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Ashamed to be a Rams fan

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If cursing, irritating, aggressive @rseholes are ruining people's away trip - and especially upsetting families & kids, fellow fans should sort them out - get them removed. It isn't some p!sshead's right to say and do what he/she pleases in public.

Ask them to calm down and shut up, and point out the families in proximity... if they are abusive or let their behaviour lapse further, then they had their chance to behave properly...just amble off and fetch a steward (or two) and explain who is behaving badly. Why just tolerate it?

The miscreants will either shut up, or act up again - and if they act up (sometimes in stupid drunken bravado to chide the complaining fans), repeat the steward alert and watch the cretins get chucked out... No less than they deserve.

I've been to countless games, gigs and other events at all corners of the UK and beyond, back since the BBG Popside days, and have occasionally acted to remove a dunderhead or two when the threshold of acceptability by idiots at the event has been flouted.

It's supposed to be entertainment, enjoyment and social fun & participation, so enduring excessively-selfish yobs, to wait for the end of the game/gig as a merciful relief from their proximity isn't a given. 

Grumpy old git? Yes, in some circumstances. Tolerance is one thing - but ignorance, unpleasantness and lack of respect needn't be meekly accepted.




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It's a problem with away games, you lose some control over it as you can't choose the "good seats" and everyone is in together. The vast majority are fine, but you're nailed on to get some d1ck near to you.

I was cringing yesterday afternoon when the tool you're on about (in the red cap) and his gang of baby casuals appeared during the second half, near to where I was sitting at the top right (looking out to the pitch) of the upper tier. He easily spent more than half of second part of the game just staring at the Bolton fans (about half a mile away) and making kn0b-head gestures, occasionally punctuated with the the two hand "come on then". There was a lot of Stone Island on show.

Also, five minutes into the game I heard "Fncking useless cnnts!" from behind me as someone misplaced a pass. I just can't fathom it.

I've got an 8 week old baby and look forward to eventually taking him along at the iPro. Being at Grimsby made me think age 16 minimum before going to an away game.

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To be honest I think if you go away from home you have to expect the C word and people being drunk. Rightfully or wrongfully it's part of the culture of football in this country. Passion and lager generally affects the ability of people to be eloquent and mindful of other peoples sensitivities.

I personally draw the line at physical violence but I really don't see the problem with calling someone a nob head on the other side of the segregation. It's a game of football, not the theatre. Much rather that than everyone sat down being completely passive. Then again I don't have kids, but then again as a kid I knew when not to swear.

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I think you just have to accept things like this are part and parcel of football and society in general. Every club has its silly select few and its no reflection on Derby County football club its just a reflection on them as a person. They just happen to support Derby. 

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the  C - WORD  ....  thought  Keogh began with  a    K    ....          the sad criteria is   this repulsive behaviour   as been going on for years  ....  and will unfortunatly  carry on to do so  ....     every clubs as its own moronic  crew  ...  

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To be honest I think if you go away from home you have to expect the C word and people being drunk. Rightfully or wrongfully it's part of the culture of football in this country. Passion and lager generally affects the ability of people to be eloquent and mindful of other peoples sensitivities.

I personally draw the line at physical violence but I really don't see the problem with calling someone a nob head on the other side of the segregation. It's a game of football, not the theatre. Much rather that than everyone sat down being completely passive. Then again I don't have kids, but then again as a kid I knew when not to swear.

I think some people think it should be like a day out at the zoo or something with the wife and kids. I don't like or use the C word either but I'm not going to preach about it.

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Too many cretins get coked up and think they are Danny Dyers harder brother at football, especially away games. Just do what I do and think sometime, some place, eventually, they will say something to the wrong person and get the taste slapped out of their mouth.

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So you'd use it in front of your Mum? A 6 year old niece at a birthday party?

In front of my mum, yeah. She's a grown woman. And in fact I have used the word in front of my mother and I don't think she's bothered. She's heard it before so why would she care? At a birthday party? No, because the only thing wrong with swearing is the uninventive vocabulary it encourages. My nieces are all intelligent and I should hope they can think of a better word to use.

If not, **** it.

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so its wrong to be offense by offensive language?

Well not really, but society going down the pan ... ? I mean really, it sounds like something a typical daily mail reading **** would come out with. 


Frankly in my opinion if your actually outraged by some of the language used in a away end then you should probably pick a new hobby. As for having a pop at fans for standing / smoking, redirect your mock outrage towards the clubs and power that be that still refuse to acknowledge safe standing or allow fans out for a smoke at half time. 

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In front of my mum, yeah. She's a grown woman. And in fact I have used the word in front of my mother and I don't think she's bothered. She's heard it before so why would she care? At a birthday party? No, because the only thing wrong with swearing is the uninventive vocabulary it encourages. My nieces are all intelligent and I should hope they can think of a better word to use.

If not, **** it.

Well...if they can...

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Well not really, but society going down the pan ... ? I mean really, it sounds like something a typical daily mail reading **** would come out with. 


Frankly in my opinion if your actually outraged by some of the language used in a away end then you should probably pick a new hobby. As for having a pop at fans for standing / smoking, redirect your mock outrage towards the clubs and power that be that still refuse to acknowledge safe standing or allow fans out for a smoke at half time. 

the society bit was on reply to Tombo who I thought was speaking generally not just about at the footie.



if it becomes acceptable to be disrespectful in everyday language then that's appalling.





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the society bit was on reply to Tombo who I thought was speaking generally not just about at the footie.



if it becomes acceptable to be disrespectful in everyday language then that's appalling.





Disrespectful to what? If you 're calling someone, then fair enough... doesn't really matter what word you use to do it though, surely?

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