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The Politics Thread 2020


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24 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

Oh dear! What do you class yourself as, I wonder?  and what do other posters class you as, I wonder?

Oooh get you. Why do you suppose people might think BoJo is an arse? I can't be sure! As for what I think of other posters, well some just stand out above others!

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34 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Oooh get you. Why do you suppose people might think BoJo is an arse? I can't be sure! As for what I think of other posters, well some just stand out above others!

I never asked what you thought of other posters just what they might think of you. You reap what you sow.

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2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

Oooh get you. Why do you suppose people might think BoJo is an arse? I can't be sure! As for what I think of other posters, well some just stand out above others!

Indeed, to each of us

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14 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Have you not heard of THE MARKET. It's always right.

Don’t worry we got plenty of gold reserves.................oh dear forgot Gordon Brown  had a car boot sale but that’s socialists for you.

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36 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

That means nothing. Surely our great British pounds are worth way more than that dirty, failing Euro right?

It's all relative.  The Euro has gone up from 136 Icelandic króna to 159 in a couple of months.  i don't even dare to check how it compares to the pound.  Our currency is falling like a rock, because it was largely based on tourism as of late, but for us dramatic fluctuations of our króna as with our weather, are always expected and mostly taken in stride.  Would be a great destination again to travel to, except for the annoying fact that the country is absolutely closed down still, even as we have had no new cases for over a week.  Come to Iceland and stay cooped up in a hotel room for 14 days.  Better safe than sorry and all that jazz.  At least the sun is out again and everyone who can is planning some sort of local excursion, while our money can still buy us a hot dog.

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47 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

That means nothing. Surely our great British pounds are worth way more than that dirty, failing Euro right?

About 12%-15% more. If someone in the Eurozone goes tits up a lot more .  It's never good to have the value of your currency reliant on the correct prudence of another country, never mind a load of them.  I certainly wouldn't like it at the moment, there's enough crap going on without checking 19 other balance sheets.

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27 minutes ago, cstand said:

Or Germany 


Website based in Spain, trusted trader from Ireland delivered from the Netherlands all based in the nothing ever goes wrong EU zone.


So our tripe government is given a pass because EU bad, or in this instance company operating in EU bad?

Got it. Incidentally, there are many other countries not in the EU who have also out-performed our tripe government. What lame excuse are you making to bad-mouth all of them too?

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19 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

We have had so many from that lot we need an aircraft carrier to fit them all in 

Could always borrow Dubya's old one. After all, we can't be fare short of 'Mission Accomplished' going by the usual suspects coming out of their holes to defend the Tories this morning.

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23 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

350 million people die every day of Coronavirus...why not follow social distancing?

Are u sure 350 million a day are dying of corona virus? By my rudimentary maths, humanity will be wiped out in a little over 3 weeks at that rate

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3 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So our tripe government is given a pass because EU bad, or in this instance company operating in EU bad?

Got it. Incidentally, there are many other countries not in the EU who have also out-performed our tripe government. What lame excuse are you making to bad-mouth all of them too?

Ah, the government. Who did you vote for, Edward?

It wasn't Conservatives and it wasn't Labour.

Dont tell me Jo Swinson lolz. 

Or the Greens? 

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