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Derby County Flags

Inverurie Ram

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Just now, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

That Swad Rams flag reminds me why I went to two England games back in the  early 90's and that was enough sorry to say.

Same here. I stopped going England games in the 1980's when the Chelsea National Front/Combat 18/BNP types took over. I twatted one cretin who was part of a gang outside the Vulcan Street Popside once when he was trying to push nazi leaflets on to me. My mixed race mate was seriously scared until a few of us got rid of the racists.

The no surrender stuff just reminds me of brain dead racist dheads.

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9 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

That Swad Rams flag reminds me why I went to two England games back in the  early 90's and that was enough sorry to say.

Same here. 

If I was ever senile enough to want to put another club's logo on a Derby flag, I hope Mrs C would smother me in my sleep. 

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