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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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1 hour ago, Mafiabob said:

People blaming everybody else but themselves..... had some right ding dongs on twitter with regards gambling addiction.....

Been called he following by certain gambling lobbyist groups and a guy whose done Panorama and all the news channels regarding whose to blame for his addiction except him:

An apologist for the bookmakers

A shrill

A smug pri ck. For saying it's me to blame for what I did.

My recovery is bull sh it.

Dangerous because I won't blame a machine/online site or bookmaker for what I have done.

Not a gambling addict.

A liar

Been told to keep quiet about my story as it's not "helping" their campaigns against banning certain elements of gambling.

Been blocked by rethinkgambling on twitter for nothing. Just because I won't sign a petition to ban FOBTs.

Its sad that they want to **** down anyone who can get clean and abstain without the need of bans and more importantly..... who accept responsibility for what we've done.

The only question I ask of all these lobbyists and Tony Franklin (Panorama guy) is who made you place a bet? And whose responsible for you doing so?

A question that is still dodged by them all. 

Im at a gambling addiction conference March 10th in Leeds, I'll be bumping into them all.... as always and I've said that I'm not stopping them campaigning etc.... but I won't be silenced as to why I think whose responsible for what we've done. I can get the anger no doubt..... I can't get the blame game. But sometimes I have to be selfish and look after my own senses and recovery. 

You are spot on mafiabob. Personal responsibility.

Whilst I agree that exposure to things frequently increases the probability of succumbing I think that ultimately each individual has a decision to make.

Certainly everywhere you go now you've got overweight people left right and centre. In conjunction with this you have a fast food / convenience store on nearly every square foot of land in this country. The supermarkets are full of junk and within half a mile of my house I have 2 co-ops, 1 Tesco express, 1 huge Tesco store, a huge Sainsburys, 2 one stops, a garage, McDonalds, Mexican restaurant, Frankie and bennys, kfc, aldi, Asda, Iceland, a nisa convenience store, a chippy, two sandwich / breakfast bars, two pizza takeouts, a Thai place, Chinese takeaway ( the last 5 mentioned are all next to one another on the same small strip of main road). There is a coffee shop too. All within half a mile of my house.

I do fully agree that if one chooses to eat takeaways 7 days a week then that's their own personal choice but the exposure to this saturation of junk food outlets doesn't help one bit.

Like bookmakers. They are everywhere now. Even inside your home online. There is no escape unless you consciously decide to ignore them. Which for people with all sorts of difficulties mentally / psychologically is very hard to do.

Unlike the debate I had on another thread with RoyMac5 about life not being black and white, I can categorically state that betting, eating junk food, having an affair, taking drugs etc is black and white. You have a choice whether to do it or not. Yes or no. Black or white.

I do however concede that there are grey areas here in part but it's more down to the fragility of the individual rather than outside influence and if they need help then again, they must take the decision to access it rather than waiting for something to happen.


Take facebook. It's out there, everyone seems obsessed with it and increasingly I'm finding that I cannot now meet new people who don't waste half their lives posting inane shi*te on it.

Like this, Like that. Follow us on facebook blah blah blah. It's total saturation over exposure and like gambling, cheapening of relationships, over eating, booze problems it's part of modern culture and seemingly to admit you don't use twitter or facebook feels like you're a freak. An outcast of society when in actual fact I'm not. I'd just rather get on with my own life than trying to fake another.

I am under so much pressure to succumb to mainstream social media and the ever increasing banality, triviality and shallowness of mainstream modern culture. It's hard but I hate all that stuff and the pointless vacuousness of it all. A bit like Premier League football now.

It is so difficult to make decisions nowadays because you are bombarded with so much stuff and the human brain hasn't had time to evolve in the 10 / 15 years it has taken our society and culture to become so filled with instant food, bets, shopping and the incessant insatiable appetite people have to access instant meaningless crap on the internet.

I have no doubt we need some escapism from all this stress but joining in with it isn't the solution.

The solution is to stay strong in the face of the onslaught. Make a decision and stick with it. Do what you believe is right and don't be swayed or influenced by anyone or anything, not even if they are staring you in the face all day every day. Retreat and leave the destructive pointless things like betting, watching big brother for others.

Keep up the good work mafiabob.

Life IS black and white.

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1 hour ago, Mafiabob said:

People blaming everybody else but themselves..... had some right ding dongs on twitter with regards gambling addiction.....

Been called he following by certain gambling lobbyist groups and a guy whose done Panorama and all the news channels regarding whose to blame for his addiction except him:

An apologist for the bookmakers

A shrill

A smug pri ck. For saying it's me to blame for what I did.

My recovery is bull sh it.

Dangerous because I won't blame a machine/online site or bookmaker for what I have done.

Not a gambling addict.

A liar

Been told to keep quiet about my story as it's not "helping" their campaigns against banning certain elements of gambling.

Been blocked by rethinkgambling on twitter for nothing. Just because I won't sign a petition to ban FOBTs.

