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inviting unnecessary pressure on yourself?


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Finally he got criticised at Sheffield United if it was raining outside. They're even bigger moaners than you lot.



Did he get criticised for supposedly (although no-one is even sure it was him) for handing the wrong team sheet in, or waiting 4 minutes 52 seconds (Im sure you will correct me if im a few seconds out) to go into the dressing room at half time.

This is where I get confused with your posts, you are quite happy to call fans idiots for daring to question the special one, and yet when you do it about others you get upset about the responses. 


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got it.

Ps. couldn't give a toss who you support. Day I sign up on a rivals message board for 2 posts like yours, is the day I wonder how rubbish my life has truly become. Why you here mate? Not #bantz is it?

Have you ever thought it might just be that I support no particular team at all & I'm just an interested observer of what happens at Derby County FC, or is that not PC these days ?.

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Have you ever thought it might just be that I support no particular team at all & I'm just an interested observer of what happens at Derby County FC, or is that not PC these days ?.

If it helps, I couldn't give a shiny red **** who you support.

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Have you ever thought it might just be that I support no particular team at all & I'm just an interested observer of what happens at Derby County FC, or is that not PC these days ?.

PC? - Paul clement is that you?

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still made the same mistakes as he did at derby though......

we all know what they were, still made the same at sheffield utd.

Blimey KBB, it's a good job you all know what those mistakes were at Derby and at Sheffield United.

14 our of his 16 seasons in charge of football clubs he's taken them forward.


Not crying like a baby and spitting his dummy out when he wasn't given any money, keeping quiet when he struggled to cobble together the cash to sign Tom Naylor from non-league. Not constantly demanding "just two more Mr Chairman" settling for a bottom 6 budget when he's at a club with the biggest attendances in the league.

Building solid foundations but doing it too slowly for the modern day fan and for the modern day money man. That's his mistake.

I'm so fortunate to be surrounded by such knowledgeable fans.

Most fans don't even spot which player makes a mistake in an individual match, most fans criticise without having the faintest idea of what's going on.

I guess ALL you Derby fans are geniuses and just haven't been given the opportunity to show it.

Football Manager has so much to answer for.

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I haven't called one single fan an idiot. I've said the majority of football fans are idiots. You really should stop trying to mis-interpret my posts. The only person I've directly called an idiot is the Sheffield United bloke and even then, I haven't said which one of the two it is.

I haven't criticised Clement at all. I've asked if it's an issue to others as it is to me. And even when I've taken a huge amount of stick, I've stayed calm and debated anybody who's shown signs of debating.

Find me one post where I've criticised him.

What I have criticised is people coming back with nasty bitter comments aimed squarely at me. Not at the collective but at me, very personally.

You're such a smart lad Leeds who tries very regularly to pick me up on posts like that, yet most of the time you get it wrong sunshine.

Sorry if my posts confuse you, I think and thought I'm very clear with my views.

Maybe you should slow down your reading and stop assuming what you think I've said.

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Blimey KBB, it's a good job you all know what those mistakes were at Derby and at Sheffield United.

14 our of his 16 seasons in charge of football clubs he's taken them forward.


Not crying like a baby and spitting his dummy out when he wasn't given any money, keeping quiet when he struggled to cobble together the cash to sign Tom Naylor from non-league. Not constantly demanding "just two more Mr Chairman" settling for a bottom 6 budget when he's at a club with the biggest attendances in the league.

Building solid foundations but doing it too slowly for the modern day fan and for the modern day money man. That's his mistake.

I'm so fortunate to be surrounded by such knowledgeable fans.

Most fans don't even spot which player makes a mistake in an individual match, most fans criticise without having the faintest idea of what's going on.

I guess ALL you Derby fans are geniuses and just haven't been given the opportunity to show it.

Football Manager has so much to answer for.

taking off strikers and putting on defenders only to concede late goals

sitting back and trying to defend leads only to conceed

leaving out players for no reason

signing players only to discard them a few months later

playing players out of position so he didn't have to pick players on the naughty step

sticking by players massively out of form to the detriment of the team

failing to make substitutions at vital times when the game is crying out for it

sitting and doing chuff all in the dugout with his arms folded

critising players openly in the media, whilst ignoring poor performances of others


those are the mistakes that he kept making. Those are the things he was heavily criticised for here and at sheffield untied.

oh and football manager doesn't need to answer for my opinions and knowledge. Having worked in a capacity at 3 professional football clubs and maintain contact with players, coaches, scouts and fans of clubs. I listen to everything they say and everything their option encompasses. I don't have blinkers.


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taking off strikers and putting on defenders only to concede late goals -putting on strikers who score goals in the last 5 minutes of games to win matches

sitting back and trying to defend leads only to conceed - pushing forward to get another goal only to drop 2 points by getting a draw

leaving out players for no reason - leaving out players cos he doesnt trust them or they don't do what he asks.

signing players only to discard them a few months later - realising he's made a mistake signing them and sorting it out as quickly as he can.

playing players out of position so he didn't have to pick players on the naughty step - picking players he trusts ahead of those he's asked to do certain things and they haven't done it.

sticking by players massively out of form to the detriment of the team - you'd have to be more specific there.

failing to make substitutions at vital times when the game is crying out for it - for every example you give, I can give examples of him making substitutions who've gone on to rescue games, to win games or to score goals.

sitting and doing chuff all in the dugout with his arms folded - getting hammered for being too animated and shouting too much,

critising players openly in the media, whilst ignoring poor performances of others - praising players openly in the media while ignoring poor performances of others.


those are the mistakes that he kept making. Those are the things he was heavily criticised for here and at sheffield untied.

