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Lawrence and Bennett Convicted of drink driving

Message added by Day

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23 minutes ago, Boycie said:

Some massive double standards going off with our fans.

It wasn’t that long ago that the majority of the first team squad got drunk in Duffield.

Who paid the bar bill?

The Derby County first team manager!

Who moaned about that?

How do we know nobody drove home drunk that night?

I’m not condoning what happened on Tuesday, but some people have selective memory.


Getting drunk isn’t the issue really, the idiocy exhibited after a perfectly acceptable night out is the issue.

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23 hours ago, Spanish said:

can't you see how that looks like double standards?  They should be punished by the club rather than passed on to someone else

Put the dheads in stocks outside of pride park and let our fans pelt them with rotten eggs,vegetables,this was how lawbreakers were treated in the middle ages

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18 minutes ago, SouthStandRamma said:

Think lots of plastics are using this event as an excuse to find another club. They only started supporting us just after we beat Brighton in the semis, after all? 

Mate, how about you stop talking ballcocks and stop acusing people of being plastics? - I've had a season ticket for over 35  years  and I've never found myself feeling so embarassed about following my club (not even after the infamous PL season). People are feeling genuinely hurt by the actions of these morons and we're angry that the club has been dragged through the mud again. The vast majority will still turn up tomorrow and get behind the team (as will I), but acusing anyone who struggles to get their head round this and questions whather they want to be associated with the latest embarassment doesn't make them plastics - if anything, it shows how much the club means to them....

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20 minutes ago, Boycie said:

Some massive double standards going off with our fans.

It wasn’t that long ago that the majority of the first team squad got drunk in Duffield.

Who paid the bar bill?

The Derby County first team manager!

Who moaned about that?

How do we know nobody drove home drunk that night?

I’m not condoning what happened on Tuesday, but some people have selective memory.


Using your logic, are you also accusing the club of double standards ? They were quite happy for the team that night to go and get slaughtered and then sanction another team building session at the same venue (I think).

They then try to justify their actions by saying they laid on cars and gave them a curfew, would they have launched an enquiry had the accidents not happened. The players obviously weren’t that worried with the consequences when they decided not to get into the laid on cars for them.

I thought the days of a drinking culture throughout football clubs had gone, I never expected clubs to encourage this, controlled or not, 4 days before a game when you have had a very poor start to the season. You only have to look at the headlines sports people make off the sports field, the majority are alcohol related, why put players in that environment in the first place is beyond me.


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38 minutes ago, SouthStandRamma said:

Think lots of plastics are using this event as an excuse to find another club. They only started supporting us just after we beat Brighton in the semis, after all? 

You're seriously suggesting Derby have plastic fans? Good grief. We don't win things, we're not in the Premier League, if anyone was a plastic fan they'd be going to the Etihad or to Anfield.

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1 hour ago, SouthStandRamma said:

Some people are massively overreacting to this. Yes, it’s not great, but finding another club? Jesus. Plastic fans the lot of you who are considering this. 

As for Huddlestone, no proof he was in the car, and who doesn’t take drunk videos of their mates? He probably had no idea what was about to happen that night, and went home sensibly at 8pm like the rest. I do think some people need to get a grip.

Ultimately it’ll be dealt with, and you’ll all still happily turn up in the thousands when we get another Wembley day out? 

I don’t think anyone on here has suggested otherwise. They’ve just called his professionalism into question and quite rightly!

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Been over thinking how to write something like this so I might as well be blunt about it and say I don’t overly care that the players go out and have a few drinks, in fact in the Lampard era I was kinda glad that they could go somewhere they could feel comfortable as a group to go.

BUT saying that I was always a bit uncomfortable with the ‘encouragement’ by management at the time, and thus, the fans too. Whilst Lampard/Morris were about you felt some sort of control because there’s actual management in charge there who seemingly had a relationship with the pub manager, so no ones going to take it too far. The problem arises now that Lampard era have gone, asthere will still be the thought that they can go there, but without the potential safety nets in place.

Its wholly stupid, and everyone involved will now pay a heavy price including the pub who let it happen, but I think the culture introduced by the previous regime  has inevitably come to bite them all very hard.

