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Free bus from City Centre to Pride Park


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1 minute ago, Inglorius said:

To be spending it in a pub drinking craft beer rather then over priced disco fizz

The last game I went to was the Watford home game in Mac's first season. I went with my dad and brother-in-law. We went into the Harrington at about 1:45 and had a drink. I'm trying really hard but I honestly can't remember ever having been in a pub before a game apart from that occasion. I spent all my time in there looking at my watch and wondering when we were going to go to the ground. I had a season ticket on the Popside for 16 years before I moved out to Spain. I loved getting to the ground around an hour before kickoff, watching the stands fill up and the players warm up. You could feel the buzz building up as 3 o'clock got nearer. The Popside beginning to sway as the numbers increased. I got a much bigger high from that than going into a pub, knocking back a couple of pints and then missing most of the first half because I was bursting for a pee. Maybe it's because the grounds now are all seater and it's just easier to get to your "spot" without any hassle, but that half hour or so in the pub felt more like two to me.

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2 minutes ago, richinspain said:

The last game I went to was the Watford home game in Mac's first season. I went with my dad and brother-in-law. We went into the Harrington at about 1:45 and had a drink. I'm trying really hard but I honestly can't remember ever having been in a pub before a game apart from that occasion. I spent all my time in there looking at my watch and wondering when we were going to go to the ground. I had a season ticket on the Popside for 16 years before I moved out to Spain. I loved getting to the ground around an hour before kickoff, watching the stands fill up and the players warm up. You could feel the buzz building up as 3 o'clock got nearer. The Popside beginning to sway as the numbers increased. I got a much bigger high from that than going into a pub, knocking back a couple of pints and then missing most of the first half because I was bursting for a pee. Maybe it's because the grounds now are all seater and it's just easier to get to your "spot" without any hassle, but that half hour or so in the pub felt more like two to me.

For some of us football is about a lot more than drinking beer.

I feel this may come as a surprise to some!!

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It's a good idea commercially, and fans who'd get there that early will welcome it, win-win really.

One thing I'd love the club to do, see if they can't persuade East Midlands trains to put on a service Nottingham bound after midweek games before 11pm, or alter the timetable to suit.

Trains every 20 mins until just before the scheduled end of a game, then none for 80 mins.

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Football is about the whole day for me not just 90 minutes. It's a family day for us after a busy week of work. I love having a drink with everyone, home and away, before and after.  

Get there an hour before kick off and have a swift one in the beer tent watching the world go by.

Whatever makes your football day fun, do it.  Each to their own innit.

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