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The way forward......lets be positive

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All negative posts being banded around so lets try and throw some suggestions (preferably sensible) as to what can be done to turn this disaster akin to the Titanic heading towards its iceberg doom.

Lets assume NP remains in charge.......


Drop Carson, Christie. Replace with Mitchell and Butterfield. Butters hasnt the pace for RCM so at full back he could add something in terms of ability to pick a pass and to be fair cant defend any worse than CC.

Carson doesnt seem to inspire and tends to drop a clanger or 2. Mitchell appears to have confidence in abundance. Good prospect.

I would give Olsson once last chance to prove himself as i really dont rate him either. Keogh likewise. Lowe and Rawson ready in the wings

Eksniak (spelling probably wrong) on the wing. Someone with pace and can cross a ball.

Stick with 442 but need a better balance in the middle. My choice all season has been Hanson and a.n.other. Bryson or Hughes to be on the front foot. Hanson will be the insurance to cover the back 4.

Up top Vydra and Weimann/ Wilson/ Blackman. Bent hasnt got the zip of old hence thevamount of offsides he gets.

I like Blackman. He just needs a goal and he will kick on.

At the exit gate on Morley Rd...

Ince, Shackell, Johnson, Christie,

Last chance saloon....

Russell, Olsson, Keogh

Not good enough but keep as appear good eggs...

Baird, Bent





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2 minutes ago, Derbyram1983 said:

He lets get these young players in. I've got more optimism in anticipation of the younger players starting. I play vernem if he is playing youngsters as he is scoring goals for fun 

What do you think it will do to these youngsters when as hard as they may try things don't go our way? If they were better than the current squad they'd already be playing!

Using 'I'm gonna have to play the youngsters' as a threat to the rest of the squad also stinks - what a crap manager Pearson is!

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4 minutes ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:






Its all good stuff, and I agree with the bulk of it. I would actually give Weale a go in goal.

But the ins and outs would take a lot of time, and we need a win right now. Players slumping to the ground at the end of yesterday is the worry.

Being positive ..... I would have a team meeting and ask who really wants to play against Cardiff. I would pick the hands that went up fastest. Any player who did have his hand up within five seconds would be out the door long term.

Then I would say I wanted every player to have at least one shot on goal. They could plan this out between themselves and surprise me.

Training would be five a side and having a laugh, not endless fitness and clipboard ticking.

And if it was me .... I would tell them this was our little secret, but if they won three on the bounce this season I would do a post match interview in fancy dress. Score eight goals in that run and they can pick it out for me.

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3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

What do you think it will do to these youngsters when as hard as they may try things don't go our way? If they were better than the current squad they'd already be playing!

Using 'I'm gonna have to play the youngsters' as a threat to the rest of the squad also stinks - what a crap manager Pearson is!

Marcus Rashford? Not thought better than United already had but given a chance and what do you know? Now one of Englands brightest striking prospects.

If the first team players aren't doing the business then a manager should be brave enough to put in youngsters who are doing well in the reserves and give them a little run out.

Under the current circumstances what harm can it do?

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14 minutes ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

All negative posts being banded around so lets try and throw some suggestions (preferably sensible) as to what can be done to turn this disaster akin to the Titanic heading towards its iceberg doom.

Lets assume NP remains in charge.......


Drop Carson, Christie. Replace with Mitchell and Butterfield. Butters hasnt the pace for RCM so at full back he could add something in terms of ability to pick a pass and to be fair cant defend any worse than CC.

Carson doesnt seem to inspire and tends to drop a clanger or 2. Mitchell appears to have confidence in abundance. Good prospect.

I would give Olsson once last chance to prove himself as i really dont rate him either. Keogh likewise. Lowe and Rawson ready in the wings

Eksniak (spelling probably wrong) on the wing. Someone with pace and can cross a ball.

Stick with 442 but need a better balance in the middle. My choice all season has been Hanson and a.n.other. Bryson or Hughes to be on the front foot. Hanson will be the insurance to cover the back 4.

Up top Vydra and Weimann/ Wilson/ Blackman. Bent hasnt got the zip of old hence thevamount of offsides he gets.

I like Blackman. He just needs a goal and he will kick on.

At the exit gate on Morley Rd...

Ince, Shackell, Johnson, Christie,

Last chance saloon....

Russell, Olsson, Keogh

Not good enough but keep as appear good eggs...

Baird, Bent





Tend to agree and would also like to see a place somewhere for Hanson. I've seriously gone off both Olson and Christie. Thought Butterfield had one of his better games (first half anyway) but how can he be so slow?

