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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. You were there I wasn't so can only go on the postings on here, To a poster the players were poor with maybe the exception of 1 or 2, Fans deserve better, But when do fans come into the players minds? Teams can get away with carrying 1 or 2 players, But 7/8 or 9 even that's a no no, Lets hope this was a blip and not the January/February race to the bottom
  2. Different times and era Kath and yes I was...I'm not far off your age☺️Players are a different bread to what they were under BC, They hold all the cards, They do as they choose, Their contract says they get paid X amount of loot for their efforts....whether good or bad. PS...I've changed my user name...guess who 😁
  3. Circa 22k supporters couldn't be arsed to turn up, Circa 15 players couldn't arsed to play...sums up this competition, You can't keep turning the tap on and ask players to perform when they aint fussed, It's nowt to do with pride or application...it's about promotion.
  4. Of course it can...but it has to be by the will of the people, As each decade goes by the auld enemy slowly pass away, Then there might be a new educated breed of people that would like the above. It might start with a unified Ireland...but πŸ™„πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  5. No doubt there is some that would like a little "peace" from either side, I just don't see it, It's to ingrained in a 500+ year old religious divide.
  6. As you know ICF/DLF were not around then, Tho the Mile End Boys were...WHU, We had a beating in the Greyhound Pub at the back of Wembley Stadium 50 of us on the coach against many more. Just before the game had finished we could see WHU fans leaving the ground, All Derby stayed behind to cheer Roy Mac and the lads with the Shield, By that time we got to leave the ground half of London was outside there waiting for us, It didn't look good, But we had a fella in Kev O'Reilly as hard as they come, Stood on the steps and screaming at us to move forward, We had 2 choices...do as he said and get a beating or go back in the ground and get a beating when back in town, We chose the 1st option, It wasn't very good as our numbers were still coming out of the ground but soon enough the numbers were getting on equal terms...then numbers in our favour, As you said it was the Derbyshire Miners that helped take the day...and night in Old London Town. A very hot day with dust clouds all over the place, The police just couldn't cope, You say it lasted a few seconds not where we were concerned, It was payback for the Greyhound incident, Scaffolding poles and planks were at hand, Bottles from inside the ground were used by both sides...probably the worst violence I've seen or been involved in as a 19 year old Years later talking to some "ICF" lads who were there, They admitted it was our day, Bill Gardner who was their top lad admitted through gritted teeth that "Derby had WHU on their toes".
  7. After the Ted McMinn testimonial we got talking to Rangers fans who were encamped in Derby for a few days with a few Irish lads thrown in, We were told the War stories not just from them in the 70s and 80s but their parents and Grandparents who encouraged all this on both sides of the dividing line, Not to sure if the stories were a little embellished but no reason to disbelieve them, It makes our football antics a teddy bears picnic, Glasgow in the 70s/80s was the worst place in Europe for knife crime/fights, Religion as you're aware plays a very integral part of life in Glasgow/Belfast, Your proposal of both clubs joining is pie in the sky...it just wont happen.
  8. Round 1 πŸ‘ https://news.sky.com/story/former-post-office-boss-paula-vennells-to-hand-back-her-cbe-13044576
  9. There's those that know and there's those that don't, If you weren't there in the 70s and 80s then you read the books or watched the films πŸ™„, Football hooliganism died decades ago, There's a multitude of reasons why both male and females fought going to and at football stadia, The 70s was a mad decade if you turned up at the wrong place you'd get a smack, The 80s we had Thatcherism and organised hooliganism...names were given, DLF, The FEC, Soul Crew, MIBs, Urchins, Zulu's, Naughty 40, Service Crew and 657 were just a few of 92+, The 90s saw the authorities and all seater stadiums quell the trouble of hooliganism. What was it down to, There's a multitude of reasons, Socio economic, The buzz, The chase(no not the TV game show), Aggression, The fun, Notoriety, Sticking 2 fingers up at authority and more much more, International Hooliganism was different to League, Those you Faught on a Saturday were your "comrades in arms" most of the time against those who wanted the same, All the books and Films that are out there are for the Fairies full of imaginary stories that are made to get some juices flowing. Clothing had very little to do with the above, Fashion was every where, Today you'd get your Gran to stitch a couple of buttons on the left arm of your best jumper from Oxfam and a Stone Island badge from eBay and boom you're a hooligan, None that I knew wore their best on Saturday or a Wednesday to a game, That was left to a Saturday night when you were dressed to impress.
