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Player predictions


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Each year there is at least one player who over the course of the season does much better than anyone expected.. Similarly there are players whose overall performance disappoints (think Bryson last year).

If you had to pick one player in each category for the coming season, who do you think they would be?

I'm going for Dawkins to be the pleasing one. If he plays that central role, he looks impressive. For the underachiever, I don't think Bent is going to have the impact we saw last season. 

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Exceeding expectations - Craig Forsyth.  I know it's odd to pick him out considering that, bar two iffy patches, he's been very good, but I think with Baird & Thorne offering more stability when attacking he'll get back to his buccaneering best.

Not living up to expectations - Jeff Hendrick.  With him being a jack of all trades, master of none type midfielder I think he's gonna struggle to pin down a place in formations that call for more specialists


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I have a horrible feeling that even if Ince has a great season people will say he'd under-delivering... Hughes too...

I'm going Shotton as the surprise package this season... Just because he CAN'T get any lower than my expectations of him... 

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Given the opportunity I think Ssewankambo may be the player catching the eye. Depending on what happens with George Thorne's fitness, I can perhaps see Baird having to be used in the CDM role more often, leaving an opportunity at RB and from I've seen in pre-season Isaac will be more than capable of stepping up.


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Carson will show his stuff this season.  There's something about that vagabond look that exudes excellence.  i don't think anyone will disappoint this season, even Christie will play good football again.  Has the season started yet?

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Weimann to exceed expectations. I think he's going to give teams a real hard time.

Something in the back of my head is saying Bent to disappoint but I'm going to ignore it and pin that self-fullfilling prophecy on Carson.

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Think this may be an ideal game to use a more defensive 4231 system, sitting back soaking up the pressure and then picking them off and hitting them heard on the break.

I think a lot of fans may of writen off Boltons chances in this match but I feel they can't be underestimated. Neil Lennon is no mug and he will have his team well organised and ready for what we have to throw at them.

I'm predicting a 2-1 win, I expect us to create lots of chances of which to our frustration, we will miss more than we score because of early season rustiness.

I also think Weimann will score a goal on his competitive debut, one of many for him in a season in which I think he will flourish in a Derby shirt.




Lennon is a mug , an ugly wee mug into the bargain , hope we scud them 

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