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The Fawaz Circus 2016


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18 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

I think they are trying to weedle round it by claiming the Greek fellah isn't a director/position of responsibility at the club, which will remain run by Fawaz.

But do the FA believe he won't get involved in running the new club he just brought a very large stake in??

Excellent, the comedy show will continue...

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They've posted the article from, err, Viz was it? Or Private Eye, or some such.

If I was a gump looking at that, I'd be sickened. The man is, according to the report...which of course we have no way of assessing as true or false...under charges of being an absolute top table ******* gangster. You name it, he's under suspicion of it.

I'll stick my neck out and say, no ******* way is this going through.


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4 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Apparently forest are trying to make a transfer with money for someone kenny burns hasn't even heard of.

Excitement builds for the gumpen hoards - could he be their Connor Salmon?

More likely to be their new Djamel Abdoun, but coming in with a worse record...

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On 07/06/2016 at 13:38, RadioactiveWaste said:

The comments are funny to.

And yes, the P-sta is already installed just awaiting announcement and glowing Kenny burns column.

He's not been sunbathing commando style in this hot weather has he?

Where's that photo showing off Kenny's legendary hard tackle......:lol::lol::lol:

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Forest are set to appoint the Greek fellahs right hand man as chief executive if the nottnm post is to be believed.

They also want a director of football and head coach set up.

Head coach, club connection, suitable premier league and international experience......


Schtevie's CV is being translated into Greek via Google translate as we speak. He was turned down by Rotherham, but could the new "investor" have an eye on ol tufty?

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43 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Forest are set to appoint the Greek fellahs right hand man as chief executive if the nottnm post is to be believed.

They also want a director of football and head coach set up.

Head coach, club connection, suitable premier league and international experience......


Schtevie's CV is being translated into Greek via Google translate as we speak. He was turned down by Rotherham, but could the new "investor" have an eye on ol tufty?

Screams Stuart Pearce tbf

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Long article from Swiss Ramble on Forest's finances. 

Basically it says that Fawaz is useless. Some interesting bits on Derby too. 

Also it mentions that of the top seven spenders on transfer fees last season, six finished in the top six places. Maybe an indication that money is increasingly buying success? If that's the case it'll be even harder for any non-parachute team to compete in the future. 

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I came on here thinking there must be some announcement of a new manager, surely. Nope. Nothing is likely to happen until after the Euros now. That would give any new manager about a month to sort the team out before the start of the new season.  That's not good is it!

Summer, time to draw a line under last season's debacle and get someone in to rebuild and start afresh. Tomorrow is another day... Nope, let's not get a manager, and right next season off before it even starts.

I wouldn't mind, but it's just getting a bit pathetic now. Like kicking a puppy, or laughing at a comic relief film (one of the ones that isn't aren't meant tone funny). I'm feeling a bit guilty for laughing at the gumps over this.

The shiniest thing on their horizon is that a seriously dodgy greek might take over, and they might be out of embargo, which means a manager of some sort of calibre might consider taking over. None of which is going to happen overnight, if it happens at all.

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Nottingham Forest owner and chairman Fawaz Al Hasawi has provided the following update on the club’s situation.

I would like to begin by thanking supporters for their patience during what I accept is a frustrating time, with reports of potential investment and our search for a manager causing uncertainty.

It is important we, as a club, conduct our business in private to ensure the best possible outcome for Forest, but I also understand why fans would like assurances that progress is being made on several issues.

I am unable to go into specific detail on the reported investment at the moment but I am confident that a significant deal will be completed very soon.

We are also progressing well with our search for a manager. As I stated at the start of the summer, this was always going to be a carefully thought-out appointment and, although it has taken a little longer than I would have liked, I hope to be in a position to make an appointment shortly.

In addition, I have been working hard to recruit a director of football. Discussions have been very positive with a number of candidates and I am confident we can reach an agreement.

Announcements will be made via official Forest channels when appropriate. In the meantime I ask fans to remain patient, with my assurance that everyone is working very hard behind the scenes for the good of the club’s future.

Thank you for your continued support.



So - he's trying to flog the club, he might have nearly flogged the club, no manager will agree to  join until he's flogged the club and the manager that's coming is so clueless that he needs someone to babysit him.

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Someone's put a tenner on Zola. Now odds on favourite.

It's an adventurous move, putting a French novelist and playwright in charge of Forest

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1 hour ago, eddie said:

Someone's put a tenner on Zola. Now odds on favourite.

It's an adventurous move, putting a French novelist and playwright in charge of Forest

You're rather making Émile of it, but i like it, bon appétit

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49 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:


looks like the takeover is pretty much complete then

Clearance sale on fridges in 5....4....3....

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