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The Politics Thread 2020


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5 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

also read that the Republican Party in America want to pass legislation in their Congress, that will protect employers and businesses from being sued by employees and customers , if they contract the virus from another employee or customer.

I wonder if we could see a similar law to protect businesses here, put in front of our own Parliament in the near future?

I couldn't see such an act passing Parliament.

It could be that the state will agree to underwrite such events, upto the limit already announced for frontline workers.

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3 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

And for the record, I've said multiple times that I don't consider this pandemic a party political issue, so if you think I'm just being negative because it's a Tory administration then I'm afraid you are wrong. I'd be critical of any government that had overseen this level of fatal errors

What have been the 'fatal errors' so far in your opinion?

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7 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

I dunno - so many to consider...

Did we start testing early enough?

Did we test enough people?

Did we do enough contact tracing?

Did we stop flights early enough?

Did we test people coming in on those flights?

Did we have enough PPE for frontline staff?

Did we close the schools early enough?

Did we go into lockdown early enough?

How many people have caught it?

How many people have died from it?

To be honest I'm struggling to think of a single meaningful measure where our government didn't royally balls it up

And I'm not asking you to critique my choice of suggested measures by the way (but I know you will)


...and to think it was only a few days ago you that had a pop at me for pointing out that the testing figures where artificially inflated.


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1 hour ago, Ghost of Clough said:


In terms of deaths per capita, the UK is doing better than Italy, Spain and Belgium. The USA is doing better than those 4 and France, Netherlands, Sweden and Ireland. 

Such low standards that it is seen as a good thing! 

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3 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Such low standards that it is seen as a good thing! 


It's like Ethiopa bragging to Chad about famine and infant mortality.

The same people (in general) who are super proud of all the UK has achieved in science and humanitarian breakthroughs (often rightly so) are defending this utter cluster in which countries like India and Mexico make us look stupid.

The US has been an utter disaster on every meaningful metric, but still people take the per capita figure in isolation and say, 'But wow it's only 8th worst'

Yeh, 8th out of almost 200 countries.

So let's flip that and say it's 192nd and see how proud people are.

And er, with the best medical facilities and strongest economical support in the world.

Great job Trump!


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Guy from India I work with made a good point today when I asked him how UK have had so many deaths whereas India have hardly even had any but their population is about 20x bigger.

He said there aren't many people in India over 70.


Just looked up life expectancy in India. If you were born in 1940, life expectancy was 32.

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Saw a good point earlier about mortality stats. It's excess mortality over and above seasonal average that we should be comparing. Those stats won't be available for months on a global like for like basis. Even years.

We're facing a generational crisis. Possibly the defining global event since WW2. To criticise about the response or preparedness now is childish. Like a toddler squealing at it's parents because it can't understand why it can't have all the toys. The world isn't like that. Humans aren't like that.

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44 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Do you not think the figures from those 9 countries listed are more reliable than most other countries?

Probs as good at reporting as Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea , Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, UAE.. 

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my god , have we all seen the niel Ferguson stuff now ,, this is the bloke who s computer Modeling predicted 500 k deaths in U.K. and 2 mill in USA and was forefront in policy making re lock down ,,,, you really couldn’t make this shat up

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34 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:


It's like Ethiopa bragging to Chad about famine and infant mortality.

The same people (in general) who are super proud of all the UK has achieved in science and humanitarian breakthroughs (often rightly so) are defending this utter cluster in which countries like India and Mexico make us look stupid.

The US has been an utter disaster on every meaningful metric, but still people take the per capita figure in isolation and say, 'But wow it's only 8th worst'

Yeh, 8th out of almost 200 countries.

So let's flip that and say it's 192nd and see how proud people are.

And er, with the best medical facilities and strongest economical support in the world.

Great job Trump!


We can't keep people alive forever. Have you considered this at all? Most people have a relative that is so old that we fear they might pass away everytime they fall ill.

Many victims in the UK have been elderly and frail. Having lived well beyond what they would in almost all other countries. 

Calm down and try and be more rational.

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2 minutes ago, Archied said:

my god , have we all seen the niel Ferguson stuff now ,, this is the bloke who s computer Modeling predicted 500 k deaths in U.K. and 2 mill in USA and was forefront in policy making re lock down ,,,, you really couldn’t make this shat up

It was well out of order...he didn't let Johnson have a go.

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6 minutes ago, Archied said:

my god , have we all seen the niel Ferguson stuff now ,, this is the bloke who s computer Modeling predicted 500 k deaths in U.K. and 2 mill in USA and was forefront in policy making re lock down ,,,, you really couldn’t make this shat up

Do as i predict and not as i do.

Sun can have that one.

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5 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

It was well out of order...he didn't let Johnson have a go.

Well tin hat on but I’m about sick of the whole crap , from fudging figures to evasiveness to lying to the suppression of any opinion s that don’t fit the official narrative, to nonsensical rules for one thing at odds with others , I will be very happy for lock down to be done away with and take my chances

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20 minutes ago, Archied said:

Well tin hat on but I’m about sick of the whole crap , from fudging figures to evasiveness to lying to the suppression of any opinion s that don’t fit the official narrative, to nonsensical rules for one thing at odds with others , I will be very happy for lock down to be done away with and take my chances

Stay strong Archie. 

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49 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

We can't keep people alive forever. Have you considered this at all? Most people have a relative that is so old that we fear they might pass away everytime they fall ill.

Many victims in the UK have been elderly and frail. Having lived well beyond what they would in almost all other countries. 

Calm down and try and be more rational.

Highest average age in the world is Japan.

Italy is higher than the UK and now has less deaths.

Calm down and try to use science. 

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