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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 19 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    When has Knight out wide ever worked? He is much better suited to playing centrally ?

    So who are you dropping out of McGoldrick, Hourihane and Bird to enable him to play centrally. He's more suited to RW than RB like he was in the first half.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    It's a tough one as you'd have to choose one of Bird, Hourihane, Knight, Mendez-Laing, Barkhuizen, McGoldrick and Collins to start on the bench.

    I'd be tempted to play Knight out wide with Mendez-Laing on the other wing. Barkhuizen to come on for either one of them.

  3. 5 hours ago, brady1993 said:

    Thing is if we are sticking to a 4231 we probably want forward thinking fullbacks on both sides. It's part of the benefit of that system is you can afford very attacking fullbacks on both sides.

    Like I said elsewhere it's not so much Koiki that raises an eyebrow, I think we need that kind of player, it's more signing Stearman, Roberts and Fozzy that feels like we are bringing in one too many. 


    I agree. It does feel like we have too many CBs (Davies, Cashin, Chester, Stearman, Roberts). If we resign Fozzy then can also play there too.



  4. 3 hours ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Definitely want this rather than Stephens. Bielik out on loan, sell Knight (make sure B4 is leading the negotiation but remind him we do need to sell him so be prepared to negotiate), keep Bird, that’s really good business and midfield sorted. 

    It's getting to a point where our midfield is bloated if we sign Korey.

    What type of midfielder is he? I can't really remember him if I am honest.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Srg said:

    CKR’s kid is in Burton’s academy and he’s put some money into their set up there. Person who told me thought he’d be going there - admittedly this was several months ago. Wouldn’t have shocked me at the time. 

    I can see CZR at Burton. He can stay local and would be a big player for them.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    Cyrus Christie who runs up the pitch and doesn't bother to come back, has no positional awareness or footballing intelligence of any kind,  can't defend offers nothing in attack and just gets in other people's way?

    Cyrus Christie one of the most useless RBs we've had in the past 15 years who was shown up for what he was by a 33 year old Chris Baird?

    I do share some of your concerns but who do you suggest? Someone who gets up the pitch, provides an attacking threat and is available on a free.

    Phil Bardsley would be solid defensively but wouldn't have the legs to get foward much.

  7. 3 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    I suspect Kaz and Foz both may be waiting for acceptable offers but the manager wants other players before their deals are done. We are under a strict budget and maybe someone might have to go to create funds for K&F to be re-signed. I certainly would have Stephens before either of those two. Roberts and Thompson can play left back, or @Anag Ram

    We are stacked at centre midfield unless Bielik and Knight leave and in that case then we could bring in Stephens. I'd concentrate on two full backs right now and maybe another wide man.

    Fozzy would/should be one of the two full backs and maybe Glover as the wide man?

  8. 2 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Wonder who the 'more experienced' RB could be.

    Martin Kelly, Tommy Smith, Cyrus Christie and Ryan Nyambe are the only domestic based RBs I can think of who're available on a free. Wouldn't say no to any if them. Lee Pelier, Danny Simpson or Phil Bardsley if we're after someone even older with less game time on offer.

    I think we need someone with legs who can get up and down the pitch the way we play. I would take Cyrus Christie back on a two year contract if his wages were reasonable.

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