed a new Sars-like virus in Wuhan, but were silenced by govt officials, which was later id'ed as Covid-19. Surely there would have been similar evidence here. All this sounds too much like 'urban mythologizing', where's Snoops?!

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54 minutes ago, David said:

Few people have mentioned on Twitter how everyone was ill at the back end of last year, both me and my missus were super ill with high temperatures and coughing our guts up. 

Was when we got engaged, like a fool in roman numerals got the proposal date tattooed on my arm, we was going away to Clumber Park in December and I had locked in the date I was going to drop to one knee. This was a month before we went. 

Couple of days before we went it started, then on the morning we was due to go I almost passed out when getting out of bed. Staggered into the car hoping I'd feel better in the morning which was the day I had planned.

Typical British weather was chucking it down and blowing a hooly the next day, didn't really have to drop to one knee as I was pretty much crawling to the spot. 

Next day we came home early, writing off the remaining 3 days of the break.

Not saying it was this Coronavirus, but with the timing does make me wonder, if like you say it's been around longer than we think. 

Could have been Coronavirus, but more likely a bad case of second thoughts.

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