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Smoking Ban

Sith Happens

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I really think that those who smoke should get a whiff of how vile they smell. I work with the public and when a smoker breathes on me I could vomit. Their clothes stink too. Yet they use deodorant to stop smelling sweaty but are happy to stink of smoke. It smells worse! I'm sure they're nice people but I'd rather they didn't come near me  

If they could reproduce this and let them smell it (they don't notice it, to them it smells nice) in a way that non smokers can then they'd maybe find more motivation to quit. 

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I heard a radio program yonks ago (possibly 50. Yes, I'm an old git) where it was propounded that governments would never ban smoking, nor tax it out of reach, for 2 reasons.

1. The revenue loss would be catastrophic

2. The NHS would never be able to cope with the resulting leap in age expectancy. He maintained that smoking a fag takes on average about 7 1/2 minutes, which is calculated to be the amount of time it (1 fag) shortens your life.

The irony is that much of that revenue is taken up by the NHS nursing smoking-related illnesses.

I suppose the smoking ban is the next best compromise; discourage smoking, but not too much.

John Grisham's 'The runaway jury' is a good read, giving an insight to the political pressure and devious scheming by the American tobacco companies.

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All I can say is you can be having a great time in the pub, lots of conversation and suddenly half the group bugger off to have a fag an it kills it all off. Ruined pubs from that perspective although it's nice that your clothes don't smell the next day etc.

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During winter when attending pub gigs, I had to go outside every so often to get some air due to smoke. My clothes could not be worn the next day. I was pleased when smoking was banned in pubs. On a different or similar note depending how you look at it. I was put off a very attractive woman at work because when she talked, she reeked of smoke.

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56 minutes ago, King Kevin said:

All I can say is you can be having a great time in the pub, lots of conversation and suddenly half the group bugger off to have a fag an it kills it all off. Ruined pubs from that perspective although it's nice that your clothes don't smell the next day etc.

To be honest, I know hardly anyone who smokes these days and those that do tend to go out once there is a natural break in conversation.

The ban didn't ruin pubs from that perspective; smokers prioritising their habit over their friends' company did. 

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Sith Happens
3 hours ago, King Kevin said:

All I can say is you can be having a great time in the pub, lots of conversation and suddenly half the group bugger off to have a fag an it kills it all off. Ruined pubs from that perspective although it's nice that your clothes don't smell the next day etc.


2 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

To be honest, I know hardly anyone who smokes these days and those that do tend to go out once there is a natural break in conversation.

The ban didn't ruin pubs from that perspective; smokers prioritising their habit over their friends' company did. 

This has happened to me in the past and have been left sat alone in a restaurant when everyone else cleared off to smoke. Of course I could have gone with them but i think it demonstrates how thoughtless some smokers can be.

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Sith Happens
3 hours ago, Phoenix said:

I heard a radio program yonks ago (possibly 50. Yes, I'm an old git) where it was propounded that governments would never ban smoking, nor tax it out of reach, for 2 reasons.

1. The revenue loss would be catastrophic

2. The NHS would never be able to cope with the resulting leap in age expectancy. He maintained that smoking a fag takes on average about 7 1/2 minutes, which is calculated to be the amount of time it (1 fag) shortens your life.

The irony is that much of that revenue is taken up by the NHS nursing smoking-related illnesses.

I suppose the smoking ban is the next best compromise; discourage smoking, but not too much.

John Grisham's 'The runaway jury' is a good read, giving an insight to the political pressure and devious scheming by the American tobacco companies.

I would love to know how much smoking generates in taxes and how much it costs the NHS.

Both figures will be astronomical no doubt.

I suppose the issue would be if it was banned is the revenue would cease now but the burden on the NHS would continue for quite a long time because of historical smoking.


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4 minutes ago, Paul71 said:


This has happened to me in the past and have been left sat alone in a restaurant when everyone else cleared off to smoke. Of course I could have gone with them but i think it demonstrates how thoughtless some smokers can be.

Of course, it is possible to take it all personally and think that they are just using smoking as an excuse to get away for 5 minutes...


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11 minutes ago, Paul71 said:


This has happened to me in the past and have been left sat alone in a restaurant when everyone else cleared off to smoke. Of course I could have gone with them but i think it demonstrates how thoughtless some smokers can be.

Yeah, it's happened to me too and it's annoying.  I'm not sure it 's just thoughtlessness on their part though. They really are addicted after all, and they have a psychological need and a physical craving to smoke. It must be very difficult to ignore. Whereas the non-smoking friend is easy to ignore for a few minutes. 

When they do go outside to smoke, i wish they wouldn't congregate by the door as i have to pass through the cloud of smoke on the way in and out of pubs/restaurants. They could just stand a few steps further away....hmmm....maybe they are inconsiderate of non-smokers after all!

