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Mel Morris - New Chairman


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I was asking if it's unreasonable to think it's odd that Clement has bought 2 players before he's left Spain.  He said in his conference his job over the next two weeks is to learn about our squad. 

I was floating an idea. I have no problem if youdon't agree and it's not a thought that I strongly believe either. There's just no need for pathetic snide remarks. You wouldn't do it in person so don't do it now. 

All you see on this board now is

Sorry for speaking common sense, well that's rubbish, nonsense, Wrong, ridiculous.. etc

It's not the way anyone respond to a comment made in person. It's the theme throughout the message board now that if somebody says something that others disagree with then that person has to be patronised or mocked. In a pub it would just be "nah, I don't think so mate" 

Do you not realise a few us did read your messages with Tombo the other day? You were out of order and said things in direct contravention of the instruction given by Daveo. We all make mistakes, you have chosen not to learn from what you wrote and had removed last week. I have no trouble in reading IMPARTIAL views. Once I know a poster has an irrational concern I find it very hard to listen to them, especially as they try to make others view things irrationally also.

Your position on Mel Morris is clear. I strongly disagree with you. I cannot reason with you as you are biased.

For someone else who is not biased, to pose the question you posed...fine. It needs a quick debate before sane people realise there is obviously no bringing in of players without coaches say so. ( Indeed we were told circa ten days ago a delay in signing Bent was due to the player wishing to speak to the new manager )

Anyway I hope you can remove your biased views on our new owner, and just because you read a letter his lawyer sent to the forum these things happen I business, and are not a bad thing. At the end of the day we all know the law of the land protects us all.

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Another really minor point but first time I saw it today. Ipro car park, Manager, CEO and COO car park spots all done by job description but Mel Morris wants his name there. Just another little tiny thing that bugs me. Strikes a chord of 'Don't you know who I am?'

did you attend games back in days of Maxwell ? We would sing all game wanting him to leave, we celebrated his death at a game. Maxwell harmed Dcfc and many other people. spring forward 25 years and we have fans complaining about named parking spaces ....love it....the twitter generation right to an opinion. Well, if you can find issue with that, you will find issue with many other things I am sure.

the most staggeringly dumb post I have ever had the dis pleasure of reading.

and thought of reasoning with you lasts in my head for one second, before I remind myself "lost cause"

Last season we had GT watch, now we have "car park" watch and ALSO an interpretation of events occuring in said car park.

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​The first sentence was a reply to you. I think I made a fair point. Most clubs changing Head Coach in the close season will have the same issue. Most transfers nowadays take quite a while from identification of a need to agreeing a fee and signing a contract. A new Head Coach arriving in summer (or January) is inevitably going to arrive part of the way through the process. However I think it's a tenuous leap of faith to suggest that the new Head Coach will have such a limited input in the future.

My second sentence is a general point, not specific to you. People seem to be leaping to conclusions and being quick to criticise Morris based on rumour (Barnes), speculation (parked car) and a pessimistic perception of his comments (his news conference remarks with regards to his involvement in the club).

Furthermore, the context of my comments with regards to what is an opinion in Football Talk on an imaginary thread called for instance 'Signing Policies' and when it becomes a hint/allegation in Rams Talk on a thread called Mel Morris is just that context (Again not aimed at you). I agree that a Manager or Head Coach should have the final say on a player coming in (and to some extent out). As a general point it is an opinion. If however  similar comments are made in the Mel Morris thread after other posters had suggested via the 'Barnes', 'car' and then 'comments' situations, that 'if anyone at the club is signing players without the managers OK , or behind his back , for me they can take the high road soon as' becomes an allegation or at least an implication. Personally I try not to bite the hand that feeds me (or my club) without more proof and nor do I speculate in a negative manner about people who can afford better lawyers than me.

With regards to my comment about you being a glass house/stone throwing situation was related to both JW and Tombo suggesting you were behaving in a manner unbefitting to a moderator and then you calling one of them a '********'. A comment which was deleted for a while. I didn't take offence to any of that nor get involved in it but it would suggest that your not a shrinking violet when it comes to forum discourse. I would also add I have not to the best of my knowledge called anyone any names in this debate, nor used the terms  'rubbish', 'ridiculous' and 'wrong'. I trust you too were making general comments rather than a specific reference to me. I therefore take no offence. 

Finally with regards to my written v oral conversational style and the discourse in the Brunny, do feel free to join us and discuss the days events. I've yet to have beer thrown over me (other than from a large, clumsy Rotherham lady) in any of our chats yet. I am sure you will find me quite lovely.

