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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. Written by the under sea world, There were complaints where their out of date Octopus were selling for sick squid πŸ‘
  2. Wow it looks like the ex chairman's defence was as bad as Fleetwood's https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-66099646
  3. Pleased with the 3 points, Not over pleased with our performance, There's going to be a time when we put teams to the sword, Today was easy...ish, The lions share of possession but Fleetwood could have easily been on the score sheet before we were. Our players know where when and how to kill teams, Unfortunately it's not put into practise, Coasting the game at 2-0, Then it becomes 2-1...yep squeaky bum time...again πŸ™„, Got the game wrapped up with the 3rd tho☺️ January is a good time to show with the fixtures we have to put another good run together, We have the players, Have we the conviction to do so? Only time will tell πŸ˜‰
  4. One headline I was glad to read having followed the story for a couple of years...this has the makings of a classic TV show 😁 https://news.sky.com/story/rape-suspect-nicholas-rossi-extradited-from-scotland-to-us-13042691
  5. I heard he was silent but deadly πŸ‘
  6. I rest my case, These were found stuck to it's hoofs 😁
  7. It's a sad day when the artist for the joke can only get a Dromedary who's had his hump run over by a motorbike to replace a Camel
  8. https://www.lancs.live/sport/football/football-news/who-owen-oyston-profiling-blackpools-15630634 Not in the story He lost a court case with Valeri Belekon that cost millions, Owen Oyston had to sell the family jewels, He fell out with his Son Karl who was at war with some Blackpool fans making 1 or 2 bankrupt through the courts, Not someone you'd want your Sister to marry πŸ‘Ž
  9. Ram-Alf

    Wayne Rooney

    This is why I like WR, He's from working stock, He could empathise with the same people, He moved up several rungs on the ladder of humanity with his comments and the paying for transport and hotel accommodation. Slipped down a couple of rungs when it all went tits up πŸ‘Ž
  10. Ram-Alf

    Wayne Rooney

    Neither is 20th πŸ˜‰
  11. Ram-Alf

    Wayne Rooney

    Not a good idea as he'd fall asleep counting them. He and Coleen are both multi millionaires so money is not the object...it may be for others tho...Stretford wants that Β£3million back the Yank owes him😁, The Rooney's live in palatial splendour, 4 boys that take some feeding, Clothing and schooling...but that's small potatoes, I don't see him just sitting at home twiddling his thumbs...Collen would do her nut, I get the feeling he needs to be somewhere, Punditry is out as...erm erm erm wont get you far, Managing 3 clubs where struggles were abound shows ATM in time he has a lot to learn, One BCFC pundit said "he went to fast, Tried to change how players should play, The players found it hard to adapt", To become a manager imo...he needs a Jim Smith or a Roy Hodgson type of person to bring him along in the game. I get the impression WR needs someone to hold his hand to guide him through life's web of troubles, Stretford is a longtime leech imo, He needs WR as a cash cow, I don't think WR needs Stretford. Where does he go now, Maybe in the Welsh mountains and sheep farming, But Coleen may have the wool pulled over her eyes with all those sheep πŸ˜‰
  12. itv x Mr Bates Vs the Post Office...4 episodes with Toby Jones in the lead role True story of the Sub Postmaster scandal, A great watch with a little humour and a lot of angst against the post office
  13. Ram-Alf

    Wayne Rooney

    It's laughable really, The new owners set on a footballing director(forget his name)who has links to Stretford WRs agent who then sacks Eustace for the renowned WR...what could possibly go wrong 😁 The new owners now have to spunk millions of Β£s to pay WR off...one of who is Tom Brady a USA football icon as a Quarterback, This 2nd City club are a fecking shambles and always have been, Some of their supporters are some of the dumbest footballing feckwits in the history of footballing feckwits...today is a good day. I like WR despise BCFC πŸ‘
  14. There's a reason why some out there buy half and half scarves πŸ˜‰
  15. The figures I found were from 2011 and at the top of Google, I didn't really want to research to much as I didn't want GCHQ finding out that there's a man from Derby trying to find out where he could sell his over stock of
  16. No not a win in the slightest An EPL game just off the river Trent should be a full house with the world famous red devils in town and a City with a population approaching 300k...but failed Meanwhile a 3rd tier game with 1500 away fans from Peterboro and a population approaching 270k shows that Brian Clough was right,,,Derby is a footballing Town
  17. Keep out of the woops isle at Asda some dodgy stuff on them thar shelves 😁
  18. Ram-Alf

    Wayne Rooney

    Rooney walking off at Elland Rd like a man that's expecting some bad news 😁
  19. I thought after the Oxford win a win against Posh and a statement will be made, 1-0 and inside the 1st min and it's on, 10 mins later the games turned, Best team won...no doubt...imo, They were younger and hungrier, PW said before the Wigan game that 6 points would be good over these 3 games, No complaints from me. If there's a little moan from me...it's that I'd like an intelligent athletic engine room midfielder in the window, I thought we just looked a little tired, Posh did to us what we did to Oxford...dominated possession, Their corner count and shots were better, But hey all teams on good runs lose at one time or another. On paper, Fleetwood and Burton look like 6 points...but football aint played on paper, still all to play for with 22 games to go πŸ‘
  20. Where are these refs you talk about Kemosabe? Yesterday a Villa player gets a pen(Atwell)yesterday after rolling on the floor backwards and forwards several times after he has the underside of his boot tapped...just one of a truck load of poor decisions so far this season. Learning how to buy a "ticket" for a foul has flowed down the football league pyramid to the lows of Children's football, Until the football authorities clamp down on "play acting" it'll only get worse...if that's possible 1 or 2 pundits are calling players out...but refuse to call them cheats πŸ™„
  21. Just got back from Saturday April 27th at 5-07pm...holy sh!t
  22. Not doubting you...if true that's madness, Part of one of the meanest defences in League1, A colossus of a player even at his age, Surely the only way we'll cash in on Cashin is to fill PWs transfer chest, You build from the back, The back has been rebuilt. Leave well alone πŸ‘Ž
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