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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. My Daughter has a friend in New Orleans and was sent a video from a ring door bell, 2 gangs of black males caught firing at each other, She sent the video to the police...the video/story was in the local press. 2 days later 1 male was seen looking into her door bell, She contacted the police who made a report, She has since moved home for fear of being attacked. Both my Daughter and Son have these, I haven't, I guess they're a good tool for security but Company's/Governments are making us all fear our own shadows...imo
  2. It's lucky were not in the 1500s as this would appear treasonous and the loss of ones head, Why did a turd like Carlson do an interview with a nut job, Popularity and money that's what, I've not seen the interview nor wish to...but...there'll be secret services and the like scrutinising Vlads every word, And of course what a bit of Proper Ganda for Moscow
  3. This is not advice, But I researched a little about Dementia as a very good friend passed from it a couple of weeks ago age 66. Depression. Although not yet well understood, late-life depression might indicate the development of dementia. He broke up from his partner and lived alone in a hotel room at a Virgin Hotel for 2+ years at a cost of Β£250 a week, I really don't know the ins and outs of his situation but his other friends all said...they thought this was the reason. I'm pleased you've made strides to change the life style you were in, The brain is a very complex piece of kit, Keep on top of it and life will be great...at 30 years of age...you've still got a hell of a lot of living to do, I wish you well πŸ‘
  4. The chimp is the pet(Carlson)the hand is Vlads petting him. Or this
  5. Just someones perspective on the interviewπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Putin interview 'failed miserably' and was 'too boring' Speaking to Sky News this morning, Kremlin critic and anti-corruption campaigner Bill Browder said the interview was "a Putin idea". He said the Russian leader was at an "important crossroads right now" as the US Congress is trying to decide whether to release $63bn for Ukraine. "Putin thought he would try to tip the scales by getting involved in this thing with Tucker Carlson - I think it failed miserably," he said. "I couldn't even watch the whole thing, it was too boring. "It was a monologue by Putin with an occasional word by Tucker Carlson. "Putin was going into weird history lessons and it was almost like a fever dream of Putin's. "On a scale of 1-10 I think he accomplished a two in his objective of trying to influence US policy." Mr Browder added he was "terrified" about where Ukraine will be after the next US election "because Donald Trump has said he will cut off funding for Ukraine".
  6. It's just that some say it was a bomb crater...old wives tale and all that, Sometimes if these stories are told long and hard enough they become true πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  7. There's a bomb crater on Osmaston Park, I wonder if this is where one of the bombs hit?
  8. Have a look here @Bigunder they may jog your memory https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/news/nostalgia/gallery/way-ahead-hmv-virgin-pictures-6903459
  9. Sorted David...on my...privacy, Search and services...tracking prevention it was set to strict, Now set to balanced and can now view X
  10. There isn't any particular username it's twixxter in general...it says this page has been blocked by Microsoft edge
  11. You're not alone Wolfie same here...but, A few months ago I could click on a link posted here from twixxter and watch goals from DCFC, Now when I click on a twixxter link on here I get a has the secret police blocked me 😬
  12. Fcuk me you struggle to beat a mid league1 team and then a mid champ team takes you to pens and you're going to win the Cup, Now I know you're chucking some chick feed for a bite and glad you have. Another fixture for you to compete in a fixture back log that will enhance your relegation...happy daysπŸ‘
  13. Not sure I should post this...but I will, My Dad in 1963 knocked down and killed a pensioner at the corner of Friar Gate and Uttoxeter Rd where the Garrick pub was while driving his bus, The "Clippie" fainted, It was a very foggy day and the poor sod walked straight into the bus. How about this, The following year he received an award for his driving as he was absolved from all responsibility for the old mans death.
  14. Hello @Kathcairns this thread is tailor made for ya 😁
  15. Nope didn't know...but know now...πŸ‘
  16. @Ram-Alf like this πŸ‘ Thanks
  17. When posting a posters name how do you get it to be in that black mode?
  18. My Dad drove those buses, His tea room was on Tenant Street and they changed the poles at the market place...wait till Kathcairns sees this thread 😁
  19. I'm watching Mainz Vs Union Berlin...pissing it down and a small but deep swimming pool has developed...and puddles around the pitch...all good fun 😁 For some reason they are throwing tennis balls on the pitch...game held up twice for the balls to be cleared πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  20. I bought my 1st one there, It was a James McFarlane check shirt, Button down collar and short sleeved, When you only earned £6.50 a week and gave your mum £2 and the Tories took 57p national ins...saving a few new pence was a must 😁
  21. It's the Ghost Walk used to be run by Richard Felix, The City Council would only let Richard use part of it as I think Markeaton Brook was to close by. A few years ago, One of the tunnels was used by a...shall we say...thief to come up into the Royal Telegraph pub on Traffic Street and pinch a shedload of bottled spirits
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