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  1. Haha
    SirBrian reacted to Gisby in Liam Rosenior   
    Hard core!!! I went to be last night at 10pm a very happy man (after watching midsummer murders on ITV3!!!) …. life in the fast lane me ???
  2. Haha
    SirBrian got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Liam Rosenior   
    Brain not working after last nights celebrations
  3. Cheers
    SirBrian got a reaction from Premier ram in The Administration Thread   
    Mods did not know where to put this, for music lovers in Derby, i was at a jamming session on weds night, and this guy turned up and blew us all away, he his going to be very big, according to Shaun Ward ex Simply Red guitarist and a couple of ex Sharp Cuts members Steve and Pete, hope it is of use for some.
    Tom Killner
    Flower Pot  July 23
  4. Clap
    SirBrian reacted to maxjam in The Administration Thread   
  5. Cheers
    SirBrian reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
  6. Haha
    SirBrian reacted to Ramslad1992 in The Administration Thread   
  7. COYR
    SirBrian reacted to S8TY in The Administration Thread   
    We all owe Mr Clowes for acting and saving our football club and as I’ve said before his name should be sung loud and proud before kick off against Oxford 
    I also think although he saved us he will not be a long term owner unless it’s sustainable or he gets good investment and could still sell us lock stock ans barrel to someone like MA in the future 
    but his part in saving us is just amazing …his statement said it all …something needed to be done ans he’s done it …so if you read these forums Mr Clowes Thankyou very much !!!
    Thousands  of Derby fans will sleep better tonight ??

  8. Haha
    SirBrian reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
  9. Clap
    SirBrian reacted to LazloW in The Administration Thread   
    I’m normally very balanced and fair minded (I think?) but I’d be more than happy to see a few other clubs go through similar pain to us. Not necessarily go out of existence, but suffer in the same way we have in terms of being pilloried, much of the time for imagined, misunderstood or exaggerated ‘crimes’, victimised and treated about as unfairly as you can by the EFL (who I still can’t believe haven’t been taken to court over their disciplinary procedures - completely flawed - or their collusion with Boro), other clubs coming in and exploiting our situation both in terms of ludicrous ‘charges’ against us or poaching players, the ridiculous rules (again EFL) that actively try to impede any way of getting out of the mess, rules (again EFL) which somehow allow you to be punished multiple times for the same misdemeanours and the complete lack of discretion used by the EFL to help us in any way. Yep, I’d be ok with other fans having the same experience; might teach them some humility. 

    BUT much more than this, the more clubs that go through this, the more likely it is that they will learn they need to change; need to find a way to level the playing field, stop the need for clubs to massively overspend to compete with parachute payments, address the obscene disparities between the PL and EFL and so on and so forth.
    Anyway, bitter rant over. Sorry.
  10. Clap
    SirBrian got a reaction from Woodypecker in The Administration Thread   
    Angie afraid i wish for some of these toxic clubs to suffer, the press also have been toxic over this period of time.
    Will Mel send the EFL a writ when this is all over and he has nothing to do with the club, certainly hope so, will be good to see Parry and fit for purpose Ridsdale along with the rest squirm and have to answer the questions which we all have been asking, this cannot be swept under the carpet.
  11. Clap
    SirBrian got a reaction from We'll be back in 81 in The Administration Thread   
    Angie afraid i wish for some of these toxic clubs to suffer, the press also have been toxic over this period of time.
    Will Mel send the EFL a writ when this is all over and he has nothing to do with the club, certainly hope so, will be good to see Parry and fit for purpose Ridsdale along with the rest squirm and have to answer the questions which we all have been asking, this cannot be swept under the carpet.
  12. Like
    SirBrian got a reaction from Carnero in The Administration Thread   
    Angie afraid i wish for some of these toxic clubs to suffer, the press also have been toxic over this period of time.
