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hydraulic ram

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Posts posted by hydraulic ram

  1. 21 hours ago, archram said:

    I’m always slightly perturbed when @Bwash_Ram posts . It reminds me of my Great Aunt Alice who lived in Borrowash who terrified me as she was very proper and thought she was ‘ bettermost’ as my mother put it!

     I had a Great Aunt Alice, one of the most terrifying creatures on the planet to my pre-teen self. Lived in Kirkby in Ashfield and considered all other people lesser beings not worthy of her attention.

    Sounds like the two of them would have got on!

  2.  Never stop loving your posts B4ev6is ? . Always positive and trying to motivate.

     Like you, I remember the "not so great days" (and a few of the great days prior) and I know if theres one thing about this club and its fans it is that we do not accept we are beaten and finished.

     Keep on being a passionate team, keep on filling the stands chanting and keep pushing to show "certain people" Derby are still here and still fighting, and we will get through this.

  3. Shame about the draw, but last season we would have lost this by 2 clear goals and gone into the break on a low note.

    1 point and a good first half I'll take for now, considering all we face.

     If we can get a break from the EFL move on from all the threats of deductions and be allowed to bring in a few new faces we really could end up doing better than many of us thought at the start of the season.

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