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  1. Clap
    Miggins reacted to jimmyp in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Yeah you definitely don’t have to spend the rest of your life wearing a mask. 

    For the limited time you may spend around the vulnerable whilst cases are still rising and folk are still being vaccinated it makes complete sense to wear a mask though. 
  2. Clap
    Miggins reacted to RoyMac5 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Why does it have to be 'the rest of your life'? Rather than just sometimes, when it seems necessary!
  3. Like
    Miggins reacted to sage in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Masks have to be worn at all times (except when drinking/eating) in the Man Utd pre season game, with a 25% capacity.
    It does seem odd to go from that, to a free for all the next day.
  4. Cheers
    Miggins reacted to therealhantsram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Light at the end of the tunell?
    For the last 5 or so weeks, since Delta variant took hold, infections have been rising at about 70% a week. But over the past week that figure has been dropping day by day.
    Today the figure is 30% week on week growth.
    So infections are still increasing, but at about half the rate they were last week.
    Maybe, just maybe, the vaccination rate is getting to the point where the virus is struggling to find new people to infect.
    Fingers crossed we are in the end game.
  5. Clap
    Miggins reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I have always been of the opinion that whatever path you take people will die - its just a crappy situation all round.  You might save some people from a covid death, but scaring people into not getting other medical problems checked out or killing people economically etc will claim others.
    If children are going to start falling ill in places that have imposed long, strict lockdowns then they are risking their children - who are at next to no risk of dying from covid, to save the elderly and vulnerable.  An unintended consequence of lockdown for sure, but an unacceptable one imo.
  6. Clap
    Miggins reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Just read the article.  That and probably 100s of others about the vaccine/mrna technology.
    There is a good article from Dr Malone here;
    Personally I'm not anti-vax but I think for anyone under 50 and relatively healthy there should be far more (balanced) information available about both the risks of covid to you and your family/friends and the concerns surrounding the vaccines. 
    We just seem to be bombarded with pro-vaccine arguments everywhere you look and to even question it makes you an outcast.  
    The goalposts have moved a long way from vaccinating the elderly and vulnerable and without any long term data the simple fact is we can't be sure there is no long term risk attached to getting jabbed. 
    The core of the argument that Dr Malone and others are making - and one I agree with, is that we shouldn't be vaccinating en masse populations of the community that are at minimal risk of covid without providing more information and ideally more data.
  7. Cheers
    Miggins reacted to jimmyp in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Would you go and visit an elderly relative if you had a bad cold or the flu?
    Ever since I was young I knew it was common sense not to be near the vulnerable whilst infectious. 
  8. Like
    Miggins reacted to jimmyp in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Having a father in law who is currently recovering from his second lung cancer operation is the exact time you should fear covid and take all possible precautions to prevent passing on an infection to him. 

    Let’s be honest Archied if you had lung cancer then you really don’t want to be getting Covid. 
    I would be distraught if I passed on an infection to a clinically vulnerable person because I didn’t take simple precautions.

  9. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from angieram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    You say that 'We are very robust creatures who build our immunity through catching stuff...' 
    If I catch Covid I will probably be ok, despite being middle-aged. If I contract the virus and pass it on (unknowingly) to my elderly mum she might die. I know that there is a limited chance of this happening as we have all been vaccinated, but the chance is still there and I will do anything to protect her.
    My father in law has just come out of hospital after having a second operation for lung cancer in 4 years. Again, we will take all possible precautions to keep him safe. This includes wearing a face mask whenever in close contact with others, especially in the supermarket. It won't stop us from going on long walks in the countryside, distancing in restaurants etc. But it means that we will be extra careful whilst not fully isolating. We have to get on with our lives but we have to be ultra careful when we are with vulnerable members of our families. The immune system is a wonderful piece of kit as you say, but it is very fragile inthe elderly and those suffering from cancer. My mum and my father in law are far from being robust creatures.
  10. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    You say that 'We are very robust creatures who build our immunity through catching stuff...' 
    If I catch Covid I will probably be ok, despite being middle-aged. If I contract the virus and pass it on (unknowingly) to my elderly mum she might die. I know that there is a limited chance of this happening as we have all been vaccinated, but the chance is still there and I will do anything to protect her.
    My father in law has just come out of hospital after having a second operation for lung cancer in 4 years. Again, we will take all possible precautions to keep him safe. This includes wearing a face mask whenever in close contact with others, especially in the supermarket. It won't stop us from going on long walks in the countryside, distancing in restaurants etc. But it means that we will be extra careful whilst not fully isolating. We have to get on with our lives but we have to be ultra careful when we are with vulnerable members of our families. The immune system is a wonderful piece of kit as you say, but it is very fragile inthe elderly and those suffering from cancer. My mum and my father in law are far from being robust creatures.
  11. Like
    Miggins reacted to angieram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    But covid isn't like other colds and bugs so we have to create a culture that makes us collectively responsible for all aspects of our health. 
    I know you're going to disagree, but I would like to think you are in a minority.
    If more people stopped off work for a couple of days when ill, the rest of the workplace would be much more productive, in my experience. 
  12. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Anag Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Should be asking why songwriters feel the need to swear in the first place.
    If you want to convey strong feelings there are plenty of other adjectives out there.

