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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. Some may be, But I understand exactly where you're coming from, If his agent is shall we say a bit of a "loose cannon" an agent who advises said player/s can and will be a problem to deal with. Agents are a necessary evil in the game, They hold a lot of cards and know when to play them...time will tell I guess πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  2. Belper game postponed...so I might watch this with 1 eye closed
  3. Only if he can stand still for a few mins...you have to be at an age to know who this is πŸ˜‰
  4. Went to see my Grandad in hospital yesterday, They've covered his back in lard...he's going downhill fast
  5. I've been reading reports that CBT will be having a medical and signing today...anyone else read these reports?
  6. 3rd place straight to the final, 4-5-6-7 placed play each other for the privilege to getting to the finalπŸ‘
  7. Getting a 4 game touchline ban for effin and blindin at some officials as well as him calling out players and the club only served into a chairman's hands who is now in the realms of leaving league2
  8. By all accounts Max Factor in the sand dunes...he needed a good foundation to get on top 😁
  9. Saint Valentines Day Mascara...featuring Revlon and Maybelline with L'Oreal Paris as the shooter 😁
  10. Yes...Film4...lots of snow and mountain views and nowt else...rough!
  11. Denmark on iPlayer, Mid 30s man stuck in a sh!t hole town in Wales, Goes to do a job in Denmark...no spoilers as I enjoyed it. PS a lovely Irish Wolfhound plays a good part 😁 8/10...now off to watch a 101 Dalmatians πŸ˜‰
  12. The Mountain Between Us...I taped this a while back so thought I'd have a look, Idris Elba, Kate Winslet and a Golden Labrador. Elba and Winslet and the dog are in a plane crash somewhere in the USA mountains, Now the survival starts...over 2 hours long, I gave up after 1hr and 15mins A right load of tosh...2/10 and that's for the acting of the Golden Labrador Some may like it πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  13. It didn't take Pakistan to long for retribution now did it, Would you want to fcuk with a nuclear power, Lavrov now threatening the USA and UK with WW3 and nuclear weapons, China concerned with North Korea supplying Russia with munitions. World goods are now travelling around the Cape so their cargo ships will not be attacked by Iran backed Houthis, An extra 10 days journey with an estimated cost of Β£1million each cargo ship, Eventually I guess this cost will be passed on to a customer somewhere down the line. Are we heading for a new world order? or just a load of Sabre rattling, Wars come at a price and it's the innocents that pay.
  14. Netflix...the Forgotten Battle, Occupied Holland after D Day and the Scheldt during operation Market Garden a true event, No Hollywood actors just a brilliant film with very good actors...German, Dutch and British...2hrs 10mins You have to know and be aware of this incident to appreciate the film...9/10
  15. I watched Traffic on Netflix last night, Made in 2000 about drugs from Mexico and the cartels leading to addiction and the White House, A good cast...2.5 hours...an 8/10 for me.
  16. Steaming Billy and The Park πŸ‘ I have a mooch round Chadd Park, Trenton Green, Morley Rd and Max Rd from time to time just to rekindle the memories...not a great deal of change...even bump into some old friends who still live there, I left some 38 years ago ☺️
  17. We'd sink a few pints in the Tiger Bar...John would still be going strong when I'd had my fill of ale, And he'd be up and ready for another session the next day, A cracking lad with the stories to go with it...as you know πŸ˜‰
  18. As a Chadd Lad I know the Wilmot Arms very well, Rhino, Spinning Wheel, Beau Brummel, JFK, The Kingfisher, The Rocket, Penguin and occasionally the Blue Boy πŸ˜‰ I've had a few beers in them all πŸ‘ Travelled on the Felix to away games on the odd occasion, Not too many Ilson lads on at the times I travelled πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  19. It's not their money...so who gives a fcuk 😑 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cjjg5z00l3yo
  20. The goalkeeper is the last line of defence, The defence starts at the front, the 2 goals that Burton scored Vickers was left exposed, A very slight deflection and I think Vickers would have just got fingers to it and a corner might have been given, The 2nd all he could do was narrow the angle...Hugil had plenty of time to think where to put the ball...some players overthink this, Hugil put it where Vickers couldn't anticipate. Oxford, Peterboro, Fleetwood and Burton our defence looks to be a little shaky...8 goals in 4 games conceded...Why is this...rash challenges, Players given space, Players losing the ball, It happens up and down the country every game, But those with the better defenders and a good keeper will more than likely be there or there abouts come May. We're blessed with 2 good keepers, Vickers holds the top spot, It's his to lose and any fall down in expected saves or crosses then Wildsmith will be waiting.
  21. It's a cutting from a website I looked after when the original owner was in a commercial battle with a competitor...security, He's since passed and I closed it down a few years later. There were 100s of clippings he kept, But overtime the defunct website has only 1 page left. The lad you mention I do not know πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  22. That I know πŸ‘ The Bishop needs flogging 😁 The real piss take is the "utter tossers" who feed like locusts on the public purse which the Bishop must be aware of and yet he's ringing the bell for her. Oliver Cromwell will be turning in his grave 😁
  23. All political parties have their grubby paw prints all over this, A report today saying even the Arch Bishop wanted Vennalls to get her CBE...My God 😁
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