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The only thing I remember was how smelly pubs and clubs where when the ban came in. Old smelly socks was the flavour. As a smoker back then (rollies) I was pleased with it because I too didn't want to smell like an ashtray. Now I vape haha


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You can smoke in just about every bar in Berlin. Sure it's EU law, but the locals just ignore it. Don't think there's enough Police to enforce it, either.

My clothes stink after a night out, I'm constantly washing jeans. I'd almost quit before I moved here, but it's difficult to stop when the whole bar is puffing away.

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I'm allergic to it. Rule came in when I was in final year of uni and loved it.

Remember in early teens long haul flights with people smoking. I think of those days and getting of that plane and it makes me sick.

I only wish we'd issue fines to people for littering these days. Employ 'police' whose sole responsibility it is to catch people littering. Fine people £100 a time. The amount of revenue in fines would easily outweigh the cost of such a scheme.

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2 hours ago, rammieib said:

I'm allergic to it. Rule came in when I was in final year of uni and loved it.

Remember in early teens long haul flights with people smoking. I think of those days and getting of that plane and it makes me sick.

I only wish we'd issue fines to people for littering these days. Employ 'police' whose sole responsibility it is to catch people littering. Fine people £100 a time. The amount of revenue in fines would easily outweigh the cost of such a scheme.

Where's Richard Branson when you need him? Tony Blair appointed him 'Litter Czar'. Oh, yes, I remember, on his private tax-evading island.

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Sith Happens
19 hours ago, rammieib said:

I'm allergic to it. Rule came in when I was in final year of uni and loved it.

Remember in early teens long haul flights with people smoking. I think of those days and getting of that plane and it makes me sick.

I only wish we'd issue fines to people for littering these days. Employ 'police' whose sole responsibility it is to catch people littering. Fine people £100 a time. The amount of revenue in fines would easily outweigh the cost of such a scheme.

I'd fine people a lot more for littering. Make them do litter picking, make it a proper punishment.

If someone is caught throwling litter from a car window, make them do 200 hours littering service or confiscate their car.

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On 13/08/2017 at 09:31, Angry Ram said:

Best thing ever.. Most disgusting habit ever. Smelly bar stools.

I wonder if people realise how stupid they look as well.


On 14/08/2017 at 04:40, TimRam said:

During winter when attending pub gigs, I had to go outside every so often to get some air due to smoke. My clothes could not be worn the next day. I was pleased when smoking was banned in pubs. On a different or similar note depending how you look at it. I was put off a very attractive woman at work because when she talked, she reeked of smoke.

"Smoking's cool and you know it", said Chandler on an episode of Friends and he was right. And I've always been attracted to women who smoked. And there was something beautiful and intimate about sharing cigarettes with someone.

And smokers were always more interesting than non smokers, so it was great to sit at the back of the plane and strike up a conversation, or stand outside the pub with fellow outcasts. See someone you fancy, and you could simply go and ask them for a light.

Happily, I occasionally dream I'm smoking and I know I haven't had one for such a very long time, that the taste is beautiful (that first cigarette after a spell of not smoking is always the best - the next one never tasted as good). And it's like being Dorian Gray, when there's no actual effect on you from treating your body so badly.

But of course the smoking ban is a tremendous thing and makes the world better, even if more anodyne. It's one of those societal changes, like same sex marriage, that has become the norm incredibly quickly and from which there can be no going back.

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1 hour ago, Carl Sagan said:


"Smoking's cool and you know it", said Chandler on an episode of Friends and he was right. And I've always been attracted to women who smoked. And there was something beautiful and intimate about sharing cigarettes with someone.

And smokers were always more interesting than non smokers, so it was great to sit at the back of the plane and strike up a conversation, or stand outside the pub with fellow outcasts. See someone you fancy, and you could simply go and ask them for a light.

Happily, I occasionally dream I'm smoking and I know I haven't had one for such a very long time, that the taste is beautiful (that first cigarette after a spell of not smoking is always the best - the next one never tasted as good). And it's like being Dorian Gray, when there's no actual effect on you from treating your body so badly.

But of course the smoking ban is a tremendous thing and makes the world better, even if more anodyne. It's one of those societal changes, like same sex marriage, that has become the norm incredibly quickly and from which there can be no going back.

Nah mate, it's not cool. Honest 

You might think you all look cool standing there posing with your death sticks but the reality is ya don't. 

I prefer a more direct approach with women. 'Fancy a shag' type of thing, none of this beat about the bush asking for a light. 

More interesting!! Wrong there as well. 

Its the smell of you that nails it. Smokers probably spend hundreds on things to make themselves smell nice but it's folly. You smell horrible, no escape, you smell all the time. Why would you want that?

Sounds like you have given up, good man. 

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Sith Happens
48 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

Just need a vape ban now.

Think some pubs and restaurants do, because they say across a busy bar its not possible to tell if its actual smoke or not and of course the pub is the one that gets the fine.


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