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Richard Keogh


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Not sure why Keogh gets the stick for making an error now and again. Of course he's going to make an error now and again, he's human and he's a Championship player.

Every one of our players makes misakes, yet Keogh gets the blame for it far often than not.

Why don't strikers get criticised for missing easy chances? If we lost 1-0 courtesy of Keogh being beaten at the back and Darren Bent missing a penalty, I know full well which of the two players would get the flak thrown at them.


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Not sure why Keogh gets the stick for making an error now and again. Of course he's going to make an error now and again, he's human and he's a Championship player.

Every one of our players makes misakes, yet Keogh gets the blame for it far often than not.

Why don't strikers get criticised for missing easy chances? If we lost 1-0 courtesy of Keogh being beaten at the back and Darren Bent missing a penalty, I know full well which of the two players would get the flak thrown at them.


Totally agree. Come to the conclusion that all the Keogh bashers haven't a clue of how to assess a professional footballer, because if they had then it makes a mockery of all those players who voted him into the Championship team of the season who must have addled brains.

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He played well v utrecht

however if they are touting him around and trying to sell then relations probably are a bit strained.

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Not sure why Keogh gets the stick for making an error now and again. Of course he's going to make an error now and again, he's human and he's a Championship player.

Every one of our players makes misakes, yet Keogh gets the blame for it far often than not.

Why don't strikers get criticised for missing easy chances? If we lost 1-0 courtesy of Keogh being beaten at the back and Darren Bent missing a penalty, I know full well which of the two players would get the flak thrown at them.


I don't think people will ever forgive him for Wembley, which is ridiculous as you could fault 4 or 5 played leading up to their goal. I think he gets the extra flak also because he's captain, if it's not going well regardless of whether its his fault or not all eyes are on him, which is again unfair.  Now dont get me wrong, Keogh has his moments of recklessness and mistakes and every single one of us has moaned when a soft goal has been conceded etc, but then theirs idiots out there who will actively go and abuse the poor sods misses on twitter that makes me embarrassed to be a Derby fan, that's not what the club i love is about! but like you rightly said everyone in the team has made mistakes (see Tom Ince against Birmingham at the Ipro, for example)

Sadly I don't think Keogh will ever get the reprieve from our fans, for the idiot minority if it wasn't for him we would have been promoted blah blah blah. The sad reality is that eventually Keogh will be driven out of the club by our minority of idiots, full of resentment and bitterness towards us, and those fans responsible should hang their heads in shame.

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Means nothing though.

He does look a bit uncomfortable to me. It looks like he is engaging in almost make believe conversation, not to get drawn into the eye-line of Mel. Does it quite well, and as a bonus stays on his feet.

 ... and DEL it does mean something. It means at best he is lacking in manners and social etiquette. I see someone chipped in with Weimann, but put that down to arrogance as he is almost German.

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He does look a bit uncomfortable to me. It looks like he is engaging in almost make believe conversation, not to get drawn into the eye-line of Mel. Does it quite well, and as a bonus stays on his feet.

 ... and DEL it does mean something. It means at best he is lacking in manners and social etiquette. I see someone chipped in with Weimann, but put that down to arrogance as he is almost German.

They may have spoken to them a few minutes previous and didn't feel the need to say hello again.

Anything is possible.

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I don't think people will ever forgive him for Wembley, which is ridiculous as you could fault 4 or 5 played leading up to their goal. I think he gets the extra flak also because he's captain, if it's not going well regardless of whether its his fault or not all eyes are on him, which is again unfair.  Now dont get me wrong, Keogh has his moments of recklessness and mistakes and every single one of us has moaned when a soft goal has been conceded etc, but then theirs idiots out there who will actively go and abuse the poor sods misses on twitter that makes me embarrassed to be a Derby fan, that's not what the club i love is about! but like you rightly said everyone in the team has made mistakes (see Tom Ince against Birmingham at the Ipro, for example)

Sadly I don't think Keogh will ever get the reprieve from our fans, for the idiot minority if it wasn't for him we would have been promoted blah blah blah. The sad reality is that eventually Keogh will be driven out of the club by our minority of idiots, full of resentment and bitterness towards us, and those fans responsible should hang their heads in shame.

Most people would/have already forgiven him, purely because as you said, it was one error at the end of three or four in quick succession by others. Not only that, even if we had not conceded then, who is to say that what would have happened in extra time.

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I never blamed him for it. It was a spur of the moment thing, the ball could have gone anywhere.....1 yard either side and zamora couldn't have hit it.

its like blaming someone for missing a penalty.....its part of the game......get over it.


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There were three players at fault for QPR's goal at Wembley. Keogh was probably the least culpable of the three but because he was at the business end of the ball flying into the net he gets the flak.

Personally I thought Fozzy was the one who should have done something.

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Well I'd like him to stay. Bear in mind what I see of him is only on the telly so I acknowledge the opinions of those that see him at matches is far more relevant and accurate than mine.

My main criticisms are that occasionally he can make a strikers mind up for him, I think it was against Reading, he thundered in with a sliding tackle like a runaway train, the attacking player just controlled the ball, watched him slide past and picked his spot. 

Secondly, I thought he was a bit buck passy on occasions, rather than a word of encouragement after a goal was conceded, it looked to me as though blame was quick to be apportioned. 

That written, to be chosen by his peers for the team of the season told me I missed loads of the positive side of his game and so I now wonder if he deserves a fair crack of the whip and a go at the Premier League with us as a reward for the service he's given us. 

I think he might you know.

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I like Richard Keogh and really hope he stays. I'm hoping for a Keogh/Shackell partnership. Don't know much about Pearce and I reckon Shackell will nail the left side down so Bucko might struggle to force his way in.

But, though I know other defenders made really bad errors in the run up to Zamoras goal, I'm a bit irked by this belittling of the mistake Keogh made. 'Could have gone anywhere'? It was a perfect side foot. If he'd been wearing red and black it'd have been a good pass. He should have cleared with his left foot. It was a terrible piece of play. I've moved on and Keogh has my support, but please don't try and rewrite history guys.

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I don't think any of the "proper" derby supporters still blame keogh for wembley because it could have happened to anyone. I was only angry at the time with him but the whole team was to blame for not going up. I dont see anyone moaning at martin for not being smart enough with his movement against a crooked  Richard Dunne or at Forsyth's terrible crossing in that game.I'm almost glad that we didn't go up in hindsight because i don't think we should have stayed up. 

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Seems a bit strange Clement is playing him so much if they're trying to offload him. Both Sammon and Albentosa were withdrawn from the team when it looked like they were leaving. I know there's probably no deal in place yet for Keogh, but it would have made more sense for Pearce to get a long run out rather than Keogh if they are trying to get rid (Which I hope they aren't)

Money!! Make it looks like he belongs to first team so good offer is needed. Froze him out and you won't get half what he is worth.

Of course he may be in first team plans...

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Not putting it in the net lost us the game.

...and to be honest, poor substitutions diminished our chances of putting in the net.

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