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Are we struggling to get players through the door?


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Concerning last night that Pearson mentioned that "numerous lines of enquiry hadn't come about" when asked about transfers. 

Is FFP biting us in the arse hard? are we not meeting transfer demands of players placed by club simply because we cant?  According to The Sun (garbage probably i know) we had three bids for Ross Mccormack turned down before he went to Villa.

How many other players have we potentially lost out on? 

The signs are obvious that we need a few in and a few out yet hardly any have moved on and the only in is a loanee. I sensed a lot of frustration from Pearson last night,not just at the performance but in general, i have a feeling he has wanted to do more business than he has but it hasn't transpired, possibly due to finances. It may also explain why some players are not playing for him, they may well know he has tried to bring some in to move some on but because it hasn't come about they now think "f**k it, im not in your plans for the long term anyway so why bother?"

Just a thought  

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I think we are possibly offering clubs payments in instalments - over 3 or 4 years etc to try and get around FFP. But clubs like Villa and Newcastle are willing to pay most of it if not all up front. We're probably a lot closer to breaching FFP than a lot of people think

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15 minutes ago, Papahet said:

If we are that desperate for funds, then surely we should/could have accepted the Hendrick bids and the Wolves offer for Martin? Would have got close to 15 million from those sales, not bad.

why are they still here then what i have seen from the two of them this season we should sell as i don't think they want to play for us anymore

the problem has started from paul clement poor signings he spent a lot of money on crap players and we are paying big for it now we are very close to the FFP I think and this is why we arnt getting players in 

Mel got the Money but the FFP is stoping us spending 

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From what I am told  financing transfers is not a issue either cash up front or installments nor is there any concern in relation too ffp.However there is the same issue that a lot of clubs have with trying to buy with the exception of Newcastle and Villa who have money to burn  in that selling clubs are demanding unrealistic prices.

The two afore mentioned clubs plus the new premier deal have distorted the market and we are as guilty of that in trying to move players out as everyone else.

Teams are quite happy to hold on to players till the last possible moment to get top dollar and with the money around in the top divisions from TV and owners they are not under any pressure to sell.

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2 hours ago, Derbados said:

Concerning last night that Pearson mentioned that "numerous lines of enquiry hadn't come about" when asked about transfers. 

Is FFP biting us in the arse hard? are we not meeting transfer demands of players placed by club simply because we cant?  According to The Sun (garbage probably i know) we had three bids for Ross Mccormack turned down before he went to Villa.

How many other players have we potentially lost out on? 

The signs are obvious that we need a few in and a few out yet hardly any have moved on and the only in is a loanee. I sensed a lot of frustration from Pearson last night,not just at the performance but in general, i have a feeling he has wanted to do more business than he has but it hasn't transpired, possibly due to finances. It may also explain why some players are not playing for him, they may well know he has tried to bring some in to move some on but because it hasn't come about they now think "f**k it, im not in your plans for the long term anyway so why bother?"

Just a thought  

I'm sure his words were 'we have got numerous lines of enquiry on the go' which suggests we are looking at players not we have had bids turned down 

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4 minutes ago, FrostedRam said:

I'm sure his words were 'we have got numerous lines of enquiry on the go' which suggests we are looking at players not we have had bids turned down 

Let's hope they didn't watch all the games we have played this season.

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Sith Happens
On 27/08/2016 at 12:50, LesterRam said:

Are we struggling to get players through the door?

Fat players are not the answer :ph34r:

dont know, look at the footwork on this fella


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