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47 minutes ago, David said:

Just took the dog for a walk, did not hesitate for a second to pull on a jacket with a Ram on the chest as I usually do.

I’m not ashamed by the club, nor am I embarrassed. I am ashamed, embarrassed and disappointed by those individuals that represent our club and still struggling to get my head around what they have done.

It is clear the club do not condone this, nor have they encouraged it. A team bonding day/night that takes place at clubs up and down the country, nights that this club has ran without issues on many occasions before. 

Right now I’m desperately trying to find a way to get down tomorrow and show support to the club at a time when we and the rest of the team need it the most.

This isn’t a time to distance ourselves, remove ourselves from the club, I am a Ram, a proud one and will not let the actions of a small number of players change that. 

If any opposition fans want to mock, laugh, think this is “our club”, duck them, the club is more than these individuals. 

A noble response... and one I am currently envious of, if truth be told.

For any other "bad week" that has occurred at the club in the past 44 years (Don't ask... I've lost count!), I've had... as near as damn it... the exact same feelings, and the exact same response as you do above.  Head held high, Ram on Chest, be there to give them my backing etc, etc.
Of course the club is bigger than any individual.  Of course, we are Rams for life.  We most certainly don't consider "going elsewhere"!

For my part in this discussion, whilst I can't seriously ever see me walking away, on this occasion I'd like to take a step back, calm down a little, and assess things at a more appropriate time, in a more appropriate mood.
Forgive me, as I haven't reacted like this before, so I'm not even certain how things will pan out.

As I said in my previous post, I want to hold back on my "judgement of the club" until I see how they respond.  To see how they deal with it.  Hopefully to learn their thinking behind their (ultimate) decision(s).  I would deem any other approach to be mightily unfair of me.
I couldn't even say how I want/expect them to respond at this juncture, if I'm perfectly honest, but I'd hope that it  proves to be something that lifts my spirits.  Something that returns my pride in my club.  Something that alleviates my current shame and embarrassment.
I most certainly don't put any blame directly on the club.  Not at this stage for sure.  I wholeheartedly agree that any ire/dismay should be aimed solely at certain individuals, but let's not forget, it is currently DCFC that is spread across the front pages today, and it is DCFC that is currently the target for the pointing, the laughing, and the accusations from elsewhere.  It will be DCFC who get judged on how they react, and how they move on.
That's the club... as a whole... The Rams... You... Me... Mel... Mr Cocu (poor bugger's only been here 5 minutes!)... The coaching staff, the playing staff, the office staff, and most importantly of all... The club's history!  It will all be on record for generations to come.

DCFC... We are all as one... and we are all about to be judged as one! 

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3 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

Are you saying Bennett isn't a hardworking lad who appreciates the opportunity? 

That's exactly what I'm saying. He's just shown the opposite of that! Hardworking at slamming Peronis down him!

Can you not see how absurd that statement is?

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Just now, goldstar said:

That's exactly what I'm saying. He's just shown the opposite of that! Hardworking at slamming Peronis down him!

Can you not see how absurd that statement is?

Can you not see how absurd yours in?

One night of bad decisions has now rewritten this kid's entire character? Really?

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3 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

Can you not see how absurd yours in?

One night of bad decisions has now rewritten this kid's entire character? Really?

He could have killed someone! Just luck that he didnt

Stop white knighting. He is 23 not a kid. He also has a daughter. Again, would you be so vehement in defending Patrick from Chellaston? Or Mark from Chad?

At 23 and with all the resources and money available to him then yes this bad decision does define him.

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16 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

A noble response... and one I am currently envious of, if truth be told.

For any other "bad week" that has occurred at the club in the past 44 years (Don't ask... I've lost count!), I've had... as near as damn it... the exact same feelings, and the exact same response as you do above.  Head held high, Ram on Chest, be there to give them my backing etc, etc.
Of course the club is bigger than any individual.  Of course, we are Rams for life.  We most certainly don't consider "going elsewhere"!

For my part in this discussion, whilst I can't seriously ever see me walking away, on this occasion I'd like to take a step back, calm down a little, and assess things at a more appropriate time, in a more appropriate mood.
Forgive me, as I haven't reacted like this before, so I'm not even certain how things will pan out.

