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    Kathcairns reacted to Gerry Daly in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Very pleased Thompson starts
  2. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Rich3478 in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    It’s a back three rather than a back five isn’t it!
    previously we’d end up with only about three creative players on the pitch! Is a lot more balanced now.
  3. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to angieram in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Exactly.  This formation has lo9kwd so much better with Sibley and Ward/Wilson. 
  4. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Rich3478 in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    I think the wing backs actually attacking is the big difference e
  5. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Simmo’s left foot in Will the last three games sell out.   
    He certainly is and has a sweet left foot 😁
  6. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to DavesaRam in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    It has coincided with players being available where 3 at the back can work, initially with Cashin, Nelson and Nyambe. The arrival of Adams is having a major impact on this because the midfield 2 we were employing are no longer  being over-run. Add in Warne’s shift in how he gets us playing - it has an increasing tendency to look like football, and that is also a major reason.
    Long may it continue - - - - and improve!
  7. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Smalley Ram in What were you doing ten years ago today?   
    As soon as QPR had a player sent off in the final I knew we'd struggle. The one thing that team (or maybe the tactics / style) couldn't seem to do was break down teams that "parked the bus", which is what had happened in the run of matches before the Florist match and again happened in the final.
  8. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to angieram in What were you doing ten years ago today?   
    I loved reading all the great stories of ten years' ago. 
    Hard to believe that silky smooth team ultimately didn't deliver for us. It's been a bumpy road ever since.
    Maybe the grittier but effective fight of the current team will give us something to really celebrate this season instead.
    Up the Rams! 
  9. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Ellafella in What were you doing ten years ago today?   
    My son Edward was mascot that day. Living in West Bridgford & surrounded by Red Dogs at school, Derby County had the foresight to offer the job to Edward…He fully milked the bragging rights accordingly at school on the Monday morning. 😉

  10. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Zag zig in What were you doing ten years ago today?   
    My lads were younger, it’s funny though other than the Lampard season, the eldest said last weekend for different reasons this season is one of the most exciting they can remember since the Mac 1 team.
    He qualified it that the football is nowhere near as good or easy on the eye, but for the first time he’s excited we could go up automatic. He barely remembers the Davis team and following season (phew). Kind of gave me fresh perspective about that season, we were so good, yet faltered.
    So now I don’t care, I’d just like them to have a successful promotion memory, head into town after Carlisle game and I’ll live all my glory day memories, whilst they enjoy their first true promotion one. 
    Still feel that team would’ve evolved in the Prem, maybe struggled but for all the great wins; it just always reminds them of that final.
  11. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in What were you doing ten years ago today?   
    My overriding memory of the day is leaving the ground disappointed at our expected goals (xg) level because as we all know, that’s what really matters. 
  12. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Chopper in What were you doing ten years ago today?   
    My youngest was 2 days old, I missed the match because of that. But, he was sat with me in his Derby County onesie (for at least some of it) watching it on TV. The first game he "saw" was that one. Will forever remember it for so many reasons, that, and the fact that it signified the implosion of Notts and the coming of Derby. Sigh. Good times.
  13. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to i-Ram in What were you doing ten years ago today?   
    I was in my armchair typing get rid of McClaren, as there was no way his 433 style of open attacking football would ever get us out of the Championship. I remember posting on the day, when he grinned down the camera lens with his big cheesy face, how the first sign of a big club interested in him again would turn his head. You guys need to heed what I say.
  14. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to CBRammette in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Congratulations. Have a lovely day. And it could be worse - my long planned wedding at 3pm was of course Derby v Forest. We won but some unhappy guests (and bride)
  15. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to 8Leeds in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Congratulations to you and your lady.
    You could always stick an ear pod in 😁
    I can just imagine the vicar pronouncing you man and wife at the exact moment Derby score and you shouting “get in”
  16. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Rampant in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Congratulations @Jourdan. Wishing you and your girl a long and happy life together. 
  17. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Sweetness34 in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Congratulations mate, here's to a long and happy life together 
  18. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Carl Sagan in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Have a beautiful day, which hopefully includes a result that sees us all dancin'.

  19. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    "Bride Jilted for Northampton Away! Exclusive inside story on the Derby fan who spoke now to say I'm Derby til I die (which is probably about 5 minutes after he gets home)
  20. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Jourdan in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Not nervous at all. Just plain excited.
    Ready to start the bounce at the reception when the final score filters through.
  21. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Jourdan in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    My fiancée has a crush on Mendez-Laing. I can’t take any chances. They definitely locked eyes at Exeter away.
  22. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Steve How Hard? in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    I bet you're nervously excited. Hope the wedding goes well too. Have a great day. 
  23. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    B4 would have switched the wedding venue to Northampton.
    Service at 12. Reception over by 2.00, standing in front of seats in stadium by 2.30.
    Come on the Jourdans.....no half-fan measures...👍
  24. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Dimmu in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    Well, you could try the classic "I forgot the rings" maneuver and make a clean escape to watch the game.
  25. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Jourdan in Match Thread: vs Northampton Town (a)   
    A good test to see whether the manager and the players read the forum…
    Will they do a throwing confetti celebration if we score a goal?
    My wedding starts at kick off. 😆
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