Those are the mistakes you think he keeps making. what about the good things he did? Nothng, no? Not a positive aspect at all?

oh and football manager doesn't need to answer for my opinions and knowledge. Having worked in a capacity at 3 professional football clubs and maintain contact with players, coaches, scouts and fans of clubs. I listen to everything they say and everything their option encompasses. I don't have blinkers.

Happy for you that you've worked in 3 football clubs and that you stay in contact with players and coaches and scouts. Now I haven't worked at a football club, never mind 3, but I do stay in contact with coaches, with players, with scouts and with fans.. including his ex team mates, his ex england colleagues and some of his ex players.. now depending if they like Nigel or if they don't like Nigel, you'll get a very different point of view.

A positive point of view from me is massively prejudiced while your negative point of view is fine?

Go figure...

My blinkers are capable of changing by the way, I heard something the other week that I didn't like which slightly changed my opinion. if I hear that again, then it would further alter my opinion, but overall for me, his positives as a person and as a manager, outweigh his negative.

I don't understand how again another thread has been hijacked and I've allowed myself to be dragged into a massive Nigel debate.

You lot really do need to let it go and focus on who's in charge now.



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Wasting 5 minutes and however many seconds by not waking into the dressing room and thus inviting unnecessary pressure on yourself - taking his time to gather his thoughts before conducting a team talk which produced a vastly improved second half display, producing a goal to gain a point


easy this spin lark.......

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@ronnieronalde Are you saying that calling him careless and/or unprofessional is not being critical ?

what about...

I want my rookie managers to show experience, not to do weird things that make me worried about whether he's fully in control.

i know if the above was said about me in my job, I would look at these as being critical.


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But can anyone explain to me why the manager waited 4 minutes and 52 seconds of the 15 minute break before going in to deliver his team talk.

See I actually liked that... Held himself back... possibly calmed himself down and then went in when all the players were settled rather than going in when they'd all still be milling around, finding drinks, finding seats etc and he'd be left standing in the corner like a plum...

There's a great story about old Cloughie that one game his gumps team went in trailing at half time... They all sat there expecting him to come in and scream at them... didn't appear for the whole 15 mins til right before they were ready to go out and just stuck his head round the door and said "sorry lads... my fault... picked the wrong team"

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See I actually liked that... Held himself back... possibly calmed himself down and then went in when all the players were settled rather than going in when they'd all still be milling around, finding drinks, finding seats etc and he'd be left standing in the corner like a plum...

There's a great story about old Cloughie that one game his gumps team went in trailing at half time... They all sat there expecting him to come in and scream at them... didn't appear for the whole 15 mins til right before they were ready to go out and just stuck his head round the door and said "sorry lads... my fault... picked the wrong team"

...and they're all thinking, 'does he mean me? Am I the one who shouldn't be playing? I'll show him.'

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@Leeds Ram , read the thread, I've said on a couple of occasions that I don't think I'm being critical. I'ts not like I've called him names or christened him pisspoorpaul.

@RIMBAUD     Rookie managers can show experience by doing things experienced managers do. Like handing in a team sheet with 11 individual players on it. He's learned from one of the best in Ancelotti, I wonder how many times Carlos handed in a team sheet with the same name on it twice.

I don't think anything more can be said on it, I'm not trying to close my own thread or to avoid answering any more comments/points/questions. but I was fairly clear about, these are my individual issues. I see them as semi important so  I asked about them you lot clearly don't and would prefer to turn it into a Clement v Clough thread which I really don't understand.

If someone has a unique view on it, then fair enough but if all that's going to happen is we go around in circles and people recycle the same way to call me a duckegg. Then what's the point?

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See I actually liked that... Held himself back... possibly calmed himself down and then went in when all the players were settled rather than going in when they'd all still be milling around, finding drinks, finding seats etc and he'd be left standing in the corner like a plum...

There's a great story about old Cloughie that one game his gumps team went in trailing at half time... They all sat there expecting him to come in and scream at them... didn't appear for the whole 15 mins til right before they were ready to go out and just stuck his head round the door and said "sorry lads... my fault... picked the wrong team"

I hadn't heard that but I agree it's another great example of Brian's genius or eccentricity, whichever side of the fence you sit on when it comes to Brian Clough, you might not believe it but there are some who didn't like him and who would use something like that to have a cheap dig. Fancy that

Can I just ask @cheron85 Was that before or after he'd won the European Cup back to back, League titles at two different clubs, countless League Cups?

I'll say again and it's only my opinion. I think you've got to earn the right to be quirky and i'ts only my opinion but so far Paul Clement doesn't quite come into that category.

Now, if  he goes unbeaten for the rest of the season and smashes teams left right and centre before going on to be one of the games greatest figures.

You can ALL be very sure I'll be back on to apologise. My views, negative or positive are not set in stone.

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Can I just ask @cheron85 Was that before or after he'd won the European Cup back to back, League titles at two different clubs, countless League Cups?

Not sure but I seem to remember Martin O'Neil quoting the story?

I'll say again and it's only my opinion. I think you've got to earn the right to be quirky and i'ts only my opinion but so far Paul Clement doesn't quite come into that category.

However I don't think it's particularly 'quirky' behaviour from Clement... I personally prefer a manager to be a bit more aloof from the team... they're the boss... Too many former players for me like still being 'one of the lads'...

He decided that he needed a few mins to collect his thoughts... especially since the timing of their goal would have changed the team talk he was going to give... and then (judging by second half performance) gave a good team talk...

I find it odd that the commentators made such a big deal about it personally...

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