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Posts posted by Foreveram

  1. 6 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    Travelling by train is soul-destroying. It’s a case of paying through the nose to be treated as an afterthought.

    If you compare pricing v service provided, the public are being massively shortchanged. The pricing system is farcical and illogical. You will encounter cancellations, delays, breakdowns, strikes, and overcrowded, dirty, uncomfortable trains on a very regular basis.

    As a daily commuter to and from work, not a week goes by without some kind of issue. Some weeks it will be an everyday occurrence.

    Now imagine being a football fan and let’s be honest, travelling by train doesn’t bear thinking about.

    You’re not selling it to me 😳

  2. 1 minute ago, Tamworthram said:

    Cheers, I thought it would. I can’t really see it being a sell out then if the capacity is still around 23,000. It certainly isn’t a sell out yet.

    Almost certain that’s the case but you can’t access their ticket site without previous buying history, something about random strangers filling their ground for them😂

  3. 1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Going back to earlier comments in another thread by @uttoxram75... if I may...

    Thought it more appropriate to continue in here...


    1/  Does anyone still have a "We'll be back in 81" Tee shirt stashed away somewhere?  Surely not?  🤷‍♂️
    2/  I really miss mine!  I so wish I'd saved it for posterity... (Dare I say more so than any specific actual replica shirt I still have)...as low quality as they were... and as factually incorrect as they proved to be!  🤣
    3/  Pretty certain mine was yellow.  Were they all the same, or was there options for different colours?  I honestly don't remember.
    4/  I presume they were "unofficial merch"?  I'd guess they weren't stocked in The Ramtique?  Honestly don't recall where I got mine from! 🤷‍♂️  Someone must have made a killing, as they were damn popular, albeit short-lived!
    4/  Also pretty certain they came out before the season's end (but already confirmed as relegated, obvs).  I'm damn sure I was wearing mine as we clambered up the vandal-greased cages into the rafters at Carrow Road, to hail our failed heroes long after the final whistle (until they sent in the dogs to clear us all out!).  #differentera!  #buthappytimesthough,yeah?


    Memories, anyone?  


    Not got that one but I can put you in touch with a supplier in Leeds with a lorry load of 👁️ spy Wembley tee shirts.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I wonder if that includes Derby fans? If not, then it certainly is looking like a near capacity which is a bit of surprise considering they only managed 18,000 last year v Sheffield Wednesday and haven’t even got over 20,000 for over a decade.

    If it does include the Derby sales then I’m not convinced it will be quite a sell out.

    Either way, it doesn’t matter. Our stand is full (or as full as it can be) and we should be making plenty of noise. COYR.


    I’ve only just realised that it’s only one day out from being exactly a year ago since we last played them at their place.

    That will be the total attendance including Derby fans.

    Their highest attendance this season was an opening day crowd of 13,000+

  5. 1 minute ago, Tamworthram said:

    I'm not sure about that unless the message on their website 17 hours ago excludes visiting supporters (perhaps it does). Either way, it hadn't sold out as at yesterday afternoon.

    "Saturday's game will see at least 16,500 fans come through the turnstiles".

    Isn't the capacity something like 23,500?

    17,200 sold now.

  6. 3 minutes ago, AGR said:

    Only selling to people in the queue at the ticket office. Doesn't seem very fair on the people that live outside of Derby

    I presume they would have split the sales between ticket office, phone and internet.

  7. Bristol Rovers tickets on sale at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning for 5+ members.

    A very limited number of tickets remain with just 8 standing and 9 seat tickets left.

    Also 126 extra tickets for Barnsley on sale to season tickets holders at 10 o’clock and then 4 o’clock on general sale if any remain.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Warren Blufitt said:

    Actually Foreveram no it’s not. They surprised me on Saturday with their pace and power which NJ seems to have instilled in them. The fact is that with the players they have and the ones they’ve signed they should be nowhere near the bottom and if Saturday is anything to go by they won’t be for long. Take them lightly if you want but with a proper manager now they may just surprise you because they need the points even more than you do! 😉

    After watching Derby for 55 years I never take any game for granted 😂.

    Whilst they might be about to see an upturn in form, and it would be hard not, it’s still a fact that they haven’t won a game since October.

  9. 3 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Barnsley are another Yo-Yo team like Rotherham and know how to finish the season strong . They will be thinking that if they beat Rams and Bolton at home  - 2nd place is theirs for the taking . Fans backing for DCFC on Saturday will be crucial.

    I’ve already watched a documentary on the miners strike, Kes twice and the Hovis advert numerous times this week in preparation.

  10. 14 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

    On reflection, the somewhat toothless display in the first half was part of the plan. We set up to give Stevenage absolutely nothing, and it almost worked, with the only real threat being the shot which Wildsmith saved. The other chance was a deflection. I feel that we did actually play pretty well, despite creating virtually nothing on goal. Solid may be a good way to describe it. I wanted changes earlier on in the match, as most people probably did, Sibley for Nyambe who looked pretty shot ("gassed out" being the Warnese words for it!) in th second half. But Smith coming on first was the catalyst because it changed how we played the midfield. So could it be that Paul Warne is becoming a master tactician?


    Or maybe he always was and the players are finally understanding what he wants from them, discuss 🤔

  11. 32 minutes ago, Warren Blufitt said:

    You’re right of course Srg, it all depends on how results go and with both yourselves, Barnsley and Pompey still to play things could change any week. You certainly on paper have the best run in but I wouldn’t write off the likes of Charlton or Wycombe who we’ve played recently as both seem to be finding some form, Charlton especially who have some really dangerous players and a new manager in Nathan Jones who knows how to use them. No games easy, home or away and the pressure will only grow so that’s why I see playing the top clubs a possible advantage because we won’t take any of them lightly.

    Is this the same Charlton that hasn’t won a game since November.

  12. 58 minutes ago, AGR said:

    Really don't understand why Bristol Rovers haven't given us the whole South Stand, as they won't sell out

    They wouldn’t give us the whole stand because they are already selling season tickets to home fans in there.

    What I don’t understand is that at the moment they have only given us two blocks and the home fans two blocks, leaving two whole blocks unsold in the middle, that’s a lot of segregation.

    Our allocation says total allocation 1,348.

  13. 12 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    I think the feel good factor was made especially good by the years of being turned over by poo housing teams.

    From Eddie howes Burnley, through uwe roslers various mobs and even that little beardy bloke in charge of Rotherham......

    Felt great to land on the right side of one of those results for the first time in living memory.

    Looking forward to Wycombe away😯

  14. 49 minutes ago, Ilkestonian said:

    Thanks for that Foreveram - gonna be a mad panic for us 5 plusses on Wednesday morning assuming there's any left by then.

    No problem, there will be a lot of disappointed fans not able to get away tickets for the rest of the season, especially if we keep winning.

  15. 46 minutes ago, Ilkestonian said:

    Surprised that Bristol hasn't sold out after this mornings update, anyone know how many are still left?

    They can only sell to 10+ members until Wednesday so presumably anyone wanting them have bought.

    There was a few more seat tickets added this morning, could be returned friends and family tickets.

    Currently 32 standing and 27 seats left.

  16. 30 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    The EFL had to review and accept anything we offered him, I highly doubt they'd just let us chuck a load of money at him. Even if he is on a promotion bonus of some kind, the benefit of promotion would far outweigh whatever we would be paying him.

    What I mean is, obviously we won’t be paying him anywhere close to £35,000 a week but we could pay a reasonable wage with the attraction of a potential bonus.

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