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Official: Will Hughes joins Watford


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1 minute ago, EnigmaRam said:

Sick of seeing this. Think I will reserve judgement if it's all the same!

Hard to say at this moment. But as fans, we have all said that we want players attitudes and performances to change. That will only happen with some serious changes, it's happening at the moment and we need to trust Rowett to do what's best for the club. 

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Even the timing of this deal is scummy. 

At 5pm just before the ticket office shuts. So I didn't have time to claim my season ticket refund today. 

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3 minutes ago, Derby_EnglandLoyal said:

Gary Rowett.

If you're suggesting Rowett should be ashamed if he's played a part in Wills' transfer then you're being ridiculous. Rowett will want to adopt a style of play which is likely to be quite different to what we've been used to over the last 3 - 4 seasons, particularly during the McLaren era. It may prove successful, it may not but that isn't the point. He MUST be allowed to manage the squad as he sees fit otherwise we may as well go back to Wassall. Everything points to the fact that he doesn't see Will Hughes as forming an integral part of his starting eleven next season so therefore what's the use in keeping him - an asset wasting away and unfair to the lad who clearly has talent which can be better used at another club and in a system more suited to those qualities. We have to be fair to Will as much as we have loved having him here.

If there's any criticism of this deal then it's in the paltry fee, although i guess there's nobody outside the club's inner sanctum who really knows the make-up of the transfer fee. Take the higher figure of £8m which has been tossed around - I just don't believe that we couldn't have played hardball with Watford for a week or two - it worked with Burnley during the Hendrick negotiations. The speed with which the fee was agreed was almost indecent which does make me wonder how desperate the Club were to get some income to show in the accounts.

I'm sad he's gone - what should have been a glorious exit from the club for a wonderful young player has been soured.

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1 hour ago, TomInceOnFire said:

"There's a decent sell on clause in Will Hughes deal between Derby and Watford. About 15pc if he moves again."

From Alan Nixon on Twitter

Is that 15% of any sale price or 15% of any profit made on sale?!

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Just now, RamsPolls said:

Hard to say at this moment. But as fans, we have all said that we want players attitudes and performances to change. That will only happen with some serious changes, it's happening at the moment and we need to trust Rowett to do what's best for the club. 

We don't need to trust him unquestioningly if he makes decisions that seem baffling to some of us.  Hughes wasn't a player with a poor attitude and deliverered very few poor performances so I don't think he is in the set of players you refer to anyhow.

I was sad to see McClaren go this year. He revitalised us from a horrendous position and had one transfer window to reshape things and was sacked when he hit a bad run with a bunch of players he had mostly inherited.  I said at the time it was a terrible decision. Everything that has happened since make me think that even more.  We have turned from a club that was different to others in the Championship (Mourinho's words) with a great style of play and are aiming to be one just like any other: pragmatic, pace, power.  It may be effective. It certainly won't be as pleasing on the eye as McClaren sides.  

I trust GR to do what he thinks is best. But his vision for our side is not one that enthuses me and so I don't agree that what he thinks is best, is best

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I'm pissin my self at some of the over the top reactions on here :lol:

Clubs sell their best players all the time, and imo Hughes hasn't been our best player for a long time.

A lot of the children on here won't remember what happened when Jim Smith took over at derby after years of us splashing the cash with very little reward, ie, no promotion. 

We replaced them with relative unknowns and what happened???? we went on to have our best years of football since the clough era.

What i'm saying is, yes Hughes was a good player but he's not ****** Ronaldo and all this overreaction is getting rather silly. If this effects you this badly, god knows how you'd react in a serious situation in normal life.

FFS guys it's football.

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7 minutes ago, PistoldPete2 said:

Even the timing of this deal is scummy. 

At 5pm just before the ticket office shuts. So I didn't have time to claim my season ticket refund today. 

Your going to look so daft when you stop your hissy fit and don't actually cancel your season ticket (if you even can ).

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1 minute ago, DazzaRam said:

Managers make decisions. They sink or swim by them. Pearson sold Hendrick on virtually deadline day and never replaced him. Rowett will have a plan. He obviously didnt want to lose Ince for £7m plus but was ok to lose Hughes. I know its not a popular decision but he sees it as a way forward. Get behind Rowett and give him a chance. He will make us strong this season IMO. There is no way he would let Hughes go if it didnt help him to progress this side. Too many times we have failed...too many times we have been called bottlers....it has to change. Good Luck Prince William...In Rowett we trust.

Speak for yourself.

Blinkered partizan support of your club is what supporting a football team is a all about, no problem there. But blind faith in a manager stinks. Lets analyze his decisions and assess his teams performances and results and then decide whether he is good for Derby or not. Given that he has just inflicted a deep wound on the club by selling off our most talented player on the cheap he better hope the results are excellent next season.

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Certainly puts the spotlight on Rowett's plans for replacing Will to rejuvenate Derby's midfield. The team will have to hit the ground running, fans' chins are on the floor (again) with this malarkey. We need to ACHIEVE.

Will's move is a consequence of inadequacies in management and squad in their failure to attain consistency over recent years and put themselves in the place where Watford (yes,Watford) are - namely, offering a higher playing level for their stars, and a chance of a berth in the senior international squad.