Its sad that they want to **** down anyone who can get clean and abstain without the need of bans and more importantly..... who accept responsibility for what we've done.

The only question I ask of all these lobbyists and Tony Franklin (Panorama guy) is who made you place a bet? And whose responsible for you doing so?

A question that is still dodged by them all. 

Im at a gambling addiction conference March 10th in Leeds, I'll be bumping into them all.... as always and I've said that I'm not stopping them campaigning etc.... but I won't be silenced as to why I think whose responsible for what we've done. I can get the anger no doubt..... I can't get the blame game. But sometimes I have to be selfish and look after my own senses and recovery. 

There is clearly something not right there.

You have found the strength within yourself to abstain from gambling. Not everyone is that strong, we get that, and they may benefit from having help from outside campaigns.

But if they are serious then why should you not be held up as an example that you CAN do it yourself if you can find the strength? Surely it's obvious that both approaches are complimentary.

I guess you have to ask what they seek to achieve by attacking you?

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1 hour ago, StivePesley said:

There is clearly something not right there.

You have found the strength within yourself to abstain from gambling. Not everyone is that strong, we get that, and they may benefit from having help from outside campaigns.

But if they are serious then why should you not be held up as an example that you CAN do it yourself if you can find the strength? Surely it's obvious that both approaches are complimentary.

I guess you have to ask what they seek to achieve by attacking you?

As alluded to by @Anon in his reply to me. Also it's in the lobbyists groups interests for people like Tony and others who still gamble or blame everyone else to keep gambling. Which I find disgraceful.

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4 hours ago, Mafiabob said:

People blaming everybody else but themselves..... had some right ding dongs on twitter with regards gambling addiction.....

Been called he following by certain gambling lobbyist groups and a guy whose done Panorama and all the news channels regarding whose to blame for his addiction except him:

An apologist for the bookmakers

A shrill

A smug pri ck. For saying it's me to blame for what I did.

My recovery is bull sh it.

Dangerous because I won't blame a machine/online site or bookmaker for what I have done.

Not a gambling addict.

A liar

Been told to keep quiet about my story as it's not "helping" their campaigns against banning certain elements of gambling.

Been blocked by rethinkgambling on twitter for nothing. Just because I won't sign a petition to ban FOBTs.

Its sad that they want to **** down anyone who can get clean and abstain without the need of bans and more importantly..... who accept responsibility for what we've done.

The only question I ask of all these lobbyists and Tony Franklin (Panorama guy) is who made you place a bet? And whose responsible for you doing so?

A question that is still dodged by them all. 

Im at a gambling addiction conference March 10th in Leeds, I'll be bumping into them all.... as always and I've said that I'm not stopping them campaigning etc.... but I won't be silenced as to why I think whose responsible for what we've done. I can get the anger no doubt..... I can't get the blame game. But sometimes I have to be selfish and look after my own senses and recovery. 

Maybe I'm oversimplifying it but isn't the crux of it that they believe that prevention (banning some forms of gambling) is better than cure (as you have done)?.

Their agenda looks like it's better not to put temptation in the way of anyone, so that those who could be susceptible to addiction don't get hooked. You, by saying that you were/are an addict but have sorted yourself out is undermining their message that people need protection from temptation.

I don't agree with them or their methods but it's a valid opinion. Presumably they would ban pubs because some people are alcoholic?



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There are so many temptations in life though so where do you draw the line? If you work in an office an every week women colleagues are practically throwing themselves at you but you happen to be married. You can make a decision to have a fling or honour your marriage vows. Nobody is forcing you either way although the options are there.

I'm all for people acknowledging they have made the wrong choices and taken steps to address it and get help but I don't like the moaning 'it's everyone else's fault but my own' attitude that many seem to have.

Like when blokes have affairs they blame the other half as the reason they did it and they take the cowardly option of just continuing the affair until they eventually get found out because they are scared to admit it. It's quite pathetic really.

I am overweight and often eat or drink too much when I get low mood so you could say i am susceptible due to my psychology. I put the stuff in my mouth and am aware of the damage it's doing so whose fault is it ultimately.

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On that; the women in my office on Slimming World who complain they've not lost any weight, but refuse to acknowledge they're still grazing on biscuits and treats all day. Who then get upset at me when I point this out. 

I will admit I am on said diet, I have stuck to it and lost a decent chunk of weight this past month, what helps has not been eating a pack of biscuits every day! 

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The arsewipe who wasn't happy with his side of the road. so decided to cross over the middle of the road and onto mine to annihilate my driver side wing mirror, casing, indicator, the lot.

They've totally ****** it and they seem to be one of the most stupidly difficult things to find a decent / correct / reasonably priced replacement :angry:


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1 minute ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Haha! Well credit to Stefan. He didn't try to replace his real name with something else even when him more than anyone would possibly have legitimate grounds to do so.

I was having a pop at those that don't have their surnames on the backs of their shirts rather than bigging up Kuntz, I mean, what's that "Kun" Aguero all about ? It's not his name, it's a nickname apparently, well it's not on and time it was stopped. 

