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Pretty much reflective of Derby fans comments of Martin from time to time

Half think he's a lazy waste of space, the rest understanding why he looks like a lazy waste of space.


not a martin fan at all (check my old posts) but i absolutely totally 100% disagree with this

martin won everything that was put near him and some of his flicks and touches are astoundingly good, turning apparently lost causes into goal-scoring chances

martin never has been, and never will be, a lightning fast, skillful player who runs round 5 defenders and scores. he gets under long balls, holds things up, brings others into play and if you find him in space in the box, he'll score. that's his game, it will get him 20 goals per season, and that is what you pay for


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3 hours ago, Derby_EnglandLoyal said:

Yawn same old same old as per usual from you Ninos. 

Im saying that it's interesting that their fans are divided from complete waste of space to good player.  That's the nothing new bit. Can't believe I'm responding to one of your posts but hey ho lol.

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1 hour ago, Ninos said:

Im saying that it's interesting that their fans are divided from complete waste of space to good player.  That's the nothing new bit. Can't believe I'm responding to one of your posts but hey ho lol.

Martin is definitely marmite and not your usual striker. He's one of those players that's horrible to watch with his moaning and head shaking but I can't deny his goals and assists have been vital over the last few seasons

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4 hours ago, Animal is a Ram said:

Pretty much reflective of Derby fans comments of Martin from time to time

Half think he's a lazy waste of space, the rest understanding why he looks like a lazy waste of space.


Their views are also tainted by the fact he's not issued a burning, ardent desire to be a Fulham player! :D

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On 07/03/2017 at 16:16, toddy said:

I will do it for you then....

Season 13/14 - 25 goals

Season 14/15 - 21 goals

Season 15/16 - 15 goals

Season 16/17 - currently on 11 goals

There is a pattern here........


On 07/03/2017 at 15:13, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

Pacey striker like £8 million quid vydra?

Yeah,that worked out great?

if you read my thread im not saying martin is not a good stiker but i think the whole system has to be changed to accomadate him and although we all go to games to see goals being going in we need a more balanced team  if we play the gung ho style of football we played before. ok we were unlucky at wembley but teams had begun to sus us out ,keep it tight for 75 minutes and they will all be nackered and the rest is history, just my personal opinion of course

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I am divided in my opinion. Martin is a good striker at this level because he brings others into play. If we choose him I think we need another new striker to play with him.

We also would need more attacking midfield players than we have now.

i don't feel he would be successful in the premier league. He is too slow and better defenders will shut him out.

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37 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

i don't feel he would be successful in the premier league. He is too slow and better defenders will shut him out.

This is an utterly pointless statement as we are not in the Prem, but we do need to employ players who are good enough to get us there.

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1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

This is an utterly pointless statement as we are not in the Prem, but we do need to employ players who are good enough to get us there.

Why is it an utterly pointless statement? 

We just signed him on a long term deal and my opinion is that if we made it to the Prem (which surely has to be our aim)  we would need to replace him. 

It strikes me that teams do well in the Prem when they keep their team together.

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24 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

Why is it an utterly pointless statement? 

We just signed him on a long term deal and my opinion is that if we made it to the Prem (which surely has to be our aim)  we would need to replace him. 

It strikes me that teams do well in the Prem when they keep their team together.

Really? Well maybe Martin will do well then. If not he'd be worth more having got promotion from the Championship.

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On 08/03/2017 at 10:51, toddy said:

All well and good but we need a midfield that can create before a ball goes in the final third and then we need midfielders with pace to be able to get into the final third.

The problems within this team/squad are far bigger than Martin not being here.

Do you not see though that your midfield problem is essentially because of the Martin problem? Midfielders can't get forward in pace or create a ball because there is no focal point in front of them. Let's face it the movement in and around the box is almost static. This means there is a little space and causes the midfield to be slow on the ball There's the other factor is a sense of trust. So if I'm Butterfield, once I pass forward can we guarantee that we won't lose the ball and I'll be caught out of position? Once that doubt starts to cross your mind, it ain't easy to get it back. It has started to improve with Nugent but he's not exactly the long term solution. 

Martin isn't the only problem no, but at the very least someone of his ilk will go a big way into getting things on the right track

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1 hour ago, TuffLuff said:

Do you not see though that your midfield problem is essentially because of the Martin problem? Midfielders can't get forward in pace or create a ball because there is no focal point in front of them. Let's face it the movement in and around the box is almost static. This means there is a little space and causes the midfield to be slow on the ball There's the other factor is a sense of trust. So if I'm Butterfield, once I pass forward can we guarantee that we won't lose the ball and I'll be caught out of position? Once that doubt starts to cross your mind, it ain't easy to get it back. It has started to improve with Nugent but he's not exactly the long term solution. 

Martin isn't the only problem no, but at the very least someone of his ilk will go a big way into getting things on the right track

Fans think Martin and the team of 13/14 and all that was good in that season, but remember the team now is not the team it was from 3 season's ago.

If we want Martin back and play only a certain way then we need midfielders that can move the play quickly and link up with Martin and that means midfielders with a bit of pace - we currently have neither.

Going backwards to the first Mac era does also have its problems,  -

What happens when Martin is off his game, is injured etc - the team is built around a certain way of playing without your kingpin it really falls apart.

Then we have the issue a lot coach's struggle with when playing 4-3-3, when your opposite number goes and plays a good 4-4-2 side against you [ 4-4-2 formation is what counters 4-3-3] - Mac would need a plan B, so what do you do stick Martin on the bench and the team you built around one man now does not function to its ability. We have seen numerous times over the last couple of seasons, press Derby means you then isolate Martin, place 2 CB's on him and he's out of the game.

Much better to a balance side capable of playing 4-3-3 and then reverting to a 4-4-2 when needs must, can Martin play in a two up front? Thought that was tried in August.............

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