  13. Haha
    Miggins got a reaction from Bob The Badger in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    How many elves does it take to tile Santa's roof?
    It depends how thinly you slice them.
  14. Clap
    Miggins reacted to FindernRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Lycra louts riding erratically and slowly 2 abreast on narrow country roads. See Highway code rule 66.
  15. Like
    Miggins reacted to Pearl Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    People who take up two parking spaces at the supermarket. Not so much those that want to protect a new car, I get that, just those that actually can’t park or think that’ll do when two wheels are over the lines. Nobheads.
  16. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Anag Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Just get your Flanagan and Allen 78s out and drown the buggers out! 
  17. Like
    Miggins reacted to Mostyn6 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Similarly people calling someone who is not socialising “antisocial”, instead of “unsocial”!
  18. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Turk Thrust in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Uninterested and disinterested. There’s a difference but so many posters say that “he appeared to be disinterested”. Should be  “uninterested”.  “Disinterested” means unbiased.  
    The noun of “disinterested” is “ disinterestedness” but confusingly the noun of “uninterested” is “disinterest” so it is correct to say “he appeared to play with disinterest” but wrong to use “disinterested”. 
  19. Clap
    Miggins reacted to rammieib in Wouldn't it be nice..   
    I know Steve Nicholson has to pump out article after article, most of it rehashes, and the guys at Radio Derby are in a similar boat, but wouldn't it be nice if these guys could really get some decent information against what is going on, either on or off the record! Ryan Conway tries but then I think the Athletic write 1000-word articles but there is nothing of any substance in them.
    1) On what date do we intend to publish our accounts or wait until the 18th August?
    2) Ask the club directly to comment on whether we are under or over the limit?
    3) What exactly does the extra £30 Million that Pearce has found do to the events? 
    4) In Lieu of Pearce or Morris giving any interviews or statements, How about employing an expert (Whose name isn't Keiran) to try and put a fine toothcomb over the club accounts from a straight line amortisation perspective to see if we are in or out of P&L.
    5) Really dig deep on who Morris may be talking to at present and give us a 'breaking news' here.

    The old days of journalism have gone. I remember 20 plus years ago - when Gerald Mortimer was the Derby County correspondence, Jim Smith left a game early to go and watch an 'unknown' striker in Europe somewhere. Now GM got into his contacts, and without hours, he had broken the news and had an exclusive on who it was. The club couldn't believe he found out so quickly.
    Where has that type of journalism from the local press gone?
  20. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from rammieib in Wouldn't it be nice..   
    So many relevant questions, Rammie, and all of them so important to us long-suffering fans. These are questions about the future of our club and we want to know the answers. However, the club are remaining very tight-lipped about our problems which may be the right tactical move but it doesn't help to allay the fans very real worries for the next season. Refusing to answer fans questions may be the right move for the club but it does nothing to reassure the fans who keep the club afloat through their support, sometimes for decades. Perhaps a more attacking, invasive style of journalism would reveal more but I guess it would still be up to the club to decide how to reply and how much information to release and perhaps they would act adversely to what they might perceive as hostile questioning. Any positive news would be welcome at this time! !!
  21. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Wouldn't it be nice..   
    So many relevant questions, Rammie, and all of them so important to us long-suffering fans. These are questions about the future of our club and we want to know the answers. However, the club are remaining very tight-lipped about our problems which may be the right tactical move but it doesn't help to allay the fans very real worries for the next season. Refusing to answer fans questions may be the right move for the club but it does nothing to reassure the fans who keep the club afloat through their support, sometimes for decades. Perhaps a more attacking, invasive style of journalism would reveal more but I guess it would still be up to the club to decide how to reply and how much information to release and perhaps they would act adversely to what they might perceive as hostile questioning. Any positive news would be welcome at this time! !!
  22. Clap
    Miggins reacted to DCFC1388 in Wouldn't it be nice..   
    Exactly, the news nowadays is instant so the desire for newspapers has dwindled massively since Mortimer's day, plus he didn't have to contend with the internet/social media.
    There is no doubt Radio Derby & DET are at DCFC mercy in terms of the news they can publish and also they will be held back by press release embargo's - for example Steve Nicholson confirmed he had an article ready for the EFL verdict for the 5pm embargo but the news broke slightly earlier.
    The problem is, if they break these press embargo's or release details the club do not want to be made public it will affect their job going forward as they will not be trusted with information. Fans crave to know everything immediately, but what if for example Steve Nicholson broke news earlier than he was meant to and it ended up costing us signing a player. It nearly happened with Rooney when it was all meant to be kept quiet then the news broke and other clubs came in from him.
  23. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from cstand in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    On the subject of face masks - My mum is 90 and was in hospital for a week last August with pneumonia despite our very best efforts to isolate her. My Father-in-law has just come out of hospital today after having a second operation for lung cancer. That is why I will continue to wear a face mask in the future. If others continue to wear face masks in supermarkets and on public transport or any other places it will protect more vulnerable people. It's not just about protecting you, it's about protecting us all!!
  24. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from sage in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    On the subject of face masks - My mum is 90 and was in hospital for a week last August with pneumonia despite our very best efforts to isolate her. My Father-in-law has just come out of hospital today after having a second operation for lung cancer. That is why I will continue to wear a face mask in the future. If others continue to wear face masks in supermarkets and on public transport or any other places it will protect more vulnerable people. It's not just about protecting you, it's about protecting us all!!
  25. Haha
    Miggins got a reaction from maxjam in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    How many elves does it take to tile Santa's roof?
    It depends how thinly you slice them.
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