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Favourite ever Derby game at PP/IPRO


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Seeing as we've been arguing and getting a tad angry at times, and also frustrated and disappointed... 

I thought I would start a positive thread for a change for happier memories... 

So the title suggests fire away!

My personal fave: Southampton PO Semi Final... Place WAS rocking that night... 

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Very apt......we lost the match!

my abiding memory was the torrential downpour as we ran on the pitch, really needed boots to stand up.


my favourite is the 3-0 win over Arsenal and singing "England's no.1" to Seaman.  He smiled and then correctly answered the "what's the score" chant

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Derby 3-3 Sheffield Wednesday

Just very vivid for something which happened so long ago. 3-1 down going into the last couple of minutes. Who doesn't love a late comeback? Celebrations pouring into the stairwells.

The 4-4 with Ipswich two seasons ago evoked similar feelings although we didn't leave it so late that time.

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Derby 5-0 Forest

This game was amazing on so many levels. We played some absolutely scintillating football, battered our biggest rivals by a margin not achieved in over 100 years, and put the dwarf and his regressive approach to the game well and truly in his place.

Absolute perfection.


Honourable mentions for Brighton play off 2nd leg, Buxton's glorious last minute header against Forest, and Ian Wright skying a penalty as Derby comprehensively outplayed Arsenal to win 3-0.

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Beating Stoke when Christie, Kinkladzie etc played. I was with some of my Stoke supporting mates. Banter a plenty... Nothing to touch the heights of my youth at BBG but still happy days. 

Forest 5-0 must be up there for a lot of you. I wasn't there that day but my carpet in our living room took a pounding I ran that many laps around our place. 

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Soton playoff semi was probably the best atmosphere I've experienced, but my favourite game would be Derby 2-2 Man City in that season. I saw 7 people (SEVEN!) drop their food. What a day.

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2 minutes ago, Heisenberg said:

No more needs to be said, the picture sums it up. That day will always live long in the memory.

I miss that 13/14 team. The most enjoyable season I've been apart of, it had everything!


How long ago does that feel?!

Unfortunately I wasn't there for it, so the Brighton playoff semi would have to be mine.

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1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

How long ago does that feel?!

Unfortunately I wasn't there for it, so the Brighton playoff semi would have to be mine.

Crazy isn't it?! Almost 2 years ago to the day.

Back when the expectation levels at the club were low and we all just enjoyed watching our football again, and didn't moan given every other opportunity when things didn't go our way!

Sad what it has become, really. Anyway... back to the no negativity! :ph34r:

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Brighton PO game for me, everything came together that day and we were just absolutely unbelievable. All four goals were brilliant.

That day we just felt invincible and I was 100% convinced that there was just no way we could lose at Wembley.

Have watched the highlights of it so many times trying to pretend that what followed never happened.

I think it'll be a long time before I ever feel the way I did about football on that day.

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Brighton play-off and Forest 5-0 come close but for me it's gotta be the second leg of the 2006/07 play-offs against Southampton.

We lost 3-2 on the night and penalties is the sweetest way to win, but the hardest way to lose. The pitch invasion was some experience. One of the worst downpours of rain I've ever been caught in but I don't think one person on that pitch cared. Got back to the car absolutely soaked through, right to the Y-fronts. The 5 hour drive home was fun sitting in nothing but my underwear and a towel wrapped around me. When we got back to Cornwall at about 3am I don't think my clothes were any less wet than they were in Derby. Great night!

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1 hour ago, igorlegend said:


my favourite is the 3-0 win over Arsenal and singing "England's no.1" to Seaman.  He smiled and then correctly answered the "what's the score" chant

Same for me, from what I remember sitting level with Seaman, we were singing what's the score and he gave us the V sign and cheered then started singing England's number 1. Also remember Pool saving a Ian Wright penalty and when the corner was being taken singing Ian W**k W**k W**k and the sun report on the Monday said we were chanting his name :lol:

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Truth be told it wasn't the greatest game in the world for the first 75 minutes, but the 4 goals in no time at all against Southampton, coming just three days after we had tanked the Wendies to give us our first win up there in about 3,000 years was a bit special and had the place rocking. Eranio, Choppy, Baiano and Carsley. Some good players in that side - and neon Deon.

If that had happened nowadays, half the fans would have got home thinking we'd drawn 0-0.

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