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What has Paul Clement improved since he came in vs the same stage last season?

On MoTD last night Big Sam was asked what advice he'd give to those managers new to the Premier League. His response was that they would have to be flexible and adaptable and play different systems.

Last season we lost three defensive midfielders to injury but McClaren insisted on playing his beloved 4-3-3 and the players could not make it work.

The other night we had four central midfielders out through injury but Clement was able to put out a system that suited the fit players, and that they were comfortable in because they have practised it pre-season and played it in some games. It's a massive improvement to have that flexibility and as the season goes on will leave all our opponents guessing, unsure how they should line up to counter all our different potential threats.

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You remember Nigel's pathetic outburst against Cywka? Wasn't that a bit out of the book and Nigel certainly didn't have the success to back it up.

I'll ask again.

What has this got to do with a manager who was fired 2 years ago? 

Have I given Clement anywhere near the same stick NIgel got for that? Of course not

The abuse he took after that interview and the subsequent lies that were written about was actually pretty sickening. I still see people quoting now that he told him to go back to Poland or wherever he came from.

Have I given him anyway near the same kind of stick Nigel got for going out of the cup to lower league side? Of course not.

Did you see Jose "single out" 7 of his players as not being good enough? he listed them all on the telly, on the radio and on the internet.

Any relevance there? Of course not.

I've given Clement NO STICK whatsoever, not a jot.

Don't lump me into the same basket as the clowns and neanderthals who run around this forum shouting, swearing, and screaming dog's abuse, I'm a bit cleverer than that.



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On MoTD last night Big Sam was asked what advice he'd give to those managers new to the Premier League. His response was that they would have to be flexible and adaptable and play different systems.

Last season we lost three defensive midfielders to injury but McClaren insisted on playing his beloved 4-3-3 and the players could not make it work.

The other night we had four central midfielders out through injury but Clement was able to put out a system that suited the fit players, and that they were comfortable in because they have practised it pre-season and played it in some games. It's a massive improvement to have that flexibility and as the season goes on will leave all our opponents guessing, unsure how they should line up to counter all our different potential threats.

I hope you're right Carl. I'd still like to have seen that improvement translate itself into a win or some goals, or that our better players were comfortable with the changes.

Chris Martin, who I think is our real stand out, a real touch of class. He in particular looked very uncomfortable for large periods of Friday night, I hope that's just down to him playing his way back in, similar to his loan spell where he came to us unfit but still looked to have some real quality.

The flip side of having a number of systems of course, is that you're asking players to do things differently from one week to the next.

I may be caught up in old fashioned football but I always think players need simple instructions and need to know what their job is. I think too many systems are confusing.

The central midfield issue is terribly unlucky for him and there's no way he could have planned or legislated for that. I've got no doubt whatsoever that he deserves a bit of luck and I want him to have that luck. Anyone who thinks I'm wanting him to fail is doing me a real dis-service. I don't want him to fail, I just haven't seen enough yet to be convinced.

@BondJovi mentioned he didn't stroll into the job based on his name or his playing career. No he didn't, he strolled into the job based on the fact he's worked alongside Ancelotti for the last 6 years. Nothing else.

He even said himself he was surprised to have got the number 2 job cos he felt uncomfortable during his two week trial period and wanted to go back to the reserves.

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I hope you're right Carl. I'd still like to have seen that improvement translate itself into a win or some goals, or that our better players were comfortable with the changes.

Chris Martin, who I think is our real stand out, a real touch of class. He in particular looked very uncomfortable for large periods of Friday night, I hope that's just down to him playing his way back in, similar to his loan spell where he came to us unfit but still looked to have some real quality.

The flip side of having a number of systems of course, is that you're asking players to do things differently from one week to the next.

I may be caught up in old fashioned football but I always think players need simple instructions and need to know what their job is. I think too many systems are confusing.

The central midfield issue is terribly unlucky for him and there's no way he could have planned or legislated for that. I've got no doubt whatsoever that he deserves a bit of luck and I want him to have that luck. Anyone who thinks I'm wanting him to fail is doing me a real dis-service. I don't want him to fail, I just haven't seen enough yet to be convinced.

@BondJovi mentioned he didn't stroll into the job based on his name or his playing career. No he didn't, he strolled into the job based on the fact he's worked alongside Ancelotti for the last 6 years. Nothing else.

He even said himself he was surprised to have got the number 2 job cos he felt uncomfortable during his two week trial period and wanted to go back to the reserves.

Bear in mind that in those 6 years he worked at Chelsea, PSG and Real Madrid. If he hadn't been one of the best in the world at his job, he wouldn't have moved clubs each time and someone would have been brought in instead. Clearly he is an absolutely standout coach. By his own admission there are many changes moving from number 2 to number 1, but I'm impressed by how he's gone about it. You're raising questions when there are none.

