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33 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

I'm sure they are, but with a resignation rather than a belief.

Maybe, we’ll never know. Personally, I think a lot of people try to comply with the restrictions BECAUSE they believe it’s the only way to deal with this right now. With resignation because they’d rather they didn’t have to. 

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On 12/09/2020 at 09:46, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Heard on Radio Derby yesterday a few people ringing in saying they had requested a test and had been told to go to Oldham, Telford-bloke turned up and it was closed and Inverness!!.  Did we not have a local testing place near the showcase.  Wheres it gone. Surely that should be a basic for every city.

The Testing situation seems to have descended into farce too

My youngest started feeling ill on Saturday night and has a non-stop cough since Sunday morning. Tried to book a covid test and no matter what postcode you put in, it says "no test sites available". If you put in a non-existent postcode it gives you two test sites available - Aberdeen or somewhere in Northern Ireland (seriously..)

So we have to ring the school and tell them that he's not coming in as he has a major covid symptom - and their advice is to get a test ASAP obviously. The safety of the whole school and every family with a child there is at stake here

Looking on social media and it's the same situation across the country. Also seen tweets from MPs saying that they are aware the government is" throttling" the test availability. Make of that what you will





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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

The Testing situation seems to have descended into farce too

My youngest started feeling ill on Saturday night and has a non-stop cough since Sunday morning. Tried to book a covid test and no matter what postcode you put in, it says "no test sites available". If you put in a non-existent postcode it gives you two test sites available - Aberdeen or somewhere in Northern Ireland (seriously..)

So we have to ring the school and tell them that he's not coming in as he has a major covid symptom - and their advice is to get a test ASAP obviously. The safety of the whole school and every family with a child there is at stake here

Looking on social media and it's the same situation across the country. Also seen tweets from MPs saying that they are aware the government is" throttling" the test availability. Make of that what you will





I don't get what the government is trying to achieve maybe they do not really care I am actually beyond anger just sadness now.

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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

The Testing situation seems to have descended into farce too

My youngest started feeling ill on Saturday night and has a non-stop cough since Sunday morning. Tried to book a covid test and no matter what postcode you put in, it says "no test sites available". If you put in a non-existent postcode it gives you two test sites available - Aberdeen or somewhere in Northern Ireland (seriously..)

So we have to ring the school and tell them that he's not coming in as he has a major covid symptom - and their advice is to get a test ASAP obviously. The safety of the whole school and every family with a child there is at stake here

Looking on social media and it's the same situation across the country. Also seen tweets from MPs saying that they are aware the government is" throttling" the test availability. Make of that what you will





It's not helping that parents are booking tests for their kids when they've got colds - as kids always do when they go back to school.

Not saying this is the case for yours but, based on a sample of me & 2 of my mates at work, who all have primary school kids - we all know several parents who have tried or booked tests, when it's obvious that it's a sniffle.

I don't know if this is just the parents, or whether the schools are insisting on it - bloody hope not if it's an obvious cold - but it's hardly surprising that capacity is filling up.

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31 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

It's not helping that parents are booking tests for their kids when they've got colds - as kids always do when they go back to school.

Not saying this is the case for yours but, based on a sample of me & 2 of my mates at work, who all have primary school kids - we all know several parents who have tried or booked tests, when it's obvious that it's a sniffle.

I don't know if this is just the parents, or whether the schools are insisting on it - bloody hope not if it's an obvious cold - but it's hardly surprising that capacity is filling up.

Surely in order for schools to open this should be accounted for.

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36 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

It's not helping that parents are booking tests for their kids when they've got colds - as kids always do when they go back to school.

Not saying this is the case for yours but, based on a sample of me & 2 of my mates at work, who all have primary school kids - we all know several parents who have tried or booked tests, when it's obvious that it's a sniffle.

I don't know if this is just the parents, or whether the schools are insisting on it - bloody hope not if it's an obvious cold - but it's hardly surprising that capacity is filling up.

Well, we're pretty sure that it's just a cold as he doesn't have a temperature and he hasn't lost his taste/smell

But he is coughing every 5 minutes and there is absolutely no way the school wouldn't send him home and demand a test.

And so they should. If it does turn out to be Covid and he gives it classmates, who give it parents, who give it grandparents who then die - how would I feel if I'd just said "probably a cold, best not get him tested in case we overload the testing service"??

Seriously - the point of the testing service is for EXACTLY this purpose - to rule out as many cases as possible, so that we don't just close down society at the first sign of a cough

Are you genuinely saying that you think the schools should be reopened on the premise that teachers should be having to decide what is covid and what is "an obvious cold" based on their intuition? Leaving them cuplable if they get it wrong and people actually die?



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20 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:


Well, we're pretty sure that it's just a cold as he doesn't have a temperature and he hasn't lost his taste/smell

But he is coughing every 5 minutes and there is absolutely no way the school wouldn't send him home and demand a test.

And so they should. If it does turn out to be Covid and he gives it classmates, who give it parents, who give it grandparents who then die - how would I feel if I'd just said "probably a cold, best not get him tested in case we overload the testing service"??

Seriously - the point of the testing service is for EXACTLY this purpose - to rule out as many cases as possible, so that we don't just close down society at the first sign of a cough

Are you genuinely saying that you think the schools should be reopened on the premise that teachers should be having to decide what is covid and what is "an obvious cold" based on their intuition? Leaving them cuplable if they get it wrong and people actually die?



