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His decision making is proving disastrous. Success in a different business doesn't make him a success in football.

Is he taking too many of the decisions for himself and not being subject to the scrutiny of an effective board or the challenge of an experienced manager?

The only thing that counts is quality of football we watch not his cheesy gestures like a free cup of coffee.


Poor decisions:


  • not wanting an experienced manager who would have too many of his own ideas (  read that as wanting to put his own ideas into everything and why he is happy with Wassall till end of the season )
  • the actual choice of Clement , a manager who had not shown he could be a No 1 at another club ( lower league? ) first and who had not played football himself at a high level
  • his decisions over the bringing in of new players - too many players  ( who actually identified the players and who was involved in the final decision?)
  • the fiasco over the sacking of Clement and the reasons given ( I have been watching Derby longer than Clement and cannot identify what he means by the 'Derby' way and everybody is laughing at us for this )

There are more , but its the first item that is the most serious.

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Unfortunately, MM seems to have painted himself into a corner, and needs to get an experienced decorator into the football department :mellow:

So many contradictions and unwanted repercussions of his words and actions. Everyone is confused and arguing, or deflecting issues of the entrenched negative underlying team psychology that DCFC seems to have carried for a year now.

FFS - just read your S/T renewal letter for the effusive praise and excited anticipation that MM ladled upon Paul Clement, regarding 2016-17! Then days later - he's out on his elbow.

Not sure how the club can lift the spirits of everyone to achieve harmony and success without a strong, experienced leader coming in ASAP to mould a very good squad (on paper) into a confident and successful team.

*Now* is the 'building time' IMHO for a manager to utilise this season to make sense of his resources.

If expectations have (arguably) lowered and the other erstwhile Championship 'promotion hopefuls' are rubbing their hands in glee at Derby's public implosion, better direction with some positive results might enable Derby to surprise them.

Not expecting that renaissance under  Darren Wassall, unfortunately - I wish it were otherwise. 

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Darren Wassall has the initials DW, exactly the same as D.W., the younger sibling of main character Arthur from the PBS children's television series of the same name which has been broadcast on British television by CBBC since the early 2000s.

And that is what he is turning the Rams into. An American anthropomorphic female aardvark . A laughing stock.


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1 minute ago, Duracell said:

Darren Wassall has the initials DW, exactly the same as D-W, the younger sibling of main character Arthur from the PBS children's television series of the same name which has been broadcast on British television by CBBC since the early 2000s.

And that is what he is turning the Rams into. An American anthropomorphic female aardvark . A laughing stock.


You need to give em up mate, I've seen Jeremy Kyle, and he says they make you paranoid if you smoke them all the time.

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2 minutes ago, Alpha said:

He played terrible yesterday?


Thought he should have played Ince in when we were two on one.

Should have stuck that free header away.

Probably should have done better with their goal too.

Wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the 'supporters' who was heading for the exit on 80 minutes too.

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On a light note, anyone ever considered the possibility that we are simply jinxed?

I mean... we can't be that bad, right? And I am not referring to the last ten games in which the only win was against a League Two side:


2006--2008 -- Rescued the club from financial ruin as a member of a local consortium. As for the club, in the 2007/2008 season we got just one win in 38 games (still the fewest wins in the Premier League history) and get relegated.

2013--2014 -- Came back and purchased a 20 percent stake just two days before the play-off final. As for the club, it was on a rising tide (to borrow MM's words), Keogh did an assist, club stayed in the Championship, and MM overpaid £5m in the gamble.

2014--2015 -- Top of the table at the end of February. Allegedly a head was turned and the wheel came off.

2015--2016 -- Took over as the sole owner. Spent £25m on new players. "The Derby Way" and the wheel came off even sooner this time.


Conclusion: Let's get Paul Ince in. He knows something about superstitious rituals. So he might be able to counter jinx.

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