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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. His name is Alf James, He was a witness to a robbery in Derby in the early 70s and drew a likeness of the robber
  2. He worked at Ross Catherall in Denby, Part of an umbrella company owned by RR and was lucky to get a transfer, I believe he's a Manager there now πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ As for the cake, No doubt 1 or 2 members would wish it was poisoned...you know the ones, Those that take the piss and expect no ramifications, The cake itself...was very nice and I ate it all myself ☺️
  3. Thanks ☺️ I regularly speak to a neighbour a couple of mins away, He's 92 and been married for 72 years...so you'll be fine πŸ‘ We were married as teenagers, Missed a shedload of early life, But made up for it in later years, Age and attitudes drove us apart. I have something that money can not buy...contentment πŸ˜‰
  4. Paradise is a place in the mind, Do the good things and life is good to you, Even the simple things can make life worthwhile. We didn't quite live under a bridge, March 81 until Oct 84...no work, Miners strike, Falklands war, 5million on the dole...but bad enoughπŸ‘Ž My Epilogue 2 offspring, Male and Female, Both are doing extremely well in their lives and I'd like to think that somewhere along that road I had a little influence, I've made some bad decisions in my personal life things I'm not to pleased about...but history stays the same...it can't be changed, When at RR the money was pouring in, She too was working, Holidays in the States/Canada, 2 trips to Europe every year, Meals out, Weekends away, On the lash from Friday to Sunday night with others of the same ilk. Then life changes in one instance and it all falls apart, We split up(9 years ago)now divorced, All the things we did became routine, Beer, Football, Bedroom activity, Family, Holidays, We were together for 40 years, She bailed as she'd had enough and fare play to her, It took me a full year to work out how to cook, Work a washing machine/hoover/Iron and all the other things that come with being on your own, I've had 5 Lady friends all great in their own right, But each had things that I couldn't or wouldn't handle, So excused myself and bailed out. Now 9 years down the line, I love life, I can choose where, When and how I live, No one to look after, I see friends occasionally and have a beer and a giggle, Then back home to a place I love, Being single for some is the end of the world...for me it's a new day and the game continues...☺️
  5. At RR I was around millionaires, CEOs, Directors, Business owners as I was a Senior Union Official there, They have a different tack on life...imo, Treat the working classes as a different body of people, Someone to look down on, I'm a watcher and listener, I try to suss out their strengths and weaknesses, One of their weaknesses is they have no communication skills...ie streetwise, Hit them where it hurts at the conference table so their fellow business types keep their mouths shut. The working classes are the salt of the earth and a pain in the arse, I had one lad who came up to me when at RR and gave me a box, I opened it and there sat a chocolate cake, His wife baked it for me as a thankyou...all I did was what I was voted in for, That one year his 1st year at RR he got 5 wage rises thanks to the Union...that one gesture almost had me in tears and meant the world ☺️ others just take you for granted...it came with the territory πŸ˜‰
  6. Maybe just maybe...therealhantsram was right, A bit like Martin Peters...ahead of his time πŸ‘
  7. I watch quite a bit of football on TV, It was only earlier in the season that I found out that some/all EPL clubs employ a free kick/corner coach, I thought fcuking hell where are we going with the game, A coach for this a coach for that a coach for away games 😁 then the penny dropped, Arsenal Vs Palace on MOTD, 3 goals Arsenal scored from corners, 2 from Arsenals corners and 1 from a Palace corner. Players it looks like need to be coached on how to take a corner, Mix it up, Change your positions, Confuse the defenders and not your own players. Have we a specialist coach in this field?
  8. A year πŸ‘, It's easy if you like a game, I treat life as a huge game/challenge, I like to get in the mind of those who would like to fcuk us over, I have done all my working life, Rolls Royce back in the 90s when I 1st started there showed me what money was worth, I worked silly hours, Invested in shares and had a very very good life, I've heard men offering other men out in the car park as they got 1 hour more overtime than the other person, As Crewton posted "the love of money becomes a sickness" be aware what you wish for as there's some out there who would take it off you.
  9. Β£16,250...that's how much, I'm single and mortgage free and 68 in 3 months time, I don't owe anyone anything, I refuse to have credit and don't own a credit card, I pay everything on my debit card or cash, I live in a 2 bed semi bungalow, I sold my car recently(free bus pass)still shop in the whoops isle at times...not because I can't afford the other things but because I get a deal, I go out on the lash once a week, I can holiday anywhere in the world I choose as I can afford too, But I choose to stay in the UK. I wake up every Morning with a smile on my face and it's nowt to do with my genitalia, Life is great, Yes money plays a huge part in my life as I've earned it through hard work and investments, I've had nowt...back in the early 80s when millions had nowt life was tough, I've walked miles to get free food parcels(Thanks David Bookbinder)to feed our family...there's more...but I can see posters getting teared up πŸ˜‰ I wish you well in your endeavours to chase the end of the rainbow, but be careful as life is what you make it and money can fcuk with your mind if that's all you're focussed on.
  10. Their blonde lad gave EC a bad time, Tho EC did clear 1 off the line πŸ‘ https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/13052715/lincoln-city-0-0-derby-county-league-one-highlights
  11. I went to the hospital yesterday and saw the doctor, He asked me what was my problem, I told him I was walking down the pavement and one of those electric scooters whizzed by me, Yes but did it hit you, No I replied but it nearly did, I was escorted out of the hospital by security 😁
  12. An away game, A point, A clean sheet and one of our rivals loses...not a bad day is it...is it? I've said as other posters have...we have more gears to go through...but have we, PWs post match interview was asked something akin to this...have derby more gears to go through, PWs answer...I don't know, Perhaps this is 5th gear we're inπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ A new face or faces to come in...we hope and we go again at Reading.
  13. Some may be, But I understand exactly where you're coming from, If his agent is shall we say a bit of a "loose cannon" an agent who advises said player/s can and will be a problem to deal with. Agents are a necessary evil in the game, They hold a lot of cards and know when to play them...time will tell I guess πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  14. Belper game postponed...so I might watch this with 1 eye closed
  15. Only if he can stand still for a few mins...you have to be at an age to know who this is πŸ˜‰
  16. Went to see my Grandad in hospital yesterday, They've covered his back in lard...he's going downhill fast
  17. I've been reading reports that CBT will be having a medical and signing today...anyone else read these reports?
  18. 3rd place straight to the final, 4-5-6-7 placed play each other for the privilege to getting to the finalπŸ‘
  19. Getting a 4 game touchline ban for effin and blindin at some officials as well as him calling out players and the club only served into a chairman's hands who is now in the realms of leaving league2
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