  10. Did he have his fingers crossed when giving this interview πŸ™„ https://news.sky.com/video/the-post-office-was-lying-on-industrial-scale-to-me-and-other-ministers-says-sir-ed-davey-13044288
  11. There are 2 entities here the Post Office and Royal Mail, RM is in private hands and the PO is Government run, So there should be no surprise in how the PO has got to this point now is there. Vennells was put in charge of the PO by the Government, Vennells was given a CBE by the Government, Vennells is taking the flack and rightly so for the Government. But lets not kid ourselves here successive Governments have their grubby paw prints well imbedded in this, Ed Davey was Postal Affairs Minister when the Lib Dems were in power with the Tories, He's now blaming post office managers of misleading him over this debacle...someone will be hung out to dry and made a scapegoat...but no one in Government or were in Government will be held accountable.
  12. I read the true story so going from there and the reviews, The characters as you say were loosely based, Fentanyl is the number one killer in some states in the USA, Money serious money is made by unscrupulous people so the point being made in the film is...there's a crisis in the states through Fentanyl a crisis fed by those who see $s over human life. Sicario where Blunt played a major role was 1st class, Hustlers was a more sedate version with a common theme...$s...imo
  13. I'd sooner go to bed with Mary Earps as she'd be good at catching balls, Where If I went to bed with Joey Barton he'd kick the balls 😁
  14. There's an election looming soon init πŸ™„ Look at the HS2 rail link, The last estimate is Β£106 billion...feck a duck πŸ˜”, All those that made millions selling their properties, All those who lost their homes through compulsory purchase 😑, Then there's the new(when πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ)A38 intersection at Queensway in Derby...Markeaton Park, Across the road where those large houses are...are no longer as the owners sold up to make way for the new(whenπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ) It's built, I believe there's still one Lady who's holding out for what she believes to be a fare price. As for Grenfell you only have to take a look at those who rented and then the owners who made a fortune...not all renters tho, If this had happened in Kensington(yeh a high rise block there πŸ˜‚)things would have moved very very quickly indeed. Building Regs...dontcha just love em I think we could go on and on and on and on and on about injustice in this land of ours...but I wont ☺️
  15. The ruling class...that's who, Yes they're still among us, Take that turd who runs the Nat West Bank "Sir" Howard Davies saying it's easier to get your foot on the housing ladder today...yep sure is when you earn 100s of 1000s of £s a year. Take a look at the cesspit which is called the house of Lords, Full of leeches laughing all the way to the bank just for signing in, A Government that sits in Westminster then hands out monies like confetti in the wind on vanity projects, Gives out loot to friends and families who have just started a new business venture, Dines out on an expense account...all this when the growth industry in food banks has never been so high for those who put these in places of wealth...you couldn't make it up could ya 😑
  16. Well the cheeky mother fecker...thinking mighty Blackpool would be a pushover so booked the winter break, The downside was it was a cash upfront holiday and a loss of deposit if cancelled. All those precious players are going to feel the wind of the Irish sea instead of warm sunshine on their backs 😁
  17. I watched this this Morning, A nice honest lad who has Fleetwood FC at heart...well done young man ☺️
  18. It was OK, Blunt kept the film going for me...she was also exec producer, Loosely based on a true event concerning the pharma industry. 7/10
  19. 7.03pm and I am now going to watch this on Netflix πŸ‘
  20. Like lots of things in life things change then it becomes the norm, There's a radical way of fixing this...accept it or give it a swerve. Jodie Turner Smith played Anne Boleyn on channel 5 a year or so ago, Doctor Who has a transgender actor in it, The media plays a pivotal role in our lives...good and bad...imo. I wonder how things would sit if the next England Women's football match there were only male pundits...social media would implode 😁 As for the American slave owners after the Civil War...they eventually died ☺️, And Arlington National Cemetery in the USA was built on the front garden of General Robert E Lees estate where coloured soldiers were also buried who died fighting for the North πŸ‘
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