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Just makes me laugh how up Redknapp the media are and to be honest AVB has had a rough ride but his achievements are there for all to see. He was screwed over at Chelsea. It's amusing really don't you think?

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Just makes me laugh how up Redknapp the media are and to be honest AVB has had a rough ride but his achievements are there for all to see. He was screwed over at Chelsea. It's amusing really don't you think?



Given time at Chelsea he would of been able to build something special there IMO. It's just unfortunate really, for Chelsea that is. 

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Given time at Chelsea he would of been able to build something special there IMO. It's just unfortunate really, for Chelsea that is. 

Yeah, they asked him to revolutionise the squad and then expected instant success. Then Di Matteo comes in and keeps the old guard and he's a genius? Not entirely fair.

Hope he gets plenty of time at Spurs. Was a shaky start but he just seems to have more ideas than Harry. 4231, 442, wing play, narrow, Adebayor, Defoe. Good on him. The papers murdered him. They would never treat Harry or Fergie like that.

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I was very skeptical of AVB's appointment, but he's proven to be an inspired appointment.

It didn't help his image that Chelsea never really believed in him. Made him look weak really didn't it?

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I wasn't skeptical of him at all.. look at his record in portugal, the league he knew the best. 


How good would you be going to Portugal and being asked to manage a top team, even with the money there - anyone would struggle. He has now learnt the league, and now look.


It's just common sense! 

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Spurs v Benfica final?

Not many eye catching teams left. Zenit lost 2-0 I think in the 1st leg.

Rubin Kazan have looked good haven't they?

Chelsea and Lazio..... That's about as good as it gets

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Have to agree with all the comments about AVB. 'He's learnt so much in the last year'. Oh really? Didn't he win this competition two years ago with Porto? Then Chelsea saw a young dynamic Portuguese manager who won a European trophy with Porto and classed him as the next Mourinho. And then sacked him when he tried to change the team (that of a club whose player power is notorious) too much.


Thank god Spurs have given him the time and the patience to prove his worth. Although I rarely want English teams to win major European tournaments, I would welcome Spurs winning it so AVB can stick two fingers up to his doubters. It's refreshing to see a manager who genuinely wants to win the Europa League too, rather than 'Arry who scoffed about 'having to travel to Azerbaijan every Thursday' or some media rent-a-quote guff.


As for Chelsea, well their decline is hilarious. I have a Liverpool-supporting mate (possibly a glory hunter, but I'll let that one slide) who said that they are building something for the future under Brendan Rodgers, and will accept 8th-10th for two or three seasons if it means they will win the league in five. If Chelsea, its owners and its fans just let an ambitious young manager do this, they'd do well. But no, they want it all NOW. Which I why I'll be supporting Steaua next week.

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Have to agree with all the comments about AVB. 'He's learnt so much in the last year'. Oh really? Didn't he win this competition two years ago with Porto? Then Chelsea saw a young dynamic Portuguese manager who won a European trophy with Porto and classed him as the next Mourinho. And then sacked him when he tried to change the team (that of a club whose player power is notorious) too much.


Thank god Spurs have given him the time and the patience to prove his worth. Although I rarely want English teams to win major European tournaments, I would welcome Spurs winning it so AVB can stick two fingers up to his doubters. It's refreshing to see a manager who genuinely wants to win the Europa League too, rather than 'Arry who scoffed about 'having to travel to Azerbaijan every Thursday' or some media rent-a-quote guff.


As for Chelsea, well their decline is hilarious. I have a Liverpool-supporting mate (possibly a glory hunter, but I'll let that one slide) who said that they are building something for the future under Brendan Rodgers, and will accept 8th-10th for two or three seasons if it means they will win the league in five. If Chelsea, its owners and its fans just let an ambitious young manager do this, they'd do well. But no, they want it all NOW. Which I why I'll be supporting Steaua next week.

Although I detest man utd "fans" i will temporarily put that aside to praise Sir Rednose. When Giggs and Scholesy started getting left out the team how did they react, Like Lampard and Terry? Did they fook! They accepted that they were getting older and accepted bit parts for when the team needed them.


Lamps and Terry are far too important to put Chelsea before their personal egos.

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Here's a pointless fact for you all, AVB was turned down by Burnley because he made a power point presentation which the Burnley board felt was 'too complicated'.

when? What the fooks power point anyway. Is it like a pro glide power razor but with a point on the end? If he turned up with one of them no wonder he got turned down.
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Boooom Wigan hit three past Everton in four minutes :o  0-3

 I said to my mate after Wigan's first corner "why is osman marking figueroa?" and lo and behold he scores.

Did not expect Everton to capitulate like they did in those 3 minutes though. Cracking game.

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