The examples I'm referring to are obviously colds: Bunged up & runny nose. Sometimes with a sore throat. Not a temperature or cough & loss of taste etc. So yes, in those cases, parents and schools should know better than clog up a system already under pressure.

In any case & seeing as many kids are supposed to get Covid and not display any symptoms, then shouldn't we be testing all children?. Every week?. Every day, just in case?

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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:


Well, we're pretty sure that it's just a cold as he doesn't have a temperature and he hasn't lost his taste/smell

But he is coughing every 5 minutes and there is absolutely no way the school wouldn't send him home and demand a test.

And so they should. If it does turn out to be Covid and he gives it classmates, who give it parents, who give it grandparents who then die - how would I feel if I'd just said "probably a cold, best not get him tested in case we overload the testing service"??

Seriously - the point of the testing service is for EXACTLY this purpose - to rule out as many cases as possible, so that we don't just close down society at the first sign of a cough

Are you genuinely saying that you think the schools should be reopened on the premise that teachers should be having to decide what is covid and what is "an obvious cold" based on their intuition? Leaving them cuplable if they get it wrong and people actually die?



The issue is apparently lab processing capacity of test samples. There's plenty of tests but not enough people to process them. So the government has "throttled" the amount of tests to allow the labs to catch back up and they're flying off a big bunch to get them analysed in Italy and Germany.

The government line is that too many people who don't need a test went and got one, for reasons such as going on holiday and wanting to make sure they pass the test when arriving in the other country.

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On 13/09/2020 at 08:28, Tyler Durden said:

Agreed there is so much wriggle room with BB dates that's it's a scandal the supermarkets adhere to them rigidly - the manufacturers have added lots of padding onto their dates.

Food will not taste rancid when midnight strikes and the food is one minute beyond its best before date. As you've stated yourself I've consumed food a week beyond its BB date and has tasted perfectly fine.

The biggest scandal is people getting arrested for bin dipping in the supermarkets waste skips which is full of perfectly edible food which has been thrown away, as the food is on the supermarkets site it is still classified as their property so anyone removing it is guilty of theft even though the supermarkets should not be binning it at all.

By law mate they have to throw food away I know it is a shame they cant give soup kitchen helps homeless or give to food banks.

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21 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Thought this summed up the state of the rules pretty well...



20 hours ago, RamNut said:

People have given up on it
not because they don’t care, but because they are weary of all the contradictory messages



Call me cynical, but I wouldn't put it past this being intentional, and all part of Cummings' plan for herd immunity. Then when it does spike again, The Fridge Magnet will tell us that we didn't stick to the rules...

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1 death in the UK associated to Covid in the last 24hrs................

In April, for every death, we found 5.5 cases. 

In September, for every death, we are finding 283 cases. 

Two things to note:

1. Test more = find more.

2. The virus isn't as severe as we first thought.

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6 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

1 death in the UK associated to Covid in the last 24hrs................

In April, for every death, we found 5.5 cases. 

In September, for every death, we are finding 283 cases. 

Two things to note:

1. Test more = find more.

2. The virus isn't as severe as we first thought.

3. they've realised that the stats they were using for the initial 'deaths due to covid' were complete ?

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18 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

1 death in the UK associated to Covid in the last 24hrs................

In April, for every death, we found 5.5 cases. 

In September, for every death, we are finding 283 cases. 

Two things to note:

1. Test more = find more.

2. The virus isn't as severe as we first thought.

Everyone agrees that at the start of the pandemic the actual number of infected was way way higher than the confirmed cases. Basically an artificial peak because we didn't have the facilities to test to get a true number.

A potential 3 is that the mutated version of the virus (the more contagious, less deadly one) has been spreading more and infecting people,  allowing people to have asymptomatic experiences and develop antibodies for it before the original (more deadly) version can get to them.

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30 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

1 death in the UK associated to Covid in the last 24hrs................

In April, for every death, we found 5.5 cases. 

In September, for every death, we are finding 283 cases. 

Two things to note:

1. Test more = find more.

2. The virus isn't as severe as we first thought.

1. Obviously

2. Not exactly - we already knew that it had less severe effects in younger people, and that's where most of the increase is coming from - for now. There is zero scientific evidence that the virus is less severe - that's a dangerous and false opnion to be spreading. Once the new spike starts spreading to the elderly and/or vulnerable again we will see deaths rise again



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4 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

1. Obviously

2. Not exactly - we already knew that it had less severe effects in younger people, and that's where most of the increase is coming from - for now. There is zero scientific evidence that the virus is less severe - that's a dangerous and false opnion to be spreading. Once the new spike starts spreading to the elderly and/or vulnerable again we will see deaths rise again



Didn’t think you agree with something positive ?

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12 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Am I supposed to agree with some false conclusion you pulled out of nowhere, just because it sounds positive?

OK fine. Whoo!!!! GREAT NEWS! @TexasRamsays the virus has turned wimpy because of reasons. What a super-dooper thing to learn


I think the stats are telling us all we need to know ??‍♂️

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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

1 death in the UK associated to Covid in the last 24hrs................

In April, for every death, we found 5.5 cases. 

In September, for every death, we are finding 283 cases. 

Two things to note:

1. Test more = find more.

2. The virus isn't as severe as we first thought.

I hope you are right,  I was having a conversation with a close friend who thinks the same as you, he reckons it's no more dangerous than a cold.

He was open that he has no intention of sticking to the new rules and plans to have more family gatherings which includes his frail 86 yo mother. 

I hope he doesn't end up regretting that.



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