One thing I've been especially pleased about is how he's talked up Chrissy Martin from the moment he arrived, when I was worried our standout striker might be playing third fidddle behind new signings Bent and Weimann. But I agree with your conjecture that maybe CM is still working his way back to fitness. That said, it was an amazing goal the other day (not enough praise for that finish) and if it weren't for the shocking ref he'd have won us a pen against Brum. For me, under McClaren we only played through Martin (when fit) so teams knew all they had to do was nullify that. It's better for the team that CM isn't our only route to goal. For me, having him play with his back to goal and Bent on the shoulder should be the stuff of nightmares for defenders as the season unfolds.

Yes we'd all love to be winning games, but the league performances have improved in every match we've played and if that continues for the season, we will be promoted.

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Bear in mind that in those 6 years he worked at Chelsea, PSG and Real Madrid. If he hadn't been one of the best in the world at his job, he wouldn't have moved clubs each time and someone would have been brought in instead. Clearly he is an absolutely standout coach. By his own admission there are many changes moving from number 2 to number 1, but I'm impressed by how he's gone about it. You're raising questions when there are none.


He worked for those 3 clubs under the same manager Carl. I think it's fairly standard practice for a manager to take his coaching staff with him wherever possible. It proves Ancelotti liked him or that Ancelotti had faith in him.

The same as Clough has got faith in Garner and Crosby.

I hope people can at least admit that I back up my opinions with solid research and a bit of thought, it's not just cobbled together waffle.

What started the concern for me, and again some will see it as trivial...I watched a youtube vid that was posted on here praising him for his grasp of Spanish and his ability to run a coaching session, I think it was polyglot Paul or something like that? The video was actually Spanish journalists highlighting his lack of Spanish and a vid of him putting cones out. yet on here it's gets spun differently.

In the John Percy interview he did in the Times again he mentioned that he struggled to grasp the language and that the decision to stay at Madrid was taken out of his hands when Ancelotti was fired.

If he was one of the best in the world, surely Madrid would have kept him irrespective of Ancelotti staying or not?

As I've said, I might be wildly wrong and he may turn out to be a genius of a manager the likes of which haven't been seen before. 

My take on it? I'm keeping a healthy open mind but I'm yet to be convinced and I'm not blindly being taken in by all of this best coach in the world nonsense that's been touted around with little evidence. Let's not forget McClaren and my opinion on him being slated as well. According to 90% on here I was an arrogant trouble causer then as well.

According to 90% on here McClaren was one of the best coaches in the world until January of last year, then after one of the worst collapses in the history of the Championship, did he suddenly forget how to coach?

I'd be keen to see what % approval rate Steve got around May time?

I understand it, really I do, it's the fickle nature of football fans and their willingness to protect anything their club or head coach does while at the same time having carte blanche to criticise any other club or head coach for exactly the same behaviour.

If this was Pearce or Freedman getting off to this kind of start at Forest, or even dare I say it Clough at his next club, you'd all be ripping them apart piece by piece

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If this was Pearce or Freedman getting off to this kind of start at Forest, or even dare I say it Clough at his next club, you'd all be ripping them apart piece by piece

You say that, but I've not heard any Forest fans mention any of these "rookie" moments, with the exception of you of course.

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I'm wrong about that first youtube video by the way.

He does very well in the youtube video. I just watched it back.

So maybe my basis for lack of being convinced needs to be looked at.

It won't take much for me to change my mind.

A couple of wins will do it. You'll see me very quick to admit I'm wrong if he starts winning games.


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You say that, but I've not heard any Forest fans mention any of these "rookie" moments, with the exception of you of course.

I'm not a Forest fan Tombo.

I just don't hate them. I'm not into hating, especially not football clubs where I spent the best years of my life.

I haven't been to a Forest game since Stuart Pearce's testimonial.

Have a go if you want, but try to stick to facts.

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I'm not a Forest fan Tombo.

I just don't hate them. I'm not into hating, especially not football clubs where I spent the best years of my life.

I haven't been to a Forest game since Stuart Pearce's testimonial.

Have a go if you want, but try to stick to facts.

 As I'm new round here I don't know that back story to that?

why are people saying you are a forest fan? It's not because you dare to have an opinion that doesn't match theirs is it?

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 As I'm new round here I don't know that back story to that?

why are people saying you are a forest fan? It's not because you dare to have an opinion that doesn't match theirs is it?

No, I don't think it's got anything to with my opinion being different to theirs.

it's probably because they're 16 year old kids or argumentative adults who strongly believe in football rivalry and can't distinguish between sensibly put points and petty childish arguments.

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No, I don't think it's got anything to with my opinion being different to theirs.

it's probably because they're 16 year old kids or argumentative adults who strongly believe in football rivalry and can't distinguish between sensibly put points and petty childish arguments.

Ah, just as I thought then.

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Ah, just as I thought then.

Unfortunately I'm not a mind reader KBB. I think you're pretty level headed usually though, so unless you put what your thoughts were onto the thread.

