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The demise of Forest


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I can understand us sheepshaggers being bored and talking more bollux than usual, but gumps taking time out to spout bollux on a Rams forum is quite strange.

Come on stoners, eezedoesit, and that other one, psychotic (or whatever his name is), you must be seriously short of summat to do during the international break.

I'll forgive Pink Morning, he's daft as a box of frogs anyway.........

You need to be more precise

Which Bolox are you referring to ?

By the way wheres mcramfan ? Did he get suspended for bullying?

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Has the big Dutch second league bloke scored/played well yet?


Having moved from flatland, and the fact that he's a tall lad, I fear that altitude sickness has struck him down. That and the fact that the rain is still sleet that high up.

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Laing is an u21 so on a youngster's money. Vaughan and Fox were signed up last season.

Most of the signings are covered by the Newcastle money. Those that aren't are covered by the wages of Miller, Greening, Jara, Cox, Mackie, Henderson, Moussi, Majewski and Derbyshire. There's at least

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Laing is an u21 so on a youngster's money. Vaughan and Fox were signed up last season.

Most of the signings are covered by the Newcastle money. Those that aren't are covered by the wages of Miller, Greening, Jara, Cox, Mackie, Henderson, Moussi, Majewski and Derbyshire. There's at least

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Why does it bother you so much how much Forest have spent?

The only reason you haven't spent much is due to the few years before this period (conveniently) where you shelled out millions trying to get to and then stay in the Prem.

We spent as much on the squad that got to the Prem at the first attempt as you have on Assombalonga (conveniently).

The net spend was only actually

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I never said you spent loads to get up. If you read what I've written I said you spent loads to get up and stay in the Prem.

Which of course is what you need to do, however folk on here make out that Derby are a shining beacon for footballing finances. When in actual fact they've been forced to take this stance due to spending on the Claude Davis', the Emanuel Villa's and Kenny Miller's of this world.

Hear we go, forest bringing up old history again.

We could go all through history and in sure we'll find lots of examples of us spending big, an then you spending big, etc. (Cloughy broke the British transder record once, didn't he?).

The point is, right here and now, forest are thing that everyone hates about football, spending pots of money you've not got to hoof your way up the leagues (and hilariously not going it very well). Whereas as Derby are, as you say, the shining beacon of doing it properly (not just football finances), and deservedly earning plaudits and respect left, right an centre for it.

Maybe in a few years time things will all change. Maybe you'll beat us 5-0 one day (if you look back far enough in history, can you see where that happened previously? Neither can I). Maybe you'll get your third star. But right here and now, it's good to be a ram.

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Why does it bother you so much how much Forest have spent?


The only reason you haven't spent much is due to the few years before this period (conveniently) where you shelled out millions trying to get to and then stay in the Prem.


Concerned for your future old boy, as any good neighbour should be.


Transfer embargo in January, massive fine if you go up, administration and possible liquidation if you don't. The rules changed - but you won't have noticed because in Nottingham, it's still 1980.

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The point is, right here and now, forest are thing that everyone hates about football, spending pots of money you've not got to hoof your way up the leagues (and hilariously not going it very well). Whereas as Derby are, as you say, the shining beacon of doing it properly (not just football finances), and deservedly earning plaudits and respect left, right an centre for it.



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