Hold on to your seats. I think it's going to be a bumpy ride and will get worse before it gets better. No points from next two games and we'll be bottom by the next international break. Reckon we'll flirt with relegation this year but just about avoid it (god know's how though based on yesterday),

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@Ram a lamb a ding dong nice to see someone being positive , we need it . I can't say I agree with a few of your points . But on the whole I get what your saying , especially on the youngsters . Way too much emphasis on NP playing 4 4 2 . Regardless of the formation the players just aren't playing for the club at the moment . I Say players , not all obviously . For me I'd like too see a line up a bit like this 


Christie      shackell   rawson    Lowe 

Butterfield  hughes   johnson  anya 



Mitchell in for Carson I don't think he's been at it recently probably too many sleepless nights 

Christie , I thought about my criticism of him recently, probably harsh , plus he's not really got too much competition 

Shackell is way underrated by some on here , as a defender he's fantastic . Distribution is sometimes questionable .

Rawson in for keogh , give rich a break and a wake up call not writing him off by any means , plus rawson might give us some more of an aerial threat from set pieces. 

Lowe in for Olsson, looked promising from his current first team introductions

Midfield basically the same but bring johnson if for that bit of steel . 

Keep Vydra in up top , the goals are going to start flowing for him soon , I think he looks sharp 

Which leaves me too Charles Vernam he's been scoring for fun in the under 23 s so why not ? 

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38 minutes ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

All negative posts being banded around so lets try and throw some suggestions (preferably sensible) as to what can be done to turn this disaster akin to the Titanic heading towards its iceberg doom.

Lets assume NP remains in charge.......


Drop Carson, Christie. Replace with Mitchell and Butterfield. Butters hasnt the pace for RCM so at full back he could add something in terms of ability to pick a pass and to be fair cant defend any worse than CC.

Carson doesnt seem to inspire and tends to drop a clanger or 2. Mitchell appears to have confidence in abundance. Good prospect.

I would give Olsson once last chance to prove himself as i really dont rate him either. Keogh likewise. Lowe and Rawson ready in the wings

Eksniak (spelling probably wrong) on the wing. Someone with pace and can cross a ball.

Stick with 442 but need a better balance in the middle. My choice all season has been Hanson and a.n.other. Bryson or Hughes to be on the front foot. Hanson will be the insurance to cover the back 4.

Up top Vydra and Weimann/ Wilson/ Blackman. Bent hasnt got the zip of old hence thevamount of offsides he gets.

I like Blackman. He just needs a goal and he will kick on.

At the exit gate on Morley Rd...

Ince, Shackell, Johnson, Christie,

Last chance saloon....

Russell, Olsson, Keogh

Not good enough but keep as appear good eggs...

Baird, Bent





Can't I just wallow in my misery until Tuesday....the "Derby Way" 

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29 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Marcus Rashford? Not thought better than United already had but given a chance and what do you know? Now one of Englands brightest striking prospects.

If the first team players aren't doing the business then a manager should be brave enough to put in youngsters who are doing well in the reserves and give them a little run out.

Under the current circumstances what harm can it do?

What harm? We'll see won't we if Pearson gets his way. It's not a case of giving youngsters a go that Pearson is suggesting, it's a case of replacing poorly performing 1st team players - well if that's the case according to some people's view of the squad, there aren't going to be enough youngsters!

I prefer to continue to ask why Pearson can do nothing with the squad he's got!

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5 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

What harm? We'll see won't we if Pearson gets his way. It's not a case of giving youngsters a go that Pearson is suggesting, it's a case of replacing poorly performing 1st team players - well if that's the case according to some people's view of the squad, there aren't going to be enough youngsters!

I prefer to continue to ask why Pearson can do nothing with the squad he's got!

I agree that we need to replace a few underperforming 1st teamers RM5. I think there is little doubt about that and i'm not sure giving the youngsters is the way to go either but at the minute until these 1st teamers either start performing or we get through another couple of transfer windows then NP's only other option is to throw in a youngster or two and suck it and see. It's not ideal and it smacks a bit of desperation even after just 9 games but in the absence of the two above options then there is no other alternative.

I do agree with you though. Look through our squad and currently we are only a point off rock bottom with teams in the league such as Rotherham, Barnsley and others with nowhere near our levels of support or finances doing rather better. As I've said on another thread, I expected Pearson to disrupt things this season by doing things his way but he clearly is doing catastrophically worse than even I, or most fan expected. He has to shoulder a lot of the responsibility for this and I don't think anyone for certain is confident they know just what Pearson is up to.

If he's started blagging his way through interviews and repeating the same old reasons for failure on the pitch then presumably he knows what the problems are but clearly has no idea how to sort them or performances and results would start to come. I think the attitude and application of some of the players are questionable though and it's not all the fault of the manager.

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1 hour ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:





Personally i think you are spot on. I would disagree about Christie i thought he has been good so far especially as he has no competition. I think hanson in the middle of the park would be an absolute masterstroke he is called Bruiser for a reason. Elsnik, Mitchell, Rawson all deserve a chance. 

Shackell on the other hand is the best cb at the club yes his distribution is great but we need them to defend first and foremost. Pearce did none of that at the weekend. 

My lineup:


Christie  Rawson  Shackell  Olsson 

Anya       Hughes   Hanson    Elsnik

                  Vydra     Bent

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2 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

If he's started blagging his way through interviews and repeating the same old reasons for failure on the pitch then presumably he knows what the problems are but clearly has no idea how to sort them or performances and results would start to come. I think the attitude and application of some of the players are questionable though and it's not all the fault of the manager.