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7 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Maybe I'm oversimplifying it but isn't the crux of it that they believe that prevention (banning some forms of gambling) is better than cure (as you have done)?.

Their agenda looks like it's better not to put temptation in the way of anyone, so that those who could be susceptible to addiction don't get hooked. You, by saying that you were/are an addict but have sorted yourself out is undermining their message that people need protection from temptation.

I don't agree with them or their methods but it's a valid opinion. Presumably they would ban pubs because some people are alcoholic?



I can't get past the fact that something or someone made me place a bet...... I've seen what they write and what they say....... I've had what I've described in my post thrown at me on numerous occasions. They just don't want to have a valid debate where we could meet on some points. I'm all for better self exclusion, adverts after 9pm, also when applying for bank account/credit cards have a box to tick to say whether you want to block gambling transactions or not. I fear that we forget whose responsible to keep ourselves from gambling, us. An addict is still a addict whatever we ban.

Take this logic..... I'm a gambling addict, I rob a off licence of cash to fund my habit. I get caught, I get sent to court..... they ask why I did it..... I say don't blame me, blame the bookie whose making me bet. I'd get laughed at whilst getting sent down..... this is their logic..... it's dangerous really is..... so I can't see it being a valid point they have. People need to take responsibility for their actions. There is nothing dangerous about that. 

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11 hours ago, Mafiabob said:

I can't get past the fact that something or someone made me place a bet...... I've seen what they write and what they say....... I've had what I've described in my post thrown at me on numerous occasions. They just don't want to have a valid debate where we could meet on some points. I'm all for better self exclusion, adverts after 9pm, also when applying for bank account/credit cards have a box to tick to say whether you want to block gambling transactions or not. I fear that we forget whose responsible to keep ourselves from gambling, us. An addict is still a addict whatever we ban.

Take this logic..... I'm a gambling addict, I rob a off licence of cash to fund my habit. I get caught, I get sent to court..... they ask why I did it..... I say don't blame me, blame the bookie whose making me bet. I'd get laughed at whilst getting sent down..... this is their logic..... it's dangerous really is..... so I can't see it being a valid point they have. People need to take responsibility for their actions. There is nothing dangerous about that. 

The logic bit I totally agree with Mafiabob. I had counselling once where I was sounding off about people and society annoying me to the point where I don't fit in. People always want to make excuses for their actions and never accept total responsibility.

You see it in the local press all the time. Stories about blokes nicking stuff, attacking people, vandalising things and then the mitigation ( I call that word excuses) is trotted out.

"Oh he's lost his job / had a row with partner / is suffering from depression / is trying to address a drug habit" delete as appropriate.

They are just excuses.

My counsellor kept telling me that people often do things wrong for various reasons and I wasn't disputing that. My argument was that people wanted their cake and eat it. They wanted to commit a crime or make a wrong decision and then when caught out they trot out the sob stories rather than holding their hands up, acknowledging they have done wrong and accepting the punishment.

I told the counsellor that if my family were on the brink of starvation and all avenues to get food had been exhausted then I would feel it necessary to break the law and steal food.

That's wrong. I know it. My family would starve though so that's reason why I would nick the food. It's a reason - not an excuse. If I get caught I apologise, completely accept all personal responsibility and take what's coming.

That's society today though. Always want to blame others for their mess.

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20 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

The logic bit I totally agree with Mafiabob. I had counselling once where I was sounding off about people and society annoying me to the point where I don't fit in. People always want to make excuses for their actions and never accept total responsibility.

You see it in the local press all the time. Stories about blokes nicking stuff, attacking people, vandalising things and then the mitigation ( I call that word excuses) is trotted out.

"Oh he's lost his job / had a row with partner / is suffering from depression / is trying to address a drug habit" delete as appropriate.

They are just excuses.

My counsellor kept telling me that people often do things wrong for various reasons and I wasn't disputing that. My argument was that people wanted their cake and eat it. They wanted to commit a crime or make a wrong decision and then when caught out they trot out the sob stories rather than holding their hands up, acknowledging they have done wrong and accepting the punishment.

I told the counsellor that if my family were on the brink of starvation and all avenues to get food had been exhausted then I would feel it necessary to break the law and steal food.

That's wrong. I know it. My family would starve though so that's reason why I would nick the food. It's a reason - not an excuse. If I get caught I apologise, completely accept all personal responsibility and take what's coming.

That's society today though. Always want to blame others for their mess.

It makes me so sad..... I actually feel so sorry for Tony Franklin..... I feel he's being used to further other people's agenda..... if the lobbyists win, they'll think nothing of discarding him when the next campaign to jump on comes along. 

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45 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Nuisance calls from callcentres that when you DO actually answer one because you're a bit unsure, you say hello and they cut you off!! Happens all the time!

What's the point in ringing and then hanging up once you've answered?


Only because they call 100 people at the same time. If you're unlucky enough to be the first to answer, you get the jackpot of being sold something you don't want or need. The other 99 get off with the lucky escape of  being automatically cut off.

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