Could have named 10 Derby players I would have cheerily shown the door in front of Will Hughes...let's hope some of them are soon on their way (though obviously, not to the Prem...more like League One!)

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3 minutes ago, feisty said:

We don't need to trust him unquestioningly if he makes decisions that seem baffling to some of us.  Hughes wasn't a player with a poor attitude and deliverered very few poor performances so I don't think he is in the set of players you refer to anyhow.

I was sad to see McClaren go this year. He revitalised us from a horrendous position and had one transfer window to reshape things and was sacked when he hit a bad run with a bunch of players he had mostly inherited.  I said at the time it was a terrible decision. Everything that has happened since make me think that even more.  We have turned from a club that was different to others in the Championship (Mourinho's words) with a great style of play and are aiming to be one just like any other: pragmatic, pace, power.  It may be effective. It certainly won't be as pleasing on the eye as McClaren sides.  

I trust GR to do what he thinks is best. But his vision for our side is not one that enthuses me and so I don't agree that what he thinks is best, is best

I think I've said on another thread, months ago. I have a pal who knows both will and ince (they go into his shop quite often).

He said Ince is so down to earth, just a regular guy and gives him a lot of stuff for his charity.

He said will is an absolute cock, one of the most arrogant lads he's ever met.


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1 hour ago, Sparkle said:

The difference in my opinion is that in both cases the Rams and the Dogs only played the youngsters because they/we had too 


but our accademy has hardly set the world alight since clough brought through willy and jeff 

maybe nows the time to shine

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Just now, RiddingsRam said:

Your going to look so daft when you stop your hissy fit and don't actually cancel your season ticket (if you even can ).

If the club provides a credible reason why an ambitious club should sell our best players then I would be happy to confirm my season ticket renewal.

atm, all I have heard from Rowett, Phillips and co is pure BS.

who is the one looking daft?

those who talk about playing the Derby way, then selling our most cultured player.

those who talk about wanting younger, hungrier players, then selling our youngest hungriest player. 

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5 minutes ago, mwram1973 said:

I'm pissin my self at some of the over the top reactions on here :lol:

Clubs sell their best players all the time, and imo Hughes hasn't been our best player for a long time.

A lot of the children on here won't remember what happened when Jim Smith took over at derby after years of us splashing the cash with very little reward, ie, no promotion. 

We replaced them with relative unknowns and what happened???? we went on to have our best years of football since the clough era.

What i'm saying is, yes Hughes was a good player but he's not ****** Ronaldo and all this overreaction is getting rather silly. If this effects you this badly, god knows how you'd react in a serious situation in normal life.

FFS guys it's football.

Completely agree, I'm not ashamed because he's good, I'm ashamed that we've let him leave for so little money. And sorry everyone but Hughes was dissapointihg this year.

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I havent a problem with him leaving, i think that its best for all parties in order to move forward and i eish him nothing but the very best luck in the world but im truly utterly dismayed at the level of the fee weve got for him

when compared with some of the monies being landed about for players with an ounce of his ability, 

didnt the dogs get 13 odd million for the burke lad who had kicked the ball 8 times 

pretty dismayed tbh 

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8 minutes ago, mwram1973 said:

I'm pissin my self at some of the over the top reactions on here :lol:

Clubs sell their best players all the time, and imo Hughes hasn't been our best player for a long time.

A lot of the children on here won't remember what happened when Jim Smith took over at derby after years of us splashing the cash with very little reward, ie, no promotion. 

We replaced them with relative unknowns and what happened???? we went on to have our best years of football since the clough era.

What i'm saying is, yes Hughes was a good player but he's not ****** Ronaldo and all this overreaction is getting rather silly. If this effects you this badly, god knows how you'd react in a serious situation in normal life.

FFS guys it's football.

Igor stimac was not a relative unknown. 

I think the best we can hope for is that we buy someone from abroad like stimac or asanovic. 

But I think the days when you could snap up bargains have gone, unless it's Derby who are doing the selling.

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2 minutes ago, PistoldPete2 said:

If the club provides a credible reason why an ambitious club should sell our best players then I would be happy to confirm my season ticket renewal.

atm, all I have heard from Rowett, Phillips and co is pure BS.

who is the one looking daft?

those who talk about playing the Derby way, then selling our most cultured player.

those who talk about wanting younger, hungrier players, then selling our youngest hungriest player. 

What's saying that he didn't push the move ? The club or Will aren't going to come out and say that are they ? 

If we we're selling all our players off left right and centre and not replacing them or replacing them with youth that's not up to the job I could understand your point. Personally I think Will wanted a move , he didn't fit into what Rowett wants to do and the move suits all parties. 

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2 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

I havent a problem with him leaving, i think that its best for all parties in order to move forward and i eish him nothing but the very best luck in the world but im truly utterly dismayed at the level of the fee weve got for him

when compared with some of the monies being landed about for players with an ounce of his ability, 

didnt the dogs get 13 odd million for the burke lad who had kicked the ball 8 times 

pretty dismayed tbh 

Why are you dismayed it's not your money. Obviously Morris thought that the fee was an acceptable one otherwise he wouldn't still be here.

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Perhaps the Udinese mafia told Mel that they'd break his legs if he didn't settle his debt in the manner of their chosing.

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