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41 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

I'm just watching C4 news and there's a piece saying that tens of thousands of tests have been lost.

That on top of some footage from a care worker describing a recent resident who was just recently discharged back from hospital having not been tested but been swabbed, the result of which came back positive. 

In direct contravention of what is being stated as policy.

Not sounding good tbh


2.2m test carried out 0.5 % of tests results missing is it really that bad?

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1 hour ago, ramit said:

There has been only 1 case in almost 2 weeks here, but i confess, it is hard for me to adjust back from a state of constant anxiety.  Saw two women arrive by car down my street just now and almost had a fit seeing them hugging closely goodbye before the younger one drove off.

Masturbation material is becoming more scarce since lockdown.

Describe what they looked like.

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16 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

2.2m test carried out 0.5 % of tests results missing is it really that bad?

Its asymmetric of course. 

For you, it doesn't matter.

For me, it doesn't matter. 

If you were tested for reassurance or because you had symptoms and are waiting for a hoped for negative.......and waiting......it probably matters quite a bit. 

But yeah, you play the stats and convince yourself its all fine.....

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3 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

I'm just watching C4 news and there's a piece saying that tens of thousands of tests have been lost.

That on top of some footage from a care worker describing a recent resident who was just recently discharged back from hospital having not been tested but been swabbed, the result of which came back positive. 

In direct contravention of what is being stated as policy.

Not sounding good tbh


This is standard. 

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Sanofi's chief executive Paul Hudson sparked the controversy after announcing that US patients would get first choice because their government was helping to fund the vaccine search.

"The US government has the right to the largest pre-order because it's invested in taking the risk," Mr Hudson, a British citizen who took over last year, told Bloomberg News in an interview published late Wednesday.

"That's how it will be because they've invested to try and protect their population, to restart their economy," he said. "I've been campaigning in Europe to say the US will get vaccines first."

That drew howls of complaint from officials and health experts, who pointed out that the Paris-based multinational had benefited from tens of millions of euros in research credits from the French state in recent years.

Equal access to this vaccine for all is not negotiable," said Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on Twitter.

Sanofi's chief in France, Olivier Bogillot, later sought to play down his boss's comments, saying: "The goal is to have this vaccine available to the US as well as France and Europe at the same time."

But that would only be possible "if Europeans work as quickly as the Americans," he told BFM television, adding that the US government had pledged to spend "several hundreds of millions of euros."

"The Americans have been effective in this period. The EU must be just as effective in helping us make this vaccine available quickly

Sanofi is working on two vaccine projects, one with British rival GlaxoSmithKline Plc that has received financial support from the US Health Department and another with US company Translate Bio that will use different technology

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30 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:



Sanofi's chief executive Paul Hudson sparked the controversy after announcing that US patients would get first choice because their government was helping to fund the vaccine search.

"The US government has the right to the largest pre-order because it's invested in taking the risk," Mr Hudson, a British citizen who took over last year, told Bloomberg News in an interview published late Wednesday.

"That's how it will be because they've invested to try and protect their population, to restart their economy," he said. "I've been campaigning in Europe to say the US will get vaccines first."

That drew howls of complaint from officials and health experts, who pointed out that the Paris-based multinational had benefited from tens of millions of euros in research credits from the French state in recent years.

Equal access to this vaccine for all is not negotiable," said Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on Twitter.

Sanofi's chief in France, Olivier Bogillot, later sought to play down his boss's comments, saying: "The goal is to have this vaccine available to the US as well as France and Europe at the same time."

But that would only be possible "if Europeans work as quickly as the Americans," he told BFM television, adding that the US government had pledged to spend "several hundreds of millions of euros."

"The Americans have been effective in this period. The EU must be just as effective in helping us make this vaccine available quickly

Sanofi is working on two vaccine projects, one with British rival GlaxoSmithKline Plc that has received financial support from the US Health Department and another with US company Translate Bio that will use different technology

It’s like the obvious politics and political pressures are coming out months ahead of when a vaccine is likely to come out - yet with 100 plus trials (10 plus trials at human stage) who knows who will be successful.

My only hope is that all vaccine companies are putting in place the infrastructures now to mass produce these things on a global scale - circa 7 or 8 billion are needed!

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13 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Simple, have the police there ready to smash them with the newly increased fines for breaking social distancing rules.

They should consider themselves lucky, if it were up to me the people turning up to that mass gathering would be loaded in to the next SpaceX rocket and fired in to the void.

Simple really. Let them go ahead on the understanding they sign a waiver agreeing they will lose there jobs as they will be risking the health of colleagues with there behaviour, cannot claim subsidy from the state as they are putting themselves out of work, they are banned from shops and outdoor exercise for three weeks and that if they or anyone in there house becomes ill in the next three weeks they cannot receive help from gp's. pharmacies or hospitals .  Might not have that many show I feel . 

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30 minutes ago, rammieib said:

It’s like the obvious politics and political pressures are coming out months ahead of when a vaccine is likely to come out - yet with 100 plus trials (10 plus trials at human stage) who knows who will be successful.

My only hope is that all vaccine companies are putting in place the infrastructures now to mass produce these things on a global scale - circa 7 or 8 billion are needed!

Ooh, can't wait to get pumped full of mercury, formaldehyde and God knows what other poisonous substances to save me from Covid19 

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5 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Simple really. Let them go ahead on the understanding they sign a waiver agreeing they will lose there jobs as they will be risking the health of colleagues with there behaviour, cannot claim subsidy from the state as they are putting themselves out of work, they are banned from shops and outdoor exercise for three weeks and that if they or anyone in there house becomes ill in the next three weeks they cannot receive help from gp's. pharmacies or hospitals .  Might not have that many show I feel . 

Really? You suggest anyone in they’re house be refused treatment?   The wife’s getting right on my tits     Uhmmmmmm?

on a serous note is that how people like hitler started out with baby steps like that?

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6 hours ago, ramit said:

Ooh, can't wait to get pumped full of mercury, formaldehyde and God knows what other poisonous substances to save me from Covid19 

I worked at Celanese for years, sounds like I’m cured already then ?

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7 hours ago, ramit said:

Ooh, can't wait to get pumped full of mercury, formaldehyde and God knows what other poisonous substances to save me from Covid19 

Mercury and Formaldehyde - I think you’re onto something here...

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1 hour ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Are you broadly anti-vax or is it just this one you are not sure about? 

Broadly.  i have this annoying learned distrust of authority solutions, it's a type of paranoia i guess.

Was once asked by an outraged physician who wanted to administer some concoction to me and got refused, if i thought i had sole authority over my body.  When i answered him, yes of course, he nearly had a fit.  It's this attitude that i object to.

The vaccination will most likely be administered, whether i like it or not though.

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