This is where we disagree. He had plenty of time to assess the squad (how long did it take Mac?!) and see which players could play how he wanted. He had time to adapt, to encourage, to motivate - he's done none of those things. I think he blagged the interview, pulled the strings and said things that a desperate owner (and fans) wanted to hear. The reality is much more like the posts that have been on here from Leicester fans - he has one way or the highway, he is Tommy Doc/Phil Brown incarnate.

Nothing wrong with admitting your mistake and sacking him in my opinion. TBH we have much more to lose by keeping him!

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1 hour ago, kingsy1884 said:

Personally i think you are spot on. I would disagree about Christie i thought he has been good so far especially as he has no competition. I think hanson in the middle of the park would be an absolute masterstroke he is called Bruiser for a reason. Elsnik, Mitchell, Rawson all deserve a chance. 

Shackell on the other hand is the best cb at the club yes his distribution is great but we need them to defend first and foremost. Pearce did none of that at the weekend. 

My lineup:


Christie  Rawson  Shackell  Olsson 

Anya       Hughes   Hanson    Elsnik

                  Vydra     Bent

Can't see how Christie and Olssen seem to get in everyone's team despite the fact that neither can defend or cross the ball.

If we had three central defenders we could try Anya and Lowe as wing backs


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2 hours ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

All negative posts being banded around so lets try and throw some suggestions (preferably sensible) as to what can be done to turn this disaster akin to the Titanic heading towards its iceberg doom.

Lets assume NP remains in charge.......


Drop Carson, Christie. Replace with Mitchell and Butterfield. Butters hasnt the pace for RCM so at full back he could add something in terms of ability to pick a pass and to be fair cant defend any worse than CC.

Carson doesnt seem to inspire and tends to drop a clanger or 2. Mitchell appears to have confidence in abundance. Good prospect.

I would give Olsson once last chance to prove himself as i really dont rate him either. Keogh likewise. Lowe and Rawson ready in the wings

Eksniak (spelling probably wrong) on the wing. Someone with pace and can cross a ball.

Stick with 442 but need a better balance in the middle. My choice all season has been Hanson and a.n.other. Bryson or Hughes to be on the front foot. Hanson will be the insurance to cover the back 4.

Up top Vydra and Weimann/ Wilson/ Blackman. Bent hasnt got the zip of old hence thevamount of offsides he gets.

I like Blackman. He just needs a goal and he will kick on.

At the exit gate on Morley Rd...

Ince, Shackell, Johnson, Christie,

Last chance saloon....

Russell, Olsson, Keogh

Not good enough but keep as appear good eggs...

Baird, Bent





Love your positive attitude, good on you 

on the above, if butterlfield ain't quick enough for the wide right then he sure as hell isnt quick enough to play full back, that's even before u start thinking about positional sense, defensive awareness etc etc so that's a none starter and will never happen.

up front is interesting.... Well if u want to call it that.

so assuming we're continuing with 2 up top it's going to be vydra and one other.

I don't like bent, never have, never will do he reminds me of a toddler that's learning to kick a ball, to change the direction he's moving with the ball he has to run round it to carry on going in his new direction.

Nick Blackman has done nothing in a derby shirt for me to be excited about him but he did more in his substitute appearance than bent has done in any of his two starts this season. 

He got hold of it a little, he flicked it a few times and got a shot off, hey it's not a lot but these are desperate times.

i would like to see Weimann straight through the middle with vydra, not out wide, not in midfield just a few feet off his full back but upfront straight through the middle where villa fans saw the best of him and where he genuinely looked a decent premiership forward..... Before he then got shunted out wide there too


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I confess to not knowing enough about our younger players such as Lowe and Rawson, but I would really want to give Hanson a decent run in the side especially if Johnson is out of form or favour. Elsnik definitely a go on the right of midfield. Hughes has to stay, not because he's been brilliant but because he has been OK in a dire team.

Vydra has everything we need but hasn't developed a partnership yet .. Got to be playing with either Weiman, Ince or Wilson, curiously Blackman looked a lot happier than he has ever been yesterday so he gets one more go at some point. This needs 2 or 3 full games to see if anything comes of it.

Left hand side Anya can keep his place. Not as quick as JR but a far better touch. JR is an impact sub

. I am not worried about the back 4 a few errors when playing in a team on its knees just don't count as serious problems. Pearce or Shackle either are ok with Keogh. Richard makes mistakes but gives so much in terms of commitment it would be a sin not to back him. Christie hasn't much competition but if he could cross more consistently he'd be a far better player .. He needs practice and coaching. Olson is ok but a bit lightweight 

mitchell .. Yes give him a go .. He distributes well and quickly 



Christie  Keogh Pearce Olson

Elsnik Hanson Hughes Anya

 Vydra + AN Other 

truth is I think Elsnik and Hanson would provide the lift, ambition and fearlessness that we are lacking 



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