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Are the "Blind Faith Brigade" finally dead?


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Remember them? Last seen in the Clough days, they were the natural antidote to the enduring "Wrist Slashers". The classic good vs evil football match up; Fanboys vs Haters. If you strayed either way from the middle ground you were scathingly referred to as one or the other. BFB is not a phrase I've seen in a while, probably due to the positive times of late.

Are they lying dormant, ready to spring into action if things turn south? Mothballed until needed?


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Outnumbered by the new "I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW" Brigade. 

If we don't get promoted this year then it's all over. Forget it. Sack the manager, sell the players, burn the money and execute the cafeteria lady. We NEED to be promoted this year or else..




(...We try again next year?)

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Outnumbered by the new "I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW" Brigade. 

If we don't get promoted this year then it's all over. Forget it. Sack the manager, sell the players, burn the money and execute the cafeteria lady. We NEED to be promoted this year or else..




(...We try again next year?)

You really have forgotten the financial rewards of getting in the Premier League this time around haven't you Alpha.  

Do Derby fans really want it .



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I worry, I fret, I fear and I get gloomy and grumpy. I also get triumphal, hopelessly optimistic and dream.

I never ever go in to a game thinking we will lose or even deserve to lose. I never watch highlights unless we have scored and usually only if we win. I sulk for a whole 48 hours if we lose. If we get one big win I become convinced that we have crossed the Rubicon to greatness and nothing can stand in our way of glory. Wrists are intact and when I manage to engage my head instead of my heart I know building a great team takes time, luck, good support and a bit of the folding stuff.


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