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Ex-Rams Thread

May Contain Nuts

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Maybe he isn't as good as what people think he is?

Perhaps, but I watched him for 3 years and must have seen 70% of his games.

In terms of Championship football, I think I have a pretty good idea where he stands. Obviously he had his off days, just like Wisdom has. Watching Lloyd Dyer make him look like a sub standard pub level player wasn't exactly nice to watch.

In terms of what I've seen over his course at Derby, he would improve our squad. Let's be honest it's taken the England U21 captain to reach his levels, highly rated Adam Smith was absolutely guff in comparison to Bray. Yet, in the wider football community he is perhaps looked at as the better option to Brayford (funny owd game)

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It just seems very strange,he hasn't been given any kind of chance down here.

The Cardiff fans are just as bemused.

Mackey bought him,didn't fancy him,and it seems that solskaer has the same feeling.

I think there may be more to this,which I suppose,will eventually surface.

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