As I said in my previous post, I want to hold back on my "judgement of the club" until I see how they respond.  To see how they deal with it.  Hopefully to learn their thinking behind their (ultimate) decision(s).  I would deem any other approach to be mightily unfair of me.
I couldn't even say how I want/expect them to respond at this juncture, if I'm perfectly honest, but I'd hope that it  proves to be something that lifts my spirits.  Something that returns my pride in my club.  Something that alleviates my current shame and embarrassment.
I most certainly don't put any blame directly on the club.  Not at this stage for sure.  I wholeheartedly agree that any ire/dismay should be aimed solely at certain individuals, but let's not forget, it is currently DCFC that is spread across the front pages today, and it is DCFC that is currently the target for the pointing, the laughing, and the accusations from elsewhere.  It will be DCFC who get judged on how they react, and how they move on.
That's the club... as a whole... The Rams... You... Me... Mel... Mr Cocu (poor bugger's only been here 5 minutes!)... The coaching staff, the playing staff, the office staff, and most importantly of all... The club's history!  It will all be on record for generations to come.

DCFC... We are all as one... and we are all about to be judged as one! 

You're right about us being judged as one - this includes the fans. I'm as disappointed as the next person but I am not about to rush to judgement of the club until I hear the full facts.

I went to Loughborough last night, and was pleased to support the young players (and one not so young!) and see them play well.

I will go to Pride Park on Saturday and do the same with whatever team Cocu puts out. I'll support them throughout the game.

I understand if other people don't feel they can offer this support at the moment but if you want to demonstrate this, maybe the best thing to do is just stay away for a while. Attendance is not compulsory, but once you are there, if you don't get behind the team this is going to do even further damage to a club that is in a really low spot right now and affect people who are probably innocent in recent events. It's not really going to help, is it?

We're going to get plenty of stick for seasons to come from the clubs of other fans (maybe payback time for those stupid Collymore chants we've been singing for ever). Let them get on with it, but WE ARE Derby, and I think we've got to stand as one.

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1 hour ago, Boycie said:

Some massive double standards going off with our fans.

It wasn’t that long ago that the majority of the first team squad got drunk in Duffield.

Who paid the bar bill?

The Derby County first team manager!

Who moaned about that?

How do we know nobody drove home drunk that night?

I’m not condoning what happened on Tuesday, but some people have selective memory.


I didn’t.

But then I didn’t know any of the facts other than there was a large bar bill. I tend to not comment on something if I don’t know what went on, as it’s pure speculation.

This isn’t speculation.

If you could let us know what happened that night after the playoff semi, who got wrecked, who was drunk driving etc then maybe people could comment, otherwise it’s a case of it not seeming a smart move but we don’t know what happened.

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1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

That’s assuming he didn’t know they were going to drive.

There's no reason to think he had any idea they'd do that.

In my eyes two very separate thing happened that night.

1. Some players got too drunk on a night out and did drunken things against the club's rules.

2. Some players took their cars out while drunk.

Players involved in the first one should get a Dutch rollicking and no more. The second thing is infinitely more serious and as far as I'm aware Tom Hudds had nothing to do with it.

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14 hours ago, SaintRam said:


In fairness, 

We don't know that Huddlestone was involved in the drive back. We don't know that he didn't leave earlier, in a taxi, like a reasonable adult.


Mocking friends who've had too much is pretty standard behavior. I've never once believed any of them are going to be stupid enough to try and drive home.


If Huddlestone was in the cars; or Huddlestone was aware they were going to drive home - then I agree with you both, it's just awful. But we don't know that that's the case and if it wasn't he's behaved pretty normally. 

Wait a minute, he’s now our captain!!... filming a fellow player who’s completely intoxicated , thinking that’s fun. A team that has struggled this season. Players that should show dedication and showing professionalism . Come on, it’s his response, his attitude that’s obviously part of the problem at the club. He comes out of this with no glory. Absolutely no way should he get the  captains arm band. How can we applaud him and others involved when they run out of the tunnel Saturday. 

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9 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

Can you not see how absurd yours in?

One night of bad decisions has now rewritten this kid's entire character? Really?

He's 23 years old. He's an adult, not a child. I don't think one night has rewritten his character, but I do firmly believe he needs to take ownership of it.

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