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If Joey Barton is sacked would you take him?


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I keep reading how he's a great leader and would add grit and determination and "that nastiness you need" to our midfield. 

Do our midfield lack grit and determination? How do you measure those by the way? I'm pretty sure Hughes and Johnson aren't shy in the tackle. Is that how you measure it. Nastiness? Like Nigel Pearson 'ard? Why? What do you want to see? The opponents get a good kicking? Then why not buy Lansbury? I think you can see from Hughes and Johnson's collection of cards over their careers that they will happily take one for the team. 

You want leadership? And the greatest leader out there is Barton? With his history? With the amount of people he's pissed off? With him not coping in Scottish football? That's the great leader of the people? 

This isn't world war 2. We don't need to charge 10,000 horses at Nazi tanks. We aren't running rifles up a hill. We're not storming a beach. It's football. You need composure, organisation, intelligence, hunger and good feet. You may need to be reminded of your role. But you don't always need it screaming at you with the arm gestures to land an aircraft. 

What you're asking for is a passionate leader willing to put his body on the line that demands 110% from everyone.

You're asking for Richard Keogh? The guy that "blames everyone else" and "isn't a good captain"

I've seen so much bitching about Keogh and Martin upsetting other players that I would have thought we'd be more interested in signing David Walliams than Joey Barton. 

It's all about clichés right now. To win a football match you need to "want it more" and "cover every blade of grass" and cover 8000km. 

It's ******. If it was true then 11 fit Derby fans would be better than 11 professional footballers. 

Have a look where the nastiest and toughest tackling players/teams are. No relevance at all to the league table. 

If it's leadership we need then pick a bloke that leads by example. Not this utter knob head. The last time people demanded we brought in a bloke that takes no nonsense and demands 110% we saw complete nonsense and 110% of defensive hoofball that had us looking toward a relegation battle. 

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42 minutes ago, RamsPolls said:

Leave me alone :( 

I couldn't think of something that chases shadows so went with a risky one in Ghost busters, It was a risky joke and clearly didn't work out :sleep:

give the lad a chance he obviously wasnt up to speed last time out not having played for ages he his capable of stepping up just needs the playing time

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1 minute ago, RamsPolls said:

This "utter knob head" won the league with Burnley last season and was their best midfielder...


Is "But at Burnley" going to be the new "but at Leicester" 

Did that help Rangers?

Haven't they just spent £10m on a midfielder that struggled to hold down a place in our team? 

Football doesn't work like that. 

He doesn't have anything we need.

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I really hope we stay clear of him. Just a horrible human being. Hope Johnson clatters him training and lets him know he's not welcome.


Don't see the point. He's not going to be here next season so all he'd be doing is keeping one of our current signings out the team. And for what? We're not going to finish top 2 so why do we need a cretin like Barton.

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The "but at Burnley" argument, to be honest, I can't see his last season at Burnley as a pointer of "what he can still do" when his last six months do not suggest it was anything other than his "last hurrah" as a decent footballer. 

Aging players have apoint when they can't do it anymore. Right now I'd sniff Barton and its not just on the turn its gone effing chunky. 

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My disdain for Barton runs so much deeper than any other footballer. I have always said that I could support almost anyone in a Derby shirt but I think Barton might be a step too far.

On top of that fact I just don't think he will be any good. A 34 year old on big wages who's legs looked absolutely shot in Scotland doesn't look like the kind of business we should be considering.

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6 hours ago, Milbs said:

When the going get's tough we lack the midfielder who will wrench us up from the pits, dish the bollockings out and try and get us on the front foot again. We miss the midfielder who will take a card for the team when a midfielder is running through the middle at us, we miss a character.

The guy was bloody superb for Burnley last season, and before somebody says "We have Jamie Hanson who can play there", not good enough mate.

Take a card for the team when players run through us?

ive seen Bryson, Hughes, Butterfield, Hanson and Johnson all pull players back, trip and clip legs to try and stop attacks and "take one for the team"

against Sheffield weds Hanson hacked at their player on a counter attack and he rode the challenge with advantage from the ref.

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