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  1. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Ramrob in The Administration Thread   
    And right there is where Gibson's argument fails.
    Genuinely appreciate you coming on though Will.
  2. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to scout's dad in The Administration Thread   
    Apologies if this has been mentioned before in this thread (a lot to try to keep up with), the solicitor on last night's Sportscene talk in mentioned that the WW and MFC claims are about when the points suspension should have been implemented (timescales) and in fact counteract each other. So there should only one claim that could be contested not two.
  3. Cheers
    Ramifications reacted to Gritstone Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Had a reply from the EFL for once.
    Hello Gritsone
    Thank you for your email, we acknowledge your views.
    While recognising this remains a challenging time for everyone connected to the Club, the EFL’s statement (issued on Thursday 3 February here) reiterates the EFL’s request for relevant and associated parties to enter formal collaborative negotiations to actively seek out the compromises and solutions. This also includes continuing transparent dialogue with politicians and engagement with  Derby Supporters’ Groups.
    As a point of clarification, and for the avoidance of doubt, the EFL has not declared the claims made by Middlesbrough and Wycombe as football debt, rather that under the terms of the EFL’s Insolvency Policy, the claims cannot be ignored. Put another way, the EFL cannot rule that they are not creditors as the claims may subsequently be upheld by independent process. The EFL cannot unilaterally decide if the claims should be dismissed, that is why under the terms of the EFL’s Articles of Association and Insolvency policy we are working with parties involved, and continuing to encourage them to seek to progress this matter independently, via commercial agreement, arbitration or the courts.
    While not the only solution, when there are disputes between Clubs, there is an arbitration mechanism as set out in our Regulations which is independent and objective,  consisting of lawyers and judges, appointed to settle disputes in a fair manner. Clearly nobody wants disputes between Clubs but they will occasionally arise, be over transfer fees or player medicals for example, and the mechanism in the rules means they can be resolved independently of the League.
    As the statement clarifies, the EFL has reiterated this position to Quantuma, so as to enable them to apply to the High Court or engage in Arbitration to have that issue determined. It is now for the Administrators to determine how they wish to move this matter forward and we remain willing to expedite any process, as necessary.  
    Again we do understand that this is a concerning time for Derby supporters, and the EFL will endeavour to provide updates on any progress achieved as a result of this request and any subsequent discussions in due course.
    Thank you for contacting the EFL.
    Kind Regards
  4. Like
    Ramifications reacted to RoyMac5 in Festy Ebosele   
    [Rooney:] "I spoke to the player and the club, and no-one has been in touch with either the administrators or the player."
  5. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Shipley Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I emailed Rick about just this question over two weeks ago and haven't had a response. I send a reminder the other day and copied Margret Beckett in.
  6. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from mozza in v Huddersfield (A) - Predictions   
    Huddersfield 2 Derby County 0
  7. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Crewton in Poll: Do you think Boro & Wycombe will take Mel on?   
    The problem with this suggestion is that Gibson and Couhig have sought to enjoinder Morris in the dispute with DCFC, explicitly calling for him to meet with them in mediation. He's either a part of their claim, or he isn't. They opted for the latter and can't claim the former now without appearing compromised. 
    Ultimately, it will reveal their true purpose and could well prove their bad faith in the dispute. There's no easy way for them to avoid public ridicule and opprobrium if they refuse his offer. 
  8. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from Crewton in Fans March Sunday v Birmingham   
    I was so proud to go on the march. It was an incredible, wonderful, historic occasion. A beautiful, yet incredibly powerful statement. Something that one will remember for the rest of their days. 
    It was a fantastic turnout but I'm actually surprised more people weren't on the march. Why attend the game and not go on the march? 
    What did it actually achieve though? Has it made any difference other than showing that Derby County have some of the greatest fans in the world? 
    I have always been in 100% agreement with the fans who want to take the protest to Preston. I know we won't get 10,000 but if we could get 1,000, I am sure it would make the national news and exert more scrutiny on the EFL. 
    A totally peaceful protest of course. Just another beautiful, passionate message to hopefully help the cause. 