    Will Mel send the EFL a writ when this is all over and he has nothing to do with the club, certainly hope so, will be good to see Parry and fit for purpose Ridsdale along with the rest squirm and have to answer the questions which we all have been asking, this cannot be swept under the carpet.
  13. Clap
    SirBrian got a reaction from darren22 in The Administration Thread   
    Angie afraid i wish for some of these toxic clubs to suffer, the press also have been toxic over this period of time.
    Will Mel send the EFL a writ when this is all over and he has nothing to do with the club, certainly hope so, will be good to see Parry and fit for purpose Ridsdale along with the rest squirm and have to answer the questions which we all have been asking, this cannot be swept under the carpet.
  14. Haha
    SirBrian got a reaction from Uttoxram62 in The Administration Thread   
    Beatles song It's All Too Much
  15. Haha
    SirBrian reacted to May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    ...so the same as most days.
  16. Haha
    SirBrian reacted to RamBeauIV in The Administration Thread   
    Can anyone post a link to the finger-tapping girl instead?  Might help with those final few strokes.
  17. Haha
    SirBrian reacted to Derbados in The Administration Thread   
    Feels like Christmas Day. 
    Good owd Santa Clowes
  18. Haha
    SirBrian reacted to Premier ram in 2022/2023 Fixtures release   
    im sure she will be delighted mate                         
  19. Clap
    SirBrian got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
    His own, money money, he was the highest paid CEO at that time, and he must have made a fair wedge from the over paid dross he signed from his agency, pray he does not show his face in Derby again.
  20. Clap
    SirBrian got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    His own, money money, he was the highest paid CEO at that time, and he must have made a fair wedge from the over paid dross he signed from his agency, pray he does not show his face in Derby again.
  21. Clap
    SirBrian reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    Not quite. It’s not a case of the EFL’s involvement helping or not helping. DCFC are still a member of the EFL. The EFL should be helping it in these difficult circumstances, especially as the club has been sanctioned according to the rules over a prolonged period at the behest of other members. That part is done and dusted. We are now a member pure and simple. Our “trade association” is ( or effing well should be ) bound to assist members. That assistance cannot be muddied by past actions for which justice has already been served. And it cannot and should not be conditional on DCFC to act in a certain way in areas governed by commercial law rather than their rules.  The EFL well understand this but are desperate to get their fingers in the pie to justify their   position. It’s a power play and it makes me want to throw up. If they were honest even handed and open they should be falling over themselves saying “what do you need to sort this.”
     Not the usual “disappointment” and “if only” or whatever snivelling weasel words they chose. They have a man on the board who was disqualified as a company director for diverting funds in to his own bank account. They went for us because they were threatened by another member. They are weak, cowardly and employ persons of bad character. 
    It’s an organisation without morals or ethics. A fit a proper persons test ? And people like Peter Ridsdale is on the board ? 
    PS .. you may just detect from the above that I have nothing but contempt and suspicion whenever they say anything. 
    rant over (for now) 
  22. Like
    SirBrian got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Imagine the buyer of the club takes on the players contracts, so wishing to rip up the contracts and once again Derby lose out on selling the players is not going to happen, hang on forgot about the EFL and Keogh.
    The players could offer to buy out their contracts at a sensible price, here i go again its not going to happen, often wonder why they have contracts for it means nothing to a player, they are like a spoilt child always get their own way.
  23. Clap
    SirBrian got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Sam Rush was the highest paid CEO in the championship, and Mel trusted him and his knowledge and experience in football to run the club, sadley he let him down, buying 8 or 10( could be more) sub standard players on 4 or 5 year contracts on £20,000 a week wages make no mistake Mel made a total mess of the club however Rush was not far behind.
    Rush players what have they gone on to achieve since leaving Derby?
  24. Clap
    SirBrian got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    AA been here done it,  has the T shirt lets hope this is not another false dawn.
  25. Like
    SirBrian got a reaction from w8sey in The Administration Thread   
    AA been here done it,  has the T shirt lets hope this is not another false dawn.
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