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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. Our budget will surely be higher on the basis better players are more expensive, But lets say our budget will stay at circa £14million then that will keep us as you say "we will have no problem competing"...then there is this quote below “From a wages point of view, this is now the fifth year in a row that the wage-to-revenue ratio is above 100 per cent for the Championship, which is quite concerning,” Zal Udwadia, assistant director in Deloitte’s sports business group, told i News following their recently-published annual review. It's a balancing act that's going to take Houdini and Paul Daniels to pull a rabbit out of the hat
  2. Finances at a guess, Better players, Keeping hold of the 22k plus ST holders, If promoted we'll get circa £8 million in TV revenue, We'll need at least 12+ more players at a higher wage cost, Transfer fees + agents fees, The ticket prices will rise as the product in theory will rise, I believe we are losing a considerable amount of loot in League 1, I think Clowes will need some form of financial backing...ie some rich "sugar daddy" to come on board😬 Coming out of embargo and the game starts again with a clean slate, May be Stephen Pierce is already scouting for the next multi millionaire who has millions to flush down the toilet 😉
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/68250675
  4. I see my quip flew over your head. I was suggesting PW had just signed in and might see your post and give him an Idea above his station.
  5. Ssshhh...I think PW has just signed in to read the posts, Don't give him ideas 😁
  6. Whoa whoa there Anag...you've missed out Hourihane our Captain 😉
  7. This division is of a shocking standard when it comes to football...imo, I'm not a visitor to PP but I've seen enough on the TV and an avid reader of this forum...but...27,204 were there, Are fans still going in the hope our standard will improve or is it because it was only STFC and a guaranteed 3points 😉 PW was asked a few weeks ago pre game "have Derby a 5th gear to go to" PWs comment "perhaps this is our 5th gear" Fans including myself see a squad of talented players that are playing in a system and style shaped by PW, There seems to me looking from afar that there's a couple of missing pieces to the jigsaw, Those pieces are still in the box and a little rough around the edges, CBT and EB if these 2 could add that bit of steel and pace to our squad and getting Forsyth and a fit Nyambe with the return of EC things should become a lot more clearer 🤷‍♂️ I'm not going to hold my breath as this is DCFC and we know what comes with the territory, Plenty of points to play for as have the other teams, We just need that little bit of je ne sais quoi ☺️
  8. Did you get that council flat in the end?
  9. Who'd have thought it, 3-0 up and then 83, 85 and 90+1 minute goals, Wassel made subs, Blackman and Bent came on for Thorne and Martin on 75 and 76 mins...nuff said 😉
  10. I'm not to sure if that's a put down or you can't wait till shrove Tuesday 🤷‍♂️
  11. That would be hilarious, And it would confirm the EFL are corrupt, EPL and EFL are 2 different factions.
  12. WHU 0 The Arse 4...not even HT, WHU are absolute dog sh!t 👍
  13. The "blindingly obvious" Jim is they want to support their football team, Some just can't get out of the habit, It becomes a drug and if you don't go you believe you've let them down...is just one of many reasons why they keep turning up 👏
  14. I do, Lee a master of how to trip ones self up 🏃‍♂️ ☺️
  15. A post that puts some other posts to shame...post of the day 👏
  16. 27,240 there yesterday...Wow...someones doing something right I guess
  17. red dog penalty shout yesterday, Pundits said penalty, red dog manager said penalty, Watch how the attacking player sticks his left leg into the goalkeeper to create a foul...this is where we are today rich 👎
  18. Just seen the 2 penalty's at Luton Vs Sheff Utd, Mad...fcuking mad, Football as we know it is now being reffed by someone in a box, I despair at where our beautiful game has gone 😔👎
  19. Just a side not. Chesterfield 2 Ebbsfleet 2, The former are pissing their division, The latter are 2nd from bottom, Chesterfield fans must have thought pre game...there's a 6-0 here. Funny game is Soccer 😁
  20. I guess that was Shrewsbury's manager team talk done for him, PW is starting to get under my skin with his happy pre Rams TV garble, Talking about how nice the opposition manager is and whether he'll speak to him if they score 1st, Incredible how at times he talks the opposition up. Yep he's beginning to wind me up
  21. Well I feel your pain and frustration for those that went or watched on TV, We've lost 9 points from winning positions after 85 mins that I can remember, There's something wrong with DCFC, We're 2nd and Shrewsbury are/were 6th from bottom and we struggle, The same with Cheltenham and Charlton, I doubt very much our players go out to under perform, PW said he got the tactics wrong...sorry PW but that's not your job to get things wrong, We should be putting teams like Shrewsbury to the sword...but failed, Have we got that ruthless streak in us? I don't think we have...imo. PW would have have had STFC watched and yet he admits he called it wrong with the starting 11, Well I've a very good memory and I reckon it's not the 1st time PW has called it wrong this season, Our players are playing to instructions, Those instructions are not very good, This team should be doing better than it is...and yet we're 2nd 🤷‍♂️, It's a very good job that this division is so poor that we can still get autos...wake up DCFC.
  22. Enough to buy all these and more... circa £2m
  23. I see the Muslim leader branched out once he kicked the heathens out of the Holy Land 😁
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