I hope that clarifies matters.        

With JW I was joking. I liked his post to show this as I took his post as a joke. 

With Tombo I said nothing out of order. What was deleted was the argument that wasn't relative to the thread and stuff about Mel Morris which was close to discussing a topic we aren't allowed to discuss. I didn't call him any names.

I still have a problem with any idea that being a moderator should effect what I post. As far as I understand I'm basically a cleaner. So when my posts are called embarrassing for a moderator to make I did bite.

As far as I know I'm basically a cleaner? So why do my opinions matter more than  they did two weeks ago? Do I have some sort of duty to set an example? Daveo never mentioned that. That was the point I was making to Tombo. 

Anyway, I'm keeping out this thread now. I seem to clash with folks on this one. :)

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Do you not realise a few us did read your messages with Tombo the other day? You were out of order and said things in direct contravention of the instruction given by Daveo. We all make mistakes, you have chosen not to learn from what you wrote and had removed last week. I have no trouble in reading IMPARTIAL views. Once I know a poster has an irrational concern I find it very hard to listen to them, especially as they try to make others view things irrationally also.

Your position on Mel Morris is clear. I strongly disagree with you. I cannot reason with you as you are biased.

For someone else who is not biased, to pose the question you posed...fine. It needs a quick debate before sane people realise there is obviously no bringing in of players without coaches say so. ( Indeed we were told circa ten days ago a delay in signing Bent was due to the player wishing to speak to the new manager )

Anyway I hope you can remove your biased views on our new owner, and just because you read a letter his lawyer sent to the forum these things happen I business, and are not a bad thing. At the end of the day we all know the law of the land protects us all.

I haven't got strong views on Mel Morris!!! 

So my question was ok but only from someone else?!? 

My argument with Tombo was him calling my post embarassing for a moderator. What does that even mean? For a moderator? For someone who keeps folks from trading insults all day and tidies up? Tombo wad telling me my problem with Mel Morris. I just tried to show that the only problem I have is... and then explained the situation we can't talk about... because Tombo had it wrong slightly. 

This is unreal. The fact that my curiosity about Clement signing players is ok but I'm not allowed to ask it. 

It'd be alright if I even disliked Morris. I don't! I thought he responded quite aggressively to a silly post made on here. A Silly post that made no accusations. But then I make a little joke on the first page and suddenly I'm anti Mel Morris and a leader of dcfcfans. Gerrout!!! 


I need a list of things I'm allowed to post. Ive nor even posted anything strong. Not like on Connor Sammon  where I'll put "I think he's rubbish". Just trying to have a joke and thinking out loud. 

Totally uncalled for all this is. 

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Can I just add my two penneth?

if you say something in the Brunny that Sage doesn't agree with, EXPECT a sarcastic reply.


That's sound between mates or whatever.

I just don't ever come across strangers who will patronise me? Anyway, that's done with as far as I'm concerned. 

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I think it's really terrible, you lot, getting drawn into these silly spats - you should be ashamed of themselves.

You wouldn't find me getting embroiled in petty tit-for-tats.

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That's sound between mates or whatever.

I just don't ever come across strangers who will patronise me? Anyway, that's done with as far as I'm concerned. 

I've seen strangers leave the pointy room in tears because Sage's sent a barbed comment in their direction.

you should hear what he says to people who he doesn't like!

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I've seen strangers leave the pointy room in tears because Sage's sent a barbed comment in their direction.

you should hear what he says to people who he doesn't like!

​I was evicted from the pointy room.

I had to go and drink in a lake.

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I've nothing against the fella, in fact I love it that a local businessman, and lifelong fan who's made good wants to invest in the club.

I pay no heed to reports he's more involved in day to day business, even if he is so what, it's his cash so that gives him a legitimate say in how it's spent.

It's just the atmosphere of fear that seems to have enveloped this forum,and this thread in particular since his arrival that gets me, at the end of the day we're a bunch of DCFC nerds, who occasionally post both sense and nonsense, yet I feel we can't say what we wish, even if the post is obviously satirical or indeed critical.

Whilst I fully understand the removal of offensive or defamatory posts, and agree name calling is unwelcome, I feel the line between freedom of expression, and Mr Morris's right to accurate representation, has been somewhat blurred recently.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but he's not made the best 1st impression with me, and I suspect some others, although I'm sure that wasn't his original intention.

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