  9. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to RedSox in The Administration Thread   
    Anticipating the worst (Mel's offer is declined), I have tweeted Andrew to ask that he and his Westminster posse put the EFL's feet to the fire and have them justify their motives.  We're not out of the woods yet! ?
  10. Like
    Ramifications reacted to B4ev6is in Festy Ebosele   
    Maybe not
    Maybe we can offer new contact to soon.
  11. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Mr. P in The Administration Thread   
    Always liked Mel!

  12. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Honestly this parasitical worm Gibson  keeps appearing. .. I repeat I think the game against boro needs to be postponed , EFL and Boro just inflaming the situation beyond words.  

    Gibson needs to be kicked out of football he is a disgrace to the game and to his club. 
  13. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
  14. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from Old Spalding Ram in Fans March Sunday v Birmingham   
    I was so proud to go on the march. It was an incredible, wonderful, historic occasion. A beautiful, yet incredibly powerful statement. Something that one will remember for the rest of their days. 
    It was a fantastic turnout but I'm actually surprised more people weren't on the march. Why attend the game and not go on the march? 
    What did it actually achieve though? Has it made any difference other than showing that Derby County have some of the greatest fans in the world? 
    I have always been in 100% agreement with the fans who want to take the protest to Preston. I know we won't get 10,000 but if we could get 1,000, I am sure it would make the national news and exert more scrutiny on the EFL. 
    A totally peaceful protest of course. Just another beautiful, passionate message to hopefully help the cause. 
  15. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from Hawaiian in Fans March Sunday v Birmingham   
    I was so proud to go on the march. It was an incredible, wonderful, historic occasion. A beautiful, yet incredibly powerful statement. Something that one will remember for the rest of their days. 
    It was a fantastic turnout but I'm actually surprised more people weren't on the march. Why attend the game and not go on the march? 
    What did it actually achieve though? Has it made any difference other than showing that Derby County have some of the greatest fans in the world? 
    I have always been in 100% agreement with the fans who want to take the protest to Preston. I know we won't get 10,000 but if we could get 1,000, I am sure it would make the national news and exert more scrutiny on the EFL. 
    A totally peaceful protest of course. Just another beautiful, passionate message to hopefully help the cause. 
  16. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from WestLondonRam in Fans March Sunday v Birmingham   
    I was so proud to go on the march. It was an incredible, wonderful, historic occasion. A beautiful, yet incredibly powerful statement. Something that one will remember for the rest of their days. 
    It was a fantastic turnout but I'm actually surprised more people weren't on the march. Why attend the game and not go on the march? 
    What did it actually achieve though? Has it made any difference other than showing that Derby County have some of the greatest fans in the world? 
    I have always been in 100% agreement with the fans who want to take the protest to Preston. I know we won't get 10,000 but if we could get 1,000, I am sure it would make the national news and exert more scrutiny on the EFL. 
    A totally peaceful protest of course. Just another beautiful, passionate message to hopefully help the cause. 
  17. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from Ram1988 in Fans March Sunday v Birmingham   
    I was so proud to go on the march. It was an incredible, wonderful, historic occasion. A beautiful, yet incredibly powerful statement. Something that one will remember for the rest of their days. 
    It was a fantastic turnout but I'm actually surprised more people weren't on the march. Why attend the game and not go on the march? 
    What did it actually achieve though? Has it made any difference other than showing that Derby County have some of the greatest fans in the world? 
    I have always been in 100% agreement with the fans who want to take the protest to Preston. I know we won't get 10,000 but if we could get 1,000, I am sure it would make the national news and exert more scrutiny on the EFL. 
    A totally peaceful protest of course. Just another beautiful, passionate message to hopefully help the cause. 
  18. Like
    Ramifications reacted to NottsRammy in The Administration Thread   
    Personally dont get this at all where we not going to an arbitation panel this week to solve this and if not getting the right result going to a high court .Surely this new statement is no surprise as the efl have totake this stance so they dont get sued by gibson . Gibson is effectively running the efl right now through threat of sueing them and not us . 
    Its down to the admins to get court action and FAST . I thought we would have the results of arbitation by tomorrow , the pace this is moving and lack of info from the course the admins are taking is shocking . 
