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  1. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Tombo in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    This...this is what everyone wanted?
    People complained about the NDA and the attendees being gagged, so they've chosen to allow the fan groups to report back, and that's still not good enough?
    Of all the things you can attack the club for now, you're picking an absolutely rubbish hill to die on.
  2. Angry
    Miggins reacted to curb in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    So we’re absolutely none the wiser while those invited feel like smug little itks
    this is typical of the poo show that is DCFC atm.
  3. Haha
    Miggins reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    When we get hm back, how are we going to establish he's not been brainwashed or psychologically conditioned?

  4. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Angry Ram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Blimey, he’s got to get back to Grimsby.. 
  5. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Derbados in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Stephen Pearce leaving the forum knowing he’s just fed everyone a load of nonsense 

  6. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Barney1991 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    fan groups leaving the meeting 
  7. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Anag Ram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Wonder if David has gone through the trap door to the sharks yet? ?
  8. Haha
  9. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Eric the half a ram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Easy tiger, it's not that kind of meeting!!! ??
  10. Haha
  11. Clap
    Miggins reacted to KBB in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    If people going can comment without breaking any NDA (as david says it's not as black and white as that) simply say things are hopefully going to be ok then they will do me.
    For me the club needs a 5 year total reset from top to bottom. I am patient and if I'm totally honest the premier league isn't the big prize for me. If we somehow got promoted I am not bothered about seeing the top 6 at PP. I go to support Derby, not watch a £billion squad destroy ours.
    I want the club to be stable, sustainable and respected. At the moment we are none of those.
    Obviously if those going hear very worrying things about the club a comment of "things will get worse before they get better" will at least let us know where we are at.
  12. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Leeds Ram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Thanks again for the response David. I'll leave it there as you've been patient enough tbf and explained it well. I guess it's something that has put the cat amongst the pigeons because it's a tool that hasn't been used before and because it has the words 'non disclosure' in them makes people nervy. Hopefully, after this evening's meeting we'll all be in a better position of understanding what is happening at the club ? 
  13. Haha
    Miggins reacted to KBB in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I'm glad David is representing the forum. I've never met him, or anyone from here, so dont know him personally, but he always strikes me as a good bloke.
    If it was me going I would probably panic when it was my turn  to ask a question and would probably end up asking what Mels favourite flavour of crisp are.
  14. Haha
    Miggins reacted to desirelines in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    If a fan forum takes place and no one is allowed to report on it, does it make a sound?
  15. Like
    Miggins reacted to cheron85 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    My understanding was that our illustrious forum leader said that they're under an agreement not to share the content of the meeting until after it's also been shared on the website - So it will be published and he'll be able to tell us if all the information released by the club is as much as was discussed in the meeting
    Regardless of that if @David says he's happy with the answers given in the meeting then so am I - I think we have pretty decent and level-headed moderators around here - Open to information from the club/Morris but cynical enough to take it with a pinch of salt - But I appreciate not everyone on here is going to take that line
  16. Haha
    Miggins reacted to i-Ram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Iron his trousers?
  17. Clap
    Miggins reacted to kevinhectoring in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    So why is he in a hotel room with two ‘models’ he doesn’t know?  What is it he can do there that he can’t do in the bar? 
    The main problem is not whether it’s wrong. The main problem is, it’s idiotic 
  18. Haha
    Miggins reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    What can I say,that's completely changed my opinion of him.

  19. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Rev in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I'm similar to be honest. When the current Mrs Rev has a night away, it's party central in my house. 
    Sometimes it gets so debauched I don't load the dishwasher until the following morning.
  20. Like
    Miggins reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Fair enough and I'm sure my views on him are coloured by our performances.
    But....I do find it disrespectful of him to be acting as he did when he's our gaffer and we are already in the mire as a club and pretty much a laughing stock amongst our competitors.
    He obviously didn't do anything massively wrong or even marriage threatening in his case (although I'd have to say that Colleen appears to be an extremely understanding woman) but he knows everything he does is scrutinised and watched and yet he still does what he does and it reflects on Derby.
    But,let's hope it's behind us and him.
    Anyway,end of as I'm looking forwards to facing notts county tomorrow and it will be good to see the squad and support the lads ?
  21. Clap
    Miggins reacted to hintonsboots in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    The bottom line ( no pun intended) is that Wayne is a role model and ambassador for Derby County Football Club. His behaviour needs to exemplary and he is not an immature 17 year old.
    Then again, the football industry has its own code of conduct, which allows players to deliberately end another professionals career or spit in the face of a teenage girl and still keep their job. You have players criticising government ministers, but happy to be coached by a known racist. The on field diving and cheating is something else, with often a complete lack of sportsmanship, even amongst the top managers.
  22. Clap
    Miggins reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I don't agree,you need respect in any game or occupation or your role as a boss is undermined.And being a good player once only earns you so much I would imagine.,Wayne Rooney or not.
    I just feel that we are making excuses for him that we shouldn't have to be,it's a shame.
  23. Cheers
    Miggins reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Christ yes,we all have and will continue to duck up,after all we are human.
    But...he's the manager of a club that's mired in bad press already,the boss and mentor to easily influenced young lads who need leadership and to be set a good example.
    How can Rooney expect to discipline or baalock his staff if he continues to misbehave himself,why should they respect him on such matters?
    And it's not the first time in fact not the worst thing he's ever done,far from it but we should really expect more from a gaffer shouldn't we?...
    We should be proud of our manager.
  24. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from David Graham Brown in What’s the vibe   
    It was ever and thus! ?
  25. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from David Graham Brown in What’s the vibe   
    Realistically I feel the same and I suspect 99% of fans do as well. But a lot can happen in the next 8 months so let's hope for a successful EFL outcome and takeover and a season where we at least manage to stay up. My hopes are not high but I'll continue to whistle in the dark at least up until the end of September!
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