I can't confirm or deny whether it's "just as you thought"

As it is, I suspect it's very far away from just as you thought.

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Unfortunately I'm not a mind reader KBB. I think you're pretty level headed usually though, so unless you put what your thoughts were onto the thread.

I can't confirm or deny whether it's "just as you thought"

As it is, I suspect it's very far away from just as you thought.

oops sorry, should have elaborated. I did mean it as agreeing with you about people saying "forest fan" when your opinion doesn't match theirs. I agree that immaturity and insults are easily thrown about on the forums when opinions differ. (I am guilty as much as the next man)

didnt mean that I thought they were right. Reading it back it seems that way. Sorry. Not my intention.

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Ronnie, I'm not sure many or indeed any of us are convinced as to how good or bad PC will be as yet. I think the consensus is that it is too soon to come to a decision.

Based on what I have seen so far we were poor at Bolton we were diabolical at Portsmouth but since then we have improved dramatically.  The last 13 games last season killed our team. Whoever took over first of all had to stop us leaking goals. Secondly they had to improve or maintain the quality of the squad and integrate a more professional flexibility of system. All this has/is been done.

I note the players during interview are still refering to getting to grips with the requirement. That's good in that they are being challenged to raise to a higher and more intelligent way of playing.

So far so good.

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He worked for those 3 clubs under the same manager Carl. I think it's fairly standard practice for a manager to take his coaching staff with him wherever possible. It proves Ancelotti liked him or that Ancelotti had faith in him.

The same as Clough has got faith in Garner and Crosby.

I hope people can at least admit that I back up my opinions with solid research and a bit of thought, it's not just cobbled together waffle.

What started the concern for me, and again some will see it as trivial...I watched a youtube vid that was posted on here praising him for his grasp of Spanish and his ability to run a coaching session, I think it was polyglot Paul or something like that? The video was actually Spanish journalists highlighting his lack of Spanish and a vid of him putting cones out. yet on here it's gets spun differently.

In the John Percy interview he did in the Times again he mentioned that he struggled to grasp the language and that the decision to stay at Madrid was taken out of his hands when Ancelotti was fired.

If he was one of the best in the world, surely Madrid would have kept him irrespective of Ancelotti staying or not?

As I've said, I might be wildly wrong and he may turn out to be a genius of a manager the likes of which haven't been seen before. 

My take on it? I'm keeping a healthy open mind but I'm yet to be convinced and I'm not blindly being taken in by all of this best coach in the world nonsense that's been touted around with little evidence. Let's not forget McClaren and my opinion on him being slated as well. According to 90% on here I was an arrogant trouble causer then as well.

According to 90% on here McClaren was one of the best coaches in the world until January of last year, then after one of the worst collapses in the history of the Championship, did he suddenly forget how to coach?

I'd be keen to see what % approval rate Steve got around May time?

I understand it, really I do, it's the fickle nature of football fans and their willingness to protect anything their club or head coach does while at the same time having carte blanche to criticise any other club or head coach for exactly the same behaviour.

If this was Pearce or Freedman getting off to this kind of start at Forest, or even dare I say it Clough at his next club, you'd all be ripping them apart piece by piece

There's a big difference in Ancelotti taking Clement with him to the biggest club in the world and Clough taking Garner and Crosby to the Blunts. Similarly, it's disingenuous of you to suggest he would stay on at Madrid under a new coach.

I too saw that language line in Percy's interview and my guess is that the journo (a massive Gump fan) was being a little mischievous, taking advantage of Clement's modesty. There's a difference in being quickly fluent in a language and coaching in Spannish (which Clement did) and knowing every little nuance and foible to be in on the jokes in a Spannish dressing room. That's fair enough. It's hard to become totally bilingual in a year or so late in life.

McClaren is rightly lauded for his coaching and I was a strong advocate for keeping him for this campaign, but his weakness is his inflexibility. Doubtless Clement has weaknesses too - I think he's being over cautious in these opening games, but that's understandable and easily forgivable.

You'll dispute it, but really it comes across as everyone else is keeping an open mind and you're the one finding fault when there is none. I'd let it lie and wait until we're ten games in and then have another look at how we're doing.


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 As I'm new round here I don't know that back story to that?

why are people saying you are a forest fan? It's not because you dare to have an opinion that doesn't match theirs is it?

It's a long story but soon it all will be in THE book. Just wait. :thumbsup:

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I think the problem at the end of last season was more than just poor performance levels. There were other factors that had an impact - not least SM's position.

 It has meant that there has had to be a reigniting of a flame - a restoring of confidence and these things are easy to say (or type) but are difficult to achieve overnight.

Certain players were not up to the task, others needed moving on. 

 These issues, allied to  the developing of a more flexible approach to tactics/formations and the job is a really tough one.

I believe it's way to early to say if any of the above has been achieved. That doesn't mean we should not criticise but it does require that we are patient.

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