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The Politics Thread 2020


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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:

Very interesting.

''Further : The accounts originally pushed for the 'herd immunity'. In later days they changed tack and were were pushing for the country to 'open up again'. Not to much of a stretch that the operation was to test the waters for a change in policy. Just a theory.''

I initially agree with that theory. A use of propaganda I did not expect. Is this the new normal..the new focus group. 

Well this is awkward...


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2 hours ago, 1967Ram said:

Thanks for sharing. This is concerning and definitely needs investigating further.

Read some of this. So they are saying that the government has been setting up fake twitter accounts pretending to be NHS workers? If this is true, we might as well give up.

Edit: bit of debate whether it's a troll or something more official. Is it a crime in the UK to use someone's identity to spread false information?

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13 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Read some of this. So they are saying that the government has been setting up fake twitter accounts pretending to be NHS workers? If this is true, we might as well give up.

Edit: bit of debate whether it's a troll or something more official. Is it a crime in the UK to use someone's identity to spread false information?

Hope not or Corbyn will be heading to jail after pretending to be a politician for so long


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3 hours ago, ramit said:

The oil barrel currently at -$40 folks

Might be a couple of pence off a litre down our local Asda then....?

It's been effectively 0 before. Early noughties I think. Goldman Sachs then start buying up a few tankers full, sailing them round until demand recovers, flog them at a massive profit and declare themselves geniuses. ?

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8 hours ago, Archied said:

Think that’s a daft approach, if I had taken that approach with the tommy Robinson video posted on here by Steve it would have meant nothing and the best I would have to go on would be the lazy predictable stuff where when you dig it turns out to be edited twisted stuff that ends up giving the wrong impression because it shows more what’s wrong with the reporting / reporter than the subject where as having the volume on quickly debunks the picture of a character that has grown from the obvious younger version,

tut tut g , 

I'm not going to inconvenience everyone around me with sound on my phone. I don't watch video, sorry. I learned to read a long time ago. I know yoof these days can't be bothered to, hence the drive to clips instead of articles, but I'm still old school. Unrepentant. 

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21 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I'm not going to inconvenience everyone around me with sound on my phone. I don't watch video, sorry. I learned to read a long time ago. I know yoof these days can't be bothered to, hence the drive to clips instead of articles, but I'm still old school. Unrepentant. 

Have a word with David I’m sure he will guide you to AirPods ?, some things just have to be direct from the horses mouth 

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1 hour ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

Might be a couple of pence off a litre down our local Asda then....?

It's been effectively 0 before. Early noughties I think. Goldman Sachs then start buying up a few tankers full, sailing them round until demand recovers, flog them at a massive profit and declare themselves geniuses. ?

Shame that I don't have room for a couple of tanker loads in my garage.

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36 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Well the claim is that they were set up by the DHSC or their marketing agency. DHSC have said this claim is false.

Well they would wouldn't they ?

In all seriousness, maybe the 128 fake accounts were set up by a 'naughty nurse'.

Apparently that kind of stuff does happen...

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11 hours ago, reverendo de duivel said:

What makes you less of a political activist than her?

You keep saying she's a naughty girl, why?


An activist is a person who campaigns for some kind of social change. When you participate in a march protesting the closing of a neighborhood library, you're an activist.

Someone who's actively involved in a protest or a political or social cause can be called an activist. Demonstrations, strikes, and sit-ins are all ways that an activist might work toward the change she believes in. The root word of activist is the Latin actus, "a doing, a driving force, or an impulse." Someone who acts on what she believes is an activist.

Political, Enviromental, Social, Ecological.

Most if not all of us in some shape or form have over our lifetimes not knowingly been an Activist, I certainly have being a Senior Union Official for many years, Getting your beliefs in the Media, Having yourself being pictured with high profile Politicians, Being a spokeperson for those unable to speak for themselves gives you a platform for your beliefs.

If I was the Lady who works for the NHS and is being portrayed as a "political activist" and have great disdain for someone or something i'd be doing the exact same thing for political gain for my cause, The downside of this is getting caught doing something "immoral" in times of public Anxiety.

I fought for the Miners during the strike in the early 80s, I despised Thatcher for her "beer and sandwiches" comment when inviting Union leaders to a meeting at Number 10, Infering we were of a lower class ?, Then I was a social justice warrior, I guess you could say Far Left, My beliefs changed during and after ther Iraq war.

Today i'm just right of centre in the political spectrum, Politics has changed for the worse imo, It's more to do with personalities rather than political or social justice, Just like on this message board we will continue to agree/disagree with a political belief of others on political causes.

You don't have to be a Council house occupant to vote Labour, You don't have to be a millionair to vote Conservative in todays world, It's what you "HOPE" a political party can do for your Country and yourselves.

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