    Also on the march a cracking turn out but twhat has it really achieved ?  . What it needs is the same amount of people outside the efl headquarters with banners like " who is in charge of the efl parry or gibson . Only then will we poss get anywhere . It doesnt matter if no ones actually at the EFL its the news it creates and parry wont like his position being exposed and gibson wont like the implications . 
    As sure as anything there is going to be massive trouble at middlesbrough and its going to reflect badly on us . 
  19. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Motley in The Administration Thread   
    I’ve emailed…..
    investigation into the EFL and it’s dealings with regard to DCFC :
    1. Efl approve the stadium sale then subsequently charge DCFC
    2. Efl approve amortisation method, sign off two years accounts then subsequently charge DCFC in response to MFC threats to sue EFL.
    3. MFC drop their threat to sue the EFL
    4. EFL lose case against DCFC. Nb accountant on the panel
    5. EFL appeal and appoint a new panel with no accountant.
    6. EFL win case
    7. DCFC have no right of appeal
    8. DCFC go into administration.
    9. Middlesbrough and Wycombe announce intention to claim against DCFC.
    20. Such “claims” prevent DCFC exiting admin.
    21. After 4 months of delaying the EFL finally decide the “claims” have to be settled by DCFC. Interesting this eventual decision, comes days after the transfer window has closed and maximum disruption to DCFC.
    22. How can an unsubstantiated “claim” by other clubs be deemed as a bona fide creditor, and a football creditor that takes precedence over other creditors even HMRC.
    23. EFL rules preclude claims between member clubs.
    24. As for the claims, if you look into the detail, you will see they are pure fantasy and clearly just a chance to make money, or more sinister and an attempt to actually put DCFC into liquidation. And apparently aided and abetted by the EFL
    Thank you for your time.
  20. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    Well this is it. The start of the last round of the fight for our survival. The gloves are well and truly off now. EFL have drawn their line in the sand. For Quantuma the only option is to somehow make sure we’ve got enough in the pot to survive the season (maybe this is why they sold Kellyman because the game has clearly changed) and get this through the High Court ASAP. In the meantime MPs Team Derby some of our friends in the media (Colin Murray), our celebrity fans, and the fans protesting, spamming all social media platforms to further bring to everyone’s attention what a spiteful shameless and shambolic organisation the EFL is. 
    The administrators have come in for a lot of criticism understandably, but tonight’s EFL statement has shown exactly what they are up against. 
    This now a race against time and it’s all about cash. Whether or not we have enough funding to come out of this triumphant with a bloody nose or we get beaten to death.
    We’ll fight to the end! ??????
  21. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Norman in The Administration Thread   
    10,000 on a march, sell-out at home and at Middlesbrough. 
    Surely we can get a few thousand in Preston to the EFL headquarters.... 
  22. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to winktheram in The Administration Thread   
    Reading the statement again it's quite clear there are 3 ways out. It's in the statement. 1. High Court or 2. Arbitration. to make a judgement on the merits of the claims. 
    Interesting though the current invite from the EFL is to 3. 'Mediate' with all parties around the table. Which does well and truly nails their colours to the mast, as the expectation would be everyone gets a bit of the pie, and the inference Mel/MSD give up some in favour of Boro/WWs unproven claims. 
    We have to point a big finger at Q though. Why haven't they either done 1. High Court or 2. Arbitration, it'll cost but its much, much less than the claims, and if they are sure they will win the argument, it sorts it out once and for all and potentially the cost are paid by the other side. What the feck have they been doing, take the parasites to arbitration/Court ffs? 
  23. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    Protest at EFL HQ required I feel.
  24. Like
    Ramifications reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    It has to go above and beyond the EFL.
    They are a joke and not fit to rule on anything.
  25. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Yani P in The Administration Thread   
    The 2 chancers are beneath contempt, the only reason they can even think of progressing these claims is because Morris dumped us into Administration. 
    That's Morris, a bloke worth hundreds of millions, a man who bought Derby as a personal vanity project then when he got bored threw it away, forcing ordinary people to lose their jobs, ordinary fans to stress and worry about the club they love, and Morris cared not one jot about.
    So no, I don't think he cares in the slightest, what he has done to our club and the community proves that beyond doubt.
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