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As the title says I’m proud. Played well against the best team in the playoffs by far. Just hope the players get the message that the fans are grateful as I think we’ve played within heart, desire and energy and that’s all we want to see. 

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Thought the team played better than I expected over 2 games v Fulham, very proud of their effort but not proud of that style of football.

I am not knocking any Derby player out there - they all gave it the lot..But we play a dire brand of negative football and if we are sticking with Rowett that has to change next year...at 2-0 down we had a go - why wait until you are losing the tie?


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Proud? We were playing Fulham a team as good as they are we should still be beating 

were not some league two side playing man u in the cup although we set up likd that

cant fault some of the effort thats about it 

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Just now, Redcar said:

To be fair, I’d have took 2-1 aggregate defeat last week.

Why? That's not good for anyone. Why should anyone be happy with this? If we lost 10-1, 2-1, 5-2 or anything. A loss is a loss, it doesn't make it feel better that it was 2-1, and it doesn't make it good for the club. Why are you making excuses for a loss?

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Just now, Andicis said:

Why? That's not good for anyone. Why should anyone be happy with this? If we lost 10-1, 2-1, 5-2 or anything. A loss is a loss, it doesn't make it feel better that it was 2-1, and it doesn't make it good for the club. Why are you making excuses for a loss?


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13 minutes ago, Yani P said:

Thought the team played better than I expected over 2 games v Fulham, very proud of their effort but not proud of that style of football.

I am not knocking any Derby player out there - they all gave it the lot..But we play a dire brand of negative football and if we are sticking with Rowett that has to change next year...at 2-0 down we had a go - why wait until you are losing the tie?


Very poor performance tonight if we are all honesty Never looked in control even for short spells, and again, final ball very poor. We could have carried on playing till midnight and not scored a goal. Palmer looked the only player in a Derby shirt with skill at the same level as the Fulham outfield players.

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10 minutes ago, G-Ram said:

Proud? We were playing Fulham a team as good as they are we should still be beating 

were not some league two side playing man u in the cup although we set up likd that

cant fault some of the effort thats about it 

But we don’t just have a right to beat Fulham. 

At the start of the season, we would have all took finishing in the play offs. Actually winning the play offs would’ve been dreamland. 

If you were a pessimist at the start of the season, then we exceeded expectations, if you were an optimist, then we met expeditions. And if you were actually expecting promotion at the start of the season, you’re an idiot. 

Therefore, no one would say we are or ever were the strongest team in the league at this point, or even in the top 6. And certainly based on second half of the season form, we’re lucky if we’re top 10. (That’s not to say that we won’t be a top side in the next season or two, but I think it was fairly well understood that this was a year of rebuilding, and we would have to give Rowett a certain amount of time).

Meanwhile, we’re playing Fulham, who are undeniably one of the best teams in the league. Finished 3rd, probably should have finished second, and on second half of the season form are light years ahead of us. 

So to come out with a 2-1 defeat over 180 minutes, I think we can hold our heads high that we did as well as could realistically be expected. 

There is undeniably room for improvement, and I’d be disappointed if that its the addressed in the close season. My expectations are much higher for next season, with play off final being a minimum expectation from me. But for this season, as much as it hurts now, this was a good achievement in gary’s first full season, and he should be proud. 

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Just now, TigerTedd said:

But we don’t just have a right to beat Fulham. 

At the start of the season, we would have all took finishing in the play offs. Actually winning the play offs would’ve been dreamland. 

If you were a pessimist at the start of the season, then we exceeded expectations, if you were an optimist, then we met expeditions. And if you were actually expecting promotion at the start of the season, you’re an idiot. 

Therefore, no one would say we are or ever were the strongest team in the league at this point, or even in the top 6. And certainly based on second half of the season form, we’re lucky if we’re top 10. (That’s not to say that we won’t be a top side in the next season or two, but I think it was fairly well understood that this was a year of rebuilding, and we would have to give Rowett a certain amount of time).

Meanwhile, we’re playing Fulham, who are undeniably one of the best teams in the league. Finished 3rd, probably should have finished second, and on second half of the season form are light years ahead of us. 

So to come out with a 2-1 defeat over 180 minutes, I think we can hold our heads high that we did as well as could realistically be expected. 

There is undeniably room for improvement, and I’d be disappointed if that its the addressed in the close season. My expectations are much higher for next season, with play off final being a minimum expectation from me. But for this season, as much as it hurts now, this was a good achievement in gary’s first full season, and he should be proud. 

Complete nonsense... a year of rebuilding? I agree we expected a year of rebuilding but we’ve replaced young hungry players with 30 somethings.. i dont see that as rebuilding, if anything we’re worse off, unless we get a few out & in we’ll be weaker next season with an aging side

if you’re a top six side in the same division & have any promotion expectation you should competing properly against Fulham 

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I would certainly agree with that last post - no evidence of rebuilding for me, always looked like a quick fix to challenge this season kind of team - certainly not a rebuilding team as by the time the building is complete most will be pensioners !!!!

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33 minutes ago, Derbyram1983 said:

As the title says I’m proud. Played well against the best team in the playoffs by far. Just hope the players get the message that the fans are grateful as I think we’ve played within heart, desire and energy and that’s all we want to see. 

Thank you for this thread.

Ive just told my 2 teenagers to keep of the net tonight. The youngest finds it too emotional nights like this and struggles not to well up, the oldest gets angry and aggressive, excess testosterone. So with the amount of wrist slashers and told you so’s likely it wouldn’t be much fun for either. 

Proud don’t win games but it does make supporting your club is all about immediately after a defeat. We can all dissect Rowett another day, tonight is not the time. Fair play for voicing such thoughts.

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11 minutes ago, G-Ram said:

Complete nonsense... a year of rebuilding? I agree we expected a year of rebuilding but we’ve replaced young hungry players with 30 somethings.. i dont see that as rebuilding, if anything we’re worse off, unless we get a few out & in we’ll be weaker next season with an aging side

if you’re a top six side in the same division & have any promotion expectation you should competing properly against Fulham 

Maybe it’s bit you’re idea of rebuilding, but it’s rebuilding nonetheless. Maybe there’s a plan there that you’re not privy to.

its like billy Davies and his three year plan. He happened to almost fluke a promotion in the first year, and how well did that go for him. 

Gary has a three year plan too. Maybe by the end of next season a few guys like Elsnick and Lowe will be first teamers, around a core of experience like Huddlestone and Davies. 

Maybe not though, and if that’s the case, I’ll be calling for Rosetts head too. But for now, stay the course and see how the plan pans out.

Rowett just got us to the play offs in his first full season. Are we going to sack him for that? Maybe replace him with zola?

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7 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

Maybe it’s bit you’re idea of rebuilding, but it’s rebuilding nonetheless. Maybe there’s a plan there that you’re not privy to.

its like billy Davies and his three year plan. He happened to almost fluke a promotion in the first year, and how well did that go for him. 

Gary has a three year plan too. Maybe by the end of next season a few guys like Elsnick and Lowe will be first teamers, around a core of experience like Huddlestone and Davies. 

Maybe not though, and if that’s the case, I’ll be calling for Rosetts head too. But for now, stay the course and see how the plan pans out.

Rowett just got us to the play offs in his first full season. Are we going to sack him for that? Maybe replace him with zola?

Ive actually not called for him to be sacked though ... 

playoff was pretty much his minimum expectation, he hasnt really improved performances, he hasnt brought through the youth likebhe said he would & we look if anything not to have used this season of transition to improve but look more disjointed & heavy on the 30 something year old players

He needs a clear out & i just think saying your proud of that performance is a bit of an exaggeration we should be in a position to compete with Fulham   

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1 hour ago, Derbyram1983 said:

As the title says I’m proud. Played well against the best team in the playoffs by far. Just hope the players get the message that the fans are grateful as I think we’ve played within heart, desire and energy and that’s all we want to see. 

Hi all, long time reader, first time poster. Derby fan for all of my 28 years and season ticket holder before I moved down south 10 years ago. 

I don’t want to start with a negative post but if I’m honest heart, desire and energy are the minimum I’d want let alone ‘all I want’. I appreciate the lads’ effort, but my 3 year old can give me heart, desire and energy - it needs to be twinned with quality and composure which was severely lacking tonight. 

We missed Hughes, Ince, Hendrick, and even Martin tonight. We had no one who felt like they had a moment of magic that might unlock Fulham’s defence. 

The fact that we set up to defend also baffles me, Fulham were always going to score at home - seems daft to set up to try to keep them out for 90 mins. 

We looked a different team with Palmer and Vydra on the pitch, and call me old fashioned but I hate the idea of starting the most important game of our season without the league’s top scorer. 

This season was never about rebuilding and you’re kidding yourselves if you thought it was - Rowett brought in old heads that he thought would stop us bottling it. That’s failed now, if he doesn’t change things drastically in summer then he’s lost my confidence entirely (and to be honest I don’t have much left at this point). 

I’d like to see us blow teams away again- tonight more than anything made me think about how happy I was after that Brighton performance. If you think style doesn’t matter over substance, ask a Liverpool fan and a United fan how much they’ve enjoyed this season and compare their answers.

It’s time we all had a team we could be proud of again and can all get behind - rather than us all being divided and fighting amongst each other. 

Anyway, all said and done, come September I’ll be there, whoever’s in charge and whoever pulls on that shirt. 


COYR. Always. 



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