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Moan about the missus


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the whois pulls up "HK" which isn't nailed on but generally means that its HSBC due to quick clearance to and from UK banks, I don't have the ping details or bank account sorting codes but more than likely this is the case, you can contact HSBC fraud and they will look into this but they usually will require a crime number to proceed, not forgetting if your card is a credit card your protected :D

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54 minutes ago, LesterRam said:

the whois pulls up "HK" which isn't nailed on but generally means that its HSBC due to quick clearance to and from UK banks, I don't have the ping details or bank account sorting codes but more than likely this is the case, you can contact HSBC fraud and they will look into this but they usually will require a crime number to proceed, not forgetting if your card is a credit card your protected :D

No need, Santander have been alright, wait 10 days, no delivery and they will refund

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On 2 November 2015 15:57:25, Daveo said:

We all come on here to avoid spending time with the missus, thought we could have a thread where we moan about the missus that we're on here avoiding. Hopefully one day they may stumble on this thread whilst checking our browser histories for and realise the error of their ways. We can share our stories and pick up tips on how to deal with the problem missus.

To start things off I will go into a mini moan about my missus.

I work from home, the missus translates this to I'm sat around the house all day doing nothing. Since we moved in together I have made her dinner for when she get's home from work, the pots washed, hoovered, washed the clothes. All whilst trying to work as well.

Whilst she was on holiday, I did the usual chores, plus put all her clothes away in the wardrobe, mowed the lawns front and back, cleaned the fridge out and bin.

On her return from Florida I got a taxi to the train station and took her out for dinner, lumping her suitcases the airport staff had stuck heavy stickers on. When we got home I made us a homemade lasagne, the following night a full on roast dinner for when she got home from work and continued with my awesomeness around the house for her.

Perfect boyfriend right? not only am I intelligent, good looking, fully domesticated but a great chef.

On Saturday night I wasn't in the mood to cook, so without saying anything jumped on Just Eat ordered fish chips and peas for us both. Then the moaning starts.

I ask her to get changed, why? I'm taking you out to the pub. Don't want to, fair enough. 

She asked to use my MacBook to do the shopping, not wanting her to go through it as I've been looking at Christmas presents, sent a few emails out about things which I was expecting replies from, my email notifications popup on the screen.

Fine whatever, drops on the sofa in Kevin style with a huge sigh. I show her the Asda app, do the shopping on your phone, no. Why? don't want to. I'm talking arms folded, face like a baboons arse.

Can't be arsed with this, go upstairs out the way and watch the football and end up falling asleep up there.

Sunday morning she gets up, leaves the house for work without saying a word. Looks like I'm in the doghouse. 

I go out to the pub with a mate, I left one plate on the side, one. When I get in, she moans I only went out to wind her up. That's right, I went for a drink with a mate to wind up up, ok I was a bit drunk, ignored it and went to bed.

In the morning, she was snappy again, out of nowhere launches into a rant about me not doing anything around the house, I'm lazy, asked if she was joking, went into a full rant what I do for her and she lays into me for not washing the pots 3 times. 3 times! I've been here 2 months and in that space of time I haven't washed them in 3 ******* times and that makes me lazy.

The worst of it is, twice was after the lasagne I made and the roast dinner, the 3rd time was one plate on Sunday. The problem was she was jet lagged and shouldn't be doing any housework as she's tired. Oh **** off tired, you were 4 hours behind that's all, now you can't wash a few pots twice!

I tried to explain that I was supposed to be her boyfriend, not her housemaid, go and ask your mates and see how I compare domestically. Obviously she won't, and keeps ranting how I'm i the house all day, she shouldn't have to do anything. Her mates boyfriends work which is why they do nothing, who pays for the Sky TV you watch your crap on, who pays for the Internet that powers your Facebook videos, who pays half the bills? You think I have a money tree outside do you?

Barely speaking still because of this 3 lapses of washing the pots, just found out she's on her period which explains it. No excuse tho, tampon or no tampon. 

tl;dr - my missus is a moaning cow

Bloody hell I'd kick her out , her house or not ,Jesus put yer foot down show her who's boss ,she will respect you for it in the end .I wouldn't take any of that nonsense .last Christmas I bought my misses an electric window cleaner thing with extension pole so she can do the top ones as well and a petrol mower,Mothering Sunday she got gardening gloves and a tin of paint stripper ,And if she moans I remind her she's lucky as her previous husband never used to buy her anything

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It was my wife's birthday yesterday, as you would imagine there was a cake involved. Very large and very chocolatey, anyway it was too rich for her so I was told I could get stuck in. 

I've just gone and cut a slice, a generous one admittedly and got called a fat oink. I tried to explain I just cut a large slice to save getting up and cutting another and got the rolling eyes routine so, my question to you is, what would you have done ? A big slice or two little ones ? 

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Well i spose you could have burned a few calories off , if you'd got up to cut two smaller slices ..

Saying that , i ate half a lemon meringue pie earlier , i normally eat a quarter , then get up 5 minutes later to eat the other quarter , debloodylicious ..

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1 hour ago, EastHertsRam said:

It was my wife's birthday yesterday, as you would imagine there was a cake involved. Very large and very chocolatey, anyway it was too rich for her so I was told I could get stuck in. 

I've just gone and cut a slice, a generous one admittedly and got called a fat oink. I tried to explain I just cut a large slice to save getting up and cutting another and got the rolling eyes routine so, my question to you is, what would you have done ? A big slice or two little ones ? 

If she made it (for her own birthday.........) then by having a large slice you are complementing her on her cookery skills 

if she didn't make it (and presuming you didn't EHR) and it was bought, then you are making sure that the money she/you spent wasn't wasted

If someone else made it and gave it to her for her birthday, then you are a fat oink. Admit it, say you're sorry and that you'll try to do better. You're just not as perfect as she is :)

In my experience (3wives), men are much better at sarcasm wrapped up as compliments. It has got me through many a long argument with self respect intact.

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59 minutes ago, ilkleyram said:

If she made it (for her own birthday.........) then by having a large slice you are complementing her on her cookery skills 

if she didn't make it (and presuming you didn't EHR) and it was bought, then you are making sure that the money she/you spent wasn't wasted

If someone else made it and gave it to her for her birthday, then you are a fat oink. Admit it, say you're sorry and that you'll try to do better. You're just not as perfect as she is :)

In my experience (3wives), men are much better at sarcasm wrapped up as compliments. It has got me through many a long argument with self respect intact.

Is that 3 wives at one time? 

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20 minutes ago, Daveo said:

Missus got her new bank card today, sticker on the front go to a Santander ATM to activate the card.....she goes and sticks it in a random one outside a Spar. Card eaten.

Give me a brick wall to smash my head on.

She's still too good for you though Daveo

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