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Would anyone else be made up for Gerrard if Liverpool win the title this year.


He will have grown up watching Liverpool win titles and despite being a great player, the paucity in quality of many of the rest of the squad until this year has left them struggling for 4th place for most of his career. 


He has stuck with his hometown club and I for one would love to see him raise the trophy.


Can't wait for Muespach's response.

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Would anyone else be made up for Gerrard if Liverpool win the title this year.

He will have grown up watching Liverpool win titles and despite being a great player, the paucity in quality of many of the rest of the squad until this year has left them struggling for 4th place for most of his career.

He has stuck with his hometown club and I for one would love to see him raise the trophy.

Can't wait for Muespach's response.

Nope not one bit.
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Would anyone else be made up for Gerrard if Liverpool win the title this year.


He will have grown up watching Liverpool win titles and despite being a great player, the paucity in quality of many of the rest of the squad until this year has left them struggling for 4th place for most of his career. 


He has stuck with his hometown club and I for one would love to see him raise the trophy.


Can't wait for Muespach's response.


I'd be pleased for him but he's not suffered too much there - Champions League, FA Cup, League Cup & UEFA Cup not a bad little haul from his career. Probably got more respect for the likes of Le Tissier who literally had no prospect of no silverware ever but still stayed put at Southampton.


Definitely rooting for Liverpool to win the title though - real breath of fresh air & great to see a British manager doing well without spending obscene amounts of cash (relative to City & Chelsea of course) & with a large contingent of British players in & around the team.

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I want them to win it despite the fact that Gerrard is a ****, as they've played the best football. That incident in the bar and his subsequent purchase of the justice system was sickening, and I hope the **** gets his karma for it.

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Can't stand liverpool as a club; but given there large percentage of English players maybe it will give us the lift we need coming into the wc.

As for gerrard, I think he is a cracking player, and I can forgive the odd lapse in his personal life, believe it or not he is human.

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Wish he'd shut up overhyping.

Reina, Carragher, Agger, Torres, Cole etc etc... The number of players that he's named "one of the best in the world" that have played for Liverpool while he's been there make me think they have massively underachieved.

Joe Cole (who could have perhaps been a very good player) was even compared to Messi!!

Nah, I wouldn't want him to fail but I won't care if he wins anything.

I don't want Liverpool to win it though. Don't like them. Probably have to have a minutes silence if they come second now though. Rather Arsenal win it but as that won't happen then I'm hoping for Man City.

Hart, Kompany, Fernandinho, Yaya, Silva, Aguero... enjoyable team.

I know Liverpool are supposedly representing the peasants but they spent a fortune on *****!! Atleast City bought good players!!

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I'm old enough to remember when they were a thoroughly likeable team, beating the Dirties, losing to us, with a great manager (the immortal Bill Shankly) and with brilliant players like Hunt, St John, Yeats etc, but like others I remember 'other things' too. However, on balance, I'd just about like them to win it because Daniel Sturridge is a cracking player, and if we wish them to have nice things, they might let Andre Wisdom keep parking where he wants. 

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Wouldn't want Arsenal to win anything because I genuinely think their record over the past however many years is pathetic - I can't be arsed with the whole 'yeah but they play attractive football and have stuck with their manager' stuff, I'm fed up of them tbh.


If you're not even winning the odd League/FA cup as a 'top team' then it's time to change your manager, regardless of how 'pretty' it can be at times - failure to deliver time and time again, ******** to them.


Liverpool were always sodding moaning, Gerrard in particular, I have no real desire to see HIM win anything but I think Brendan Rogers has done a remarkable job in turning them into a club/side who are worth rooting for, as has been said they have a core of English players, they've been coached properly and improved over time.


I never want Chelsea or Man City to win anything, to put it simply they can both **** off, ANYONE spending £300-400m over a few seasons when they've done nothing to earn the money except be bought by a frickin billionaire can **** off.


Even Man Utd earned their dominance for a time by winning things despite others spending more, coupled with some rather fortunately talented youth players coming through of course.

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Hope they win it and walk off with big grins on their faces. It's been a long time since their 80's glory days.

Good luck to em. And if it happens this year, and the Hillsborough inquests which have opened finally get things put right, then all the better. It will make it more memorable for them, it's a shame the 96 aren't here to see it.

And I haven't put that to wind anybody up before anyone starts owt, I'm just looking at the bigger picture, as as far as the history of the club is concerned, this could be a very important year.

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I hate Gerrard - such a selfish player and only thinks about himself.


Go and find me a video where he scores a goal and congratulates a Liverpool teammate for their part in it. Go on, I dare you.


It's all about him... Absolutely everrything.


I hate it when he scores a tap-in after someone else does all the work and he runs off on his own pointing to the name on his back.


He isn't fit enough to lace Iniesta's boots - both on and off the ptich.


I do like Liverpool's manager, style and the likes of Coutinho/Allen/Flanagan though.

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I hate Gerrard - such a selfish player and only thinks about himself.


Go and find me a video where he scores a goal and congratulates a Liverpool teammate for their part in it. Go on, I dare you.


It's all about him... Absolutely everrything.


I hate it when he scores a tap-in after someone else does all the work and he runs off on his own pointing to the name on his back.


He isn't fit enough to lace Iniesta's boots - both on and off the ptich.


I do like Liverpool's manager, style and the likes of Coutinho/Allen/Flanagan though.

"http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/incoming/article3301981.ece/alternates/s615/00011DCC-13B8-11B8-9FCE80BFB6FA00CC" alt="00011DCC-13B8-11B8-9FCE80BFB6FA00CC">

He's just scored a knock in from a bloke just off picture to the right.

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didn't have time to write a measured and thought out response to this earlier, don't really have enough time now to say exactyly why I don't want them ever to win it.


They are a vile club.


how can ANYONE want them to win it after their public backing of a RACIST..? seriously...explain how anyone could want this?


Rogers is proving a lot of people wrong, me included, I thought he was a bit of a joke, and his stupid sayings he keeps spouting really are, as I have said many times, he is the David Brent of football management, but he seems to be doing well now.


The main reason I don't want them to win it is their fans. Horrible people, arrogant, rude, vicious, have I mentioned arrogant...


Personally I hope City win it, just to show once again, that all you need is money.

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Hope they win it and walk off with big grins on their faces. It's been a long time since their 80's glory days.

Good luck to em. And if it happens this year, and the Hillsborough inquests which have opened finally get things put right, then all the better. It will make it more memorable for them, it's a shame the 96 aren't here to see it.

And I haven't put that to wind anybody up before anyone starts owt, I'm just looking at the bigger picture, as as far as the history of the club is concerned, this could be a very important year.


Personally I hope they don't win, ever since Heysel 85 I have them as the no 1 despised club and the stanley knivings of Derby fans in 88 cemented that for life.


They have played some fantastic football this season but the main man shouldn't be playing in my opinion, if that was a local league player with his record he wouldn't be allowed to play. Got off very